In this way, he doesn't have to worry about whether the phoenix power in his body will take the initiative to run away like today.

It can be said that the power of the phoenix, which has lost its chaotic consciousness, has become a pure power.

And Clark is now. . .Master of this power.

All he needs to do is to get acquainted with this power and learn how to use him, that's all! "Try it."

Clark was interested.

Like a kid who just got a new toy.

He first tried to channel the phoenix power in his body, but it turned out to be unexpectedly simple.

It's like using your own arm, it's very smooth, and there is no feeling of discomfort at all.

After a while. . . . . .Clark grabbed the ground in front of him, and he immediately grabbed a huge clod from the air.

He stretched out his five fingers, and the clods immediately dispersed into countless particles of soil with his thoughts, each of which was only the size of a sesame seed, scattered in the air.

Clark waved, these. . . . .The particles immediately revolved around him.

And in the next second, these. . . . .The particles directly turned into a stream of water, and the sound of rushing water was clearly audible! "What an interesting ability!"

Clark was having a great time.

him for a while. . .Turn those particles into stone, for a while. . .It turned into metal again, and then changed into a new pattern, and turned into a variety of animals.

It's just that these animals look empty-eyed and have no intelligence.

Obviously it's just an empty shell without a soul.

Clark frowned.

"After all, it is the power of the phoenix that is incomplete, and it is far from being comparable to the power of the complete phoenix!"

Clark shook his head in disappointment, the full version of Phoenix's power can definitely grant these. . . . .To the soul by the life he created.

But it's only a broken version, and it's still such a broken Phoenix power, obviously it can't do this.

Also, delete the timeline!Erase parallel universes!None of these abilities!Yes, but it's just the high-level energy that comes with the Phoenix Power itself. The level of this energy is too high, and it can interfere with the material world to a certain extent, thereby achieving the effect of changing some of the basic structures of the material world.

The intuitive embodiment is that you can manipulate molecules!other words. . . . . .Because the power of the phoenix is ​​too high in nature, the power that does not reach the corresponding level cannot really hurt him.

This is also the reason why Clark couldn't hurt the Dark Phoenix before no matter what.

Of course, in a certain movie in a previous life, the killing of the Dark Phoenix by Wolverine does not count.

That is Qin Ge Lei's will itself resisting the power of the phoenix, and losing the protection of the power of the phoenix, Qin Ge Lei herself is just an ordinary flesh and blood, and of course it is easy to kill.

In addition, the phoenix power within Clark also gave him unparalleled spiritual power.

This power is extremely powerful!In terms of pure scope, Clark can even cover most of the solar system.

And ability. . . . . .He can also destroy a person's consciousness directly from the spiritual level, and even hypnotize him to make him a puppet.

This ability is like an enhanced version of the professor.

If it wasn't for Clark's ability to be immune to the mind, it would not have been so easy to deal with the Dark Phoenix before.

With a wave of his hand, Clark scattered these things around him.

It is directly decomposed into molecular forms.

At this time, Qin Gelei, who had been in a coma since the Phoenix Force left her body, also faintly woke up.

"Get up from the ground when you wake up."

Clark said to her.

Qin Ge Lei, who had just woken up, still looked a little confused.

She heard Clark's words and got up from the ground.

First he looked around, and then his eyes fell on Clark.

"Who are you"

She looked at Clark curiously and asked.

"You don't know me anymore"

Clark looked at her and asked in surprise.

Qin Ge Lei shook her head and asked, "Do we know where this is?"

Clark looked at her like this and probably understood what was going on.

No wonder, the previous Black Phoenix state was so stable, and the consciousness that belonged to Qin Ge Lei didn't even come out. Clark thought it was because he was not familiar with Qin Ge Lei.

Now it seems that the feeling is that the power of the phoenix has long since erased her memory and turned her into a newborn baby. . . . . .Well, it can't be said that it is completely the same as a newborn baby.

At least, she didn't forget how to speak.

Knowing Qin Ge Lei's situation, Clark thought about it and said, "Your current situation may be due to amnesia."

"Amnesia Why do I have amnesia"

Qin Ge Lei looked innocent and innocent.

Looking at her like this, Clark was really embarrassed to deceive her.

"There was an evil force that controlled you before. Look around, you caused it."

Qin Ge Lei looked at the surrounding area, where there was an apocalyptic scene, and she couldn't help showing a sad expression.

"This...that's what I did"

"Well, yes, you did it all."

Clark nodded solemnly and continued, "But don't blame yourself too much. You were controlled by that evil force before, and you didn't know what you were doing, so I can't blame you."

Qin Grey: . . . . . .She, who has lost her memory of the past, is like a blank piece of paper, for. .What Clark said, he didn't have the slightest doubt, he just believed it all.

Even because Clark was the first person she saw after waking up, she instinctively had a good impression of Clark and was willing to believe what he said.

" saved it"

Qin Ge Lei asked innocently.

As honest as Clark, he naturally nodded without hesitation.

He was the one who saved it!He is not lying! ! !If it weren't for his heroic dedication, 'the power of the phoenix took the initiative to change the host.

Now Qin Ge Lei is still in the state of the dark phoenix.

so. . . . . .Who do I say "You saved me, then we must have been good friends before"

"Yes, we have a good relationship!"

"Then can you tell me what my name is?"

"Qin, your name is Qin Ge Lei."

"Qin, my name"

"Yes, your name is Clark."

"Clark, your name, good friend!"

"That's right, good friend!"

. . . . .After a trick, the innocent and innocent Qin Ge Lei directly recognized Clark as his good friend, for. .The things Clark said were even more convinced.

"Qin, let's get out of here first, and I'll take you home."

Clark said.

"go home!"

Qin's eyes lit up when she heard it, she took Clark's hand and said, "Well, let's go home!"

"Then hurry up."

Clark said.

Qin nodded.

The next moment, the figure of the two is. . .disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Clark had already returned to the island he named [Garden of Eden] with Jyn.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Test the piano, new features!

"You take a short rest here first, I'll go out and come back soon."

Clark arranged for Jyn to rest in a room and told her not to run around before turning around and leaving.

Soon Clark found Magneto.

Explain the situation to him.

"No problem, I won't mention her past in front of her."

Magneto understood what Clark meant.

At the same time, he welcomes mutants like Jean into their Hydra family.

. . . . .In the afternoon, Clark took Jyn to the training room to test her current abilities.

Qin originally had two abilities, one was telepathy, and the other was telepathy. Now that the Phoenix Force has left her body, Clark is not sure if her two abilities have changed.

The telepathy ability test is more troublesome, and Clark just used his telepathy ability to sense it, and after confirming that Qin still has telepathy ability, and her mental strength is not weak, she did not continue to test her.

What he mainly wanted to test today was Qin's telekinetic ability.

Before this ability, Qin had not been very strong, and it was only at the second level.

The second-level psychic power can only lift a few hundred kilograms at most, and the longest distance can only be limited to within [-] meters.

Clark first let Qin try the [-]kg weight.

In the end, she did it easily.

Clark then asked her to try another [-] kilograms.

Qin is still easy to do.

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