This time, Clark was absolutely sure that Qin's mental power had been greatly improved compared to before.

In other words, the power that had been suppressed before was finally controlled by her and Clark continued to let her test.

As a result, even if everything in the training room was lifted up, Qin Duo performed with ease and ease.

And the total weight of these things that can be moved throughout the training room adds up, at least. . . . .Also more than [-] tons!And this is obviously not the limit of the piano!Even far from the limit! ! ! . . . . .Clark took Jyn to the outskirts of the island.

He tried to get Jean to fly using telekinesis.

Qin was ignorant at first and couldn't learn it, but with Clark teaching her hand by hand, it only took half an hour, and she finally managed to fly, although it was crooked and ugly.

But it was a breakthrough.

Next, Clark let Jyn practice for more than half an hour.

When she was able to fly, she left the island with her and came to the sea outside the island.

"You wait here."

After Clark finished telling Jyn, he plunged into the water.

after awhile. . . . . .The rumbling waters parted, and a huge undersea mountain rose to the surface.

Below is Clark, who sits on the undersea mountain with both hands and brings it to the surface.

"You try to lift it up and see."

Clark said to Jyn.

Qin, who had a blank expression, nodded subconsciously.

Then he controlled his psychic power and held up the bottom of the mountain.

Clark felt the weight on his hands lighten a little bit, and soon he let go of his hands, while the mountain was still suspended in mid-air.

"not bad!"

Clark praised.

The weight of this submarine mountain is the least. . . . .Also more than [-] million tons.

And Qin used the power of the mind to lift it up, and it didn't seem to be particularly laborious.

Ten million tons of psychic power, this is already the edge of the fifth level.

So, Clark guessed.

Qin's power of thinking has actually reached the fifth level.

As long as she learns some methods to use, this is another powerful fifth-level mutant combat power! "Try to make it move."

Clark said.

Qin nodded in agreement.

She controlled the mountain to move on the sea, and the farthest distance was even more than two or three kilometers, but she still did not reach the limit of Qin's control distance!After a while, Clark felt more or less the same.

Let Qin withdraw the power of thought.

Then he sent the undersea mountain back to the bottom of the sea.

"Come on, we're going back."

Clark said.

Qin nodded and subconsciously reached out and grabbed his hand.

Clark glanced at her and didn't refuse.

. . . . .In the blink of an eye, several months passed quickly.

On the side of the mutant world, the situation has stabilized. Now Clark goes there every three or five times, and he can get about [-] destruction points every day without having to do anything himself.

The reason why the damage points harvested can reach this number is also because there are enough mutants.

In a few months, more than [-] mutants have now joined Hydra!This is an absolutely terrifying number!You know, there are only a few million mutants in the world.

Remove those. .There is no fighting spirit.

Remove those. .There is no combat power, and the remaining ones may only be one or two million!And Clark's Hydra occupied twelve of them!Among them, there are mutants like Qin who have reached the fifth level of combat power.

So there is no need for Clark to do it himself, just this group of subordinates can help him get everything done.

Clark just needs to lie down and earn points! [Kryptonian template unlock rate: 47%] When the Kryptonian template unlock rate exceeded [-]%, Clark gained a new feature.

[Kryptonite Devour] This ability seems to conflict with the [Kryptonite Immunity] Clarke had obtained before.

But in fact, the ability to devour kryptonite comes from a comic in a previous life. Superman with this ability is a villain in that comic. He is called a superman and has the ability to devour kryptonite to gain power.

Conversely, a yellow sun would remove the Speedmaster's abilities and make it painful.

It can be said to be the complete opposite of the original Justice Superman. . . .

Fortunately, what Clark has acquired is only the characteristics of kryptonite swallowing, and he will not become a superhero... He will lose his ability as soon as the light of the yellow sun is irradiated, otherwise, it will be too pit!But even so, the kryptonite phagocytosis ability is very important. .For Clark, it was almost useless.

Because there is no such thing as kryptonite in the Marvel world!The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: Watch the premiere with Jessica

There is no kryptonite in the Marvel world, so it can be said that the feature unlocked by [-]% unlocking degree is the feature that disappoints Clark the most.

Not that the feature itself is problematic.

It's Clark's environment that makes this feature completely useless! . . . . .Kent Cinemas, 11:55pm.

A black Ferrari supercar slowly drove into the ground-level parking lot of the theater.

Wait until the car stops.

The front and rear doors of the car opened, and a young man and woman got out of the car.

Among them, the man wore a mask and glasses on his face, so he couldn't see the specific appearance.

It is. . . . .The female companion next to her, without any cover.

Dressed in a fresh and beautiful dress, with long black hair, delicate facial features, fair skin, full of collagen.

"Fortunately, we didn't meet the traffic police on the road just now, otherwise you must have been stopped, boss."

The girl came over and said jokingly with a smile.

Driving with sunglasses on at night is a bit of a jerk.

But the girl didn't seem to be worried, but just joked that they didn't meet the traffic police.

"You talk too much."

A big hand pressed on the girl's head and rubbed the girl's hair vigorously.

The girl stretched out her hand and patted it away angrily.

"You messed up all the hairstyles I managed to get!"

The girl looked pissed.

At this time, a hand grabbed the little hand of the girl.

"Okay, you are beautiful no matter what, don't worry about your hairstyle."

Holding the girl's hand, the two walked towards the cinema.

The girl who was being held by the hand flushed slightly, but she stuck out her tongue mischievously and said with a smile, "Boss, do you think this is harassing your subordinates?"

No waiting: The boy answered, and the girl ran to the front with a smile.

Behind him, Clark, wearing a mask and sunglasses, smiled and shook his head.

Tonight is the premiere of their latest Kent Films film, The Flower Vine.

Clark had promised Jessica before that he would take her to the premiere, so the two of them would be here tonight.

The reason why Clark was dressed in this way was simply because he didn't want to arouse everyone's attention.

After all, his... Superman's worldwide fame far exceeds that of the so-called international superstar.

. . . . .Entering the screening hall, the movie is about to start, and some of the previous advertisements are playing on the big screen, mainly the trailers of other movies.

Clark dragged Jessica, and the two found their seats.

"There are so many people!"

After sitting down, Jessica whispered to Clark: "There are so many people at the premiere at 0000:[-], this movie is definitely going to explode again!"

"Of course, are there any movies from Kent Pictures that are not popular?"

Clark smiled and said.

Jessica rolled his eyes at him.

Muttered "What a stinky fart"

After that, he picked up the drink and took a sip.

"Give me some popcorn."

She reached out.

Clark picked up the popcorn and handed it to her.

Seeing her happily holding the popcorn bucket, her mouth kept talking, she couldn't help crying and laughing.

Is popcorn so good? Clark was a little speechless.

At this time, the movie also started.

The lights in the auditorium dimmed, and everyone was quiet.

The movie "The Vine Girl" tells the story of the Vine Girl before joining the Justice League.

The entire movie is usually two and a half hours long.

There was no urination in the whole process, and there were even some very funny scenes, which made the audience in the theater laugh.

Overall, The Flower Vine is a very successful commercial popcorn movie.

It does not have a particularly profound connotation, but it can make you laugh while your blood is boiling.

for. .As far as commercial popcorn movies are concerned, ” is undoubtedly a success.

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