Just like "Queen of the Tides" before it.

Clark estimates that the film will not do as well at the box office as "Queen of the Tides" before it.

After two and a half hours of the movie, the whole movie in front was over. The audience in the auditorium did not get up and leave, but continued to sit and watch the subtitles that appeared on the screen.

"Have you appeared in the easter eggs in the back?"

Jessica came over curiously and asked in a low voice.

Clark looked at her, the two were very close at this time, and Clark could clearly smell the faint scent of Jessica.

Jessica was a little embarrassed by what he looked at.

Turning his head blushing.

"Don't say it, don't say it, anyway...you can see it right away."

Clark smiled.

At this time, the subtitles on the screen also finished playing, and the last easter egg of the movie appeared.

In the easter egg, Kavuji meets several other members of the Justice League in a training room, and then at the end of the egg, Clark in Superman's black uniform also appears for a few seconds.

Although it only appeared for a few seconds, it still aroused the cheers of a large number of audiences in the theater.

Snapped!The lights in the theater are turned on.

The movie is over.

The audience who got up and left was still a little reluctant.

Along the way Clark heard more than one mention of when the audience would see it again on the big screen. . .When will superman superman have a new movie and so on. . .These. . . . . !In fact, Clark wasn't thinking about making a second standalone film about Superman.

But then he had a Justice League movie project.

At that time, as the founder of the Justice League, he will definitely appear.

It can be rounded up. . . . .An audience's dream.

. . . . .The movie ended, and it was already 2:[-]:[-]:[-] in the morning.

Clark drove Jessica home in the car. The little girl didn't say a word along the way, but her face was always red, and she peeked at Clark from time to time, not knowing what she was thinking.

Clark did not use his psychic abilities to perceive her inner thoughts.

It's not an enemy. If you know everything in advance, life will become very boring.

Sometimes, the unknown is also a pleasure.

Jessica's residence was arranged for her by Clark in the name of the company.

It is an upscale apartment building.

It has a good environment, convenient facilities and perfect security.

Of course, with Jessica's ability, the security is. . . . .Most likely it won't come in handy.


Clark parked the car in a parking space on the side of the road and turned to Jessica in the co-pilot.


Jessica nodded nervously, unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door.

Suddenly, she stopped for a while, turned around and asked, "That... Boss, do you want to go up and sit down?"


Clark was just waiting for her to say this, how could he refuse.

Hearing Clark agree, Jessica couldn't help but feel nervous again.

The two got out of the car.

Jessica walked in front with her head down, her footsteps fast, and she looked anxious.

Clark looked into his eyes and smiled secretly.

Still a little girl.

The two took the elevator upstairs.

Jessica's apartment is on the first floor. There are two apartment types on each floor of this high-end apartment, each corresponding to an elevator. The elevator needs an access card to stop on the corresponding floor. Otherwise, the elevator will not even move.

Wait for the elevator to reach the 17th floor.

The door opens, that's it. . .A spacious hallway.

Jessica went over with the access card and opened the door.

"Boss, please come in."

She kept her head down, looking very embarrassed.

Looks cramped.

Clark did. . . . .I think her look is very interesting, a girl who is usually quite carefree, but now she looks like this, which is a bit contrasting and cute.

After taking a seat in the living room, Jessica went over to pour Clark a glass of water, and then sat across from him.

"Why are you sitting so far away, are you afraid of me?"

Clark reached out and patted the seat next to him, and said, "Come and sit."

Jessica blushed and nodded, walked over with a water glass and sat down: .

"That... Boss, are you hungry?"

Clark looked at her with a smile and asked, "Why, didn't you just eat a big bucket of popcorn when you were hungry?"

When Jessica heard this, she immediately became embarrassed.

Her appetite is a million points better than the average girl.

However, she didn't get fat, what happened after eating more than [-] million points, maybe she got used to it after a while.

Jessica is no longer as nervous and cramped as she was at the beginning.

"Boss, I'm hungry, I'm going to cook some noodles, do you want to eat?"

Clark nodded.

"Okay, just to try your craftsmanship."

Jessica giggled and stood up.

"Then boss, sit and wait for a while... you'll have something to eat right away."

She trotted and ran out of the kitchen when there was a movement of rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

Clark didn't sit and wait, but turned and walked to the edge of the kitchen, watching Jessica skillfully cooking noodles there.

Noodles are pasta and need some toppings.

Jessica has it in the refrigerator at home, just take it out and warm it up and use it.

"You usually eat this at home"

Clark asked her.

"Yeah, it's delicious."

Jessica nodded.

"Then your requirements for food are really not high."

Clark said with a smile.

Jessica glared at him angrily.

"You say it again, I won't feed you!"

"Okay, okay, I won't say it."

Clark smiled and raised his hands in surrender, then continued to watch her work there.

"I don't know how to help."

Jessica glanced at him and muttered softly.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The Avengers of the Parallel Universe are Coming!

Ultimately, Clark came into the kitchen to help.

Mainly because he saw that Jessica was moving too slowly, it was almost three o'clock, and he didn't want to wait too long.

. . . . . "Well, your pasta tastes pretty good."

Clark tasted the pasta that Jessica had cooked. .The taste of high-end western restaurant is poor.

"Not bad right!"

Jessica said with a smug little expression, "I bought the best ingredients, plus my cooking skills, it must taste good!"

Mainly because the sauce tastes good!Of course, Clark wouldn't say that.

Otherwise, it would be too incomprehensible.

After eating pasta, Clark helped Jessica clean the dishes.

During the process, the two inevitably had some intimate contact, which made Jessica blushed several times, but did not take the initiative to avoid it.

"It's half past three."

Clark glanced at the time on his watch, then asked Jessica, "Have you had a busy day today, are you going to take a shower?"

Jessica blushed and nodded, then ran into the room without saying a word.

Waited for half an hour.

Jessica just changed into pajamas and came out of the room.

Her hair was wet and not yet dry.

"That... do you want to—"

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