"It's very hot today, I'll go wash one too."

Clark didn't wait: After Jessica finished speaking, she stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Jessica blushed behind her. She wanted to ask if it was time for Clark to leave now that it was late.

result. . . . . .Well, Jessica didn't say the second half of the sentence.

Only let Clark go to take a shower.

Men must take a bath much faster than women, although Jessica is not the kind of woman who is... dawdling, but it still took half an hour to wash, and Clark only took less than ten minutes to wash. Washed out.

At this time, Jessica was still standing there, looking confused.

Clark walked behind her and whispered in her ear, "It's almost dawn, why don't you rest?"

Jessica's body trembled slightly, and after a long hesitation, she nodded.

. . .The next day, Clark woke up at noon.

And Jessica is still: rest.

He went over to the kitchen to get something to eat, then took Jesse and the two to brunch.

"There's nothing wrong with the company today, you can take a day off."

Clark said after eating.

"No need, I feel fine, rest."

Jessica shook her head, with her physique, she had actually recovered a long time ago.

"Let's take a day off, anyway... I don't plan to go to the company today."

Clark squeezed Jessica's cheek with a smile and said, "Be obedient, you can do your work anytime."

Feeling Clark's intimacy, Jessica blushed and nodded.

in the afternoon.

The two sat together on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

Jessica lay in Clark's arms like a kitten, raising her head to look at him from time to time, looking like a happy little woman.

"Clark, do we count as boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

Jessica asked.

Clark squeezed her nose with a smile and said, "Fool, of course, or what do you think?"

Jessica giggled and hugged him even harder.

. . . . .In the afternoon a few days later.

Clark is working on some papers in the office.

At this time, a portal suddenly opened in front of him, followed by the Ancient One Mage in a white robe and walked out from the other side of the portal.

Clark put down the document and looked at Master Gu Yi.

"Master, why do you have time to come to me today?"

Master Gu Yi said with a serious expression: "I am here today to inform you that I have sensed a power fluctuation from a different time and space. People from other parallel universes are opening quantum channels, and they will come to our world soon. "

"So fast!"

Clark was a little surprised, he thought that. . . . .People from parallel universes will wait for a long time to come, but they didn't expect to arrive so early.

"I won't interfere in this matter, you need to do it yourself."

Master Gu Yi said.

Clark nodded and said, "No problem, I'll take care of this... little trouble."

Master Gu Yi nodded, not doubting whether Clark could handle these troubles.

She had felt an extremely high energy fluctuation some time ago, and this fluctuation came from Clark's body.

Although Mage Gu Yi doesn't know what that power is, Clark, who possesses this power, can definitely solve these problems easily. . . . .Trouble from a parallel universe.

"Then I'll go first."

After Mage Gu Yi finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the portal behind him, followed by the portal closing.

"A superhero from another parallel universe?"

Clark stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and looked at the city outside.

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly.

"Don't be too weak, it will disappoint me too much!"

. . . . .Two days later, late at night.

In a dark alley in Brooklyn, several figures suddenly appeared and landed in the alley.

Without exception, these people were all wearing strange clothes that looked a bit like space suits, but were much lighter than space suits.

It looks a bit like a Kree battle suit.

"Is this... the parallel universe with problems?"

Captain Steve, who opened his helmet, looked around, frowned and said to Tony, who was on the side, "Tony, you can't choose a better position, it's too bad here!"

On the side, an overturned garbage can, the ground is full of garbage, and there are several dead mice corpses, exuding bursts of stench.

"I also chose it at random. Who knew it would be so bad here."

Tony, who also disliked the smell very much, shrugged with an innocent expression on his face.

"Okay, let's get out of here first."

Natasha said, "Investigate it first to see what is going on in this world, which will cause a chain reaction in parallel time and space."

"I have no opinion."

Captain Marvel shook his head, she came here only to be in charge of the battle, and she didn't care about the rest. . . .

, and leave it to a professional to handle it.

"I don't mind, but can I have something to eat first?"

Sol suggested.

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Chapter [-]: The dumbfounded Avengers

In a roadside fast food restaurant, the Avengers who have just arrived in this world are eating.

"Well, this restaurant's pizza tastes good."

Sol grabbed two slices of pizza stacked on top of each other in one hand, and a cup of Fat House Happy Water in the other, and his mouth was full of sauce.

Several people next to him looked at him with embarrassed expressions.

"I said, Sol, did you not eat before you came? Why are you like a starving ghost?"

Natasha looked disgusted.

If it weren't for the middle of the night, there would be no customers in this store.

Otherwise, it will definitely be watched.

What a shame! "I don't know, I've been very hungry recently."

Sol said while chewing on the pizza.

At this time, Tony, who was wearing a hat and put on a simple disguise, looked at him strangely.

Get hungry easily. . . . . .This made Tony couldn't help but think of Thor five years later, the... fat man Thor with a big belly and a pair of sunglasses.

Look at it this way. . . . . .If Sol continued to binge eat like this, it was really possible that he would become like that.

"Cough cough!"

When Tony arrived here, he couldn't help coughing a few times and said, "Sol, I think you'd better eat less, or you'll gain weight easily."

"I'm getting fat"

Thor laughed, "Tony, stop joking, I'm Thor! The king of Asgard! How could I gain weight because of eating more!"

With that said, he drank the Fat House Happy Water from the cup, then handed it to Steve and said, "Steve, please help me refill it."

Steve shook his head with a wry smile, took the cup, and walked over to the beverage machine.

"How did you find anything?"

At this time, Captain Marvel asked Banner on the side.

Banner wore glasses and didn't eat anything, just ordered a cup of coffee, and then he has been checking the situation of the world through the global information network.

At this time, when he heard Captain Marvel's question, Banner also took off his glasses, and said with a dignified expression: "I found a lot of things, how can I say... It's a bit complicated."

"what happened"

Natasha asked quickly.

At this time, Steve came back with a cup of Coke, and after handing the Coke to Sol, he also looked at Banner.

"The world I'm in is still 200 years old."

Banner said.

"That's three years before I become Iron Man and start the era of superheroes."

Tony smiled and said.

He has always been very proud of the era of superheroes that he started.

After all, he is the world's first superhero!At this time, Banner gave Tony a strange look, making him uncomfortable.

"Why did I say something wrong?"

Tony asked.

Banner nodded and said, "Although the timeline of this world is only 200 years old, just a year ago in 05, a superhero was born."

Hearing this, the expressions of several people present changed.

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