"So, this is... the source of anomalies affecting parallel universes"

Steve asked with a solemn expression.

Banner shook his head and said, "It's not certain yet, but it's very likely."

He introduced: "You may not believe it when you say it. We all know the first superhero that appeared in this world."

Hearing Banner's words, everyone looked at Steve subconsciously.

"Captain, could it be that you of this world were discovered in advance?"

Not to mention how many of them, even Steve couldn't help but think so.

However, Banner shook his head and denied their guess.

"No, this superhero is not the captain."

Banna said, "You guys... should have read the comics."

Many people nodded, only Natasha shook her head.

She hadn't seen these. . . . .comics.

"Then have you seen the Superman movie? Natasha asked.

This time Natasha nodded.

She used to see it when she was on vacation.

"and many more...!"

Steve said in surprise, "Banna, you specifically mentioned Superman, shouldn't you mean to say..."

Banner nodded and said, "Yes, the first superhero to appear in this world is... Superman!"

He turned the computer in his hand so that everyone could see it.

"You'll understand after watching this video."

He clicked to play a video on his computer that showed Clarke making his first appearance as Superman last year and saving a commercial airliner.

The video is not long, and several people watched it quickly.

Then. . . . . .Confused!Isn't Superman a fictional character in the comics? Why did he suddenly come to reality? Well, parallel universes are similar. Why is there no Superman in their world? Seeing the expressions on their faces, Banner knows them. thinking about something.

"Actually, when I first saw it, I thought about the same thing as you guys."

Banner said, "But this is the truth, in this world, there really is a superman!"

"and many more...!"

Tony suddenly thought of something and said, "It's not possible that an enhanced person with superman-like abilities is actually not a real superman. After all, a superhero who ran out of comics is too ridiculous!"

When others heard the words, they also thought that Tony's speculation was very likely.

After all, there is something similar to strengthening people's abilities.

It's just that the superman in the video is more powerful.

What's more, isn't there an Inhuman race!Maybe it's from the Inhumans. On the opposite side, Banner smiled bitterly and said, "I thought so too until I saw this."

He pulled up another video on the computer.

This video is the video of the first fight between Clark and the Hulk.

The clips in the video are clips of the battle between the two, without the previous scene of the Justice League being madly abused by the Hulk.

Tony and the others saw this video and looked at Banner subconsciously.

After all, the other protagonist in this video is. . .himself.

Oh no!It's the Banner of this world!The video ends when Clark smashes an island with one punch.

Everyone fell silent.

If they could have explained it with similarly capable reinforced humans or Inhumans before, then after watching this video, they already believed that the other party was really the Superman in the comics!This is it. . . . . .It's so frustrating!After a while - "You said, will there be a superman in our world?"

Hawkeye Barton, who hasn't spoken much, guessed.

Everyone looked at him.

Weird look.

"If there was such a superman, we wouldn't have been beaten so badly by Thanos in the first place."

Tony said: "So I am more inclined to believe that this Superman belongs to this world alone, and it is precisely because of his existence that such serious variables have arisen."

A superman with an explosive force value can indeed do this.

"What information is there about this Superman?"

Natasha asked Banner.

Banner nodded and said, "There is indeed some information about him. In fact, these things are everywhere on the Internet, and it is not difficult to find at all."

"In the last year, this superman started a superhero organization called the Justice League."

the Avengers:. . . . . .All right!Superman has appeared, and it's not uncommon for a Justice League or something.

"Will there be Batman and Flash in this Justice League?"

Captain Marvel asked curiously.

Banner shook his head.

"No, there are nine 9s in the Justice League. Except for Superman, the other eight 8s are the only ones I have the impression of."

Banner pulled up a few pictures of Shadowman on the computer.

"Isn't that the... absorbing people!"

Natasha recognized each other at first sight.

Although after joining the Avengers, she has basically not been involved in S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .thing, not to mention after S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Down, Nick Fury turned into the shadows, the bright side of S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The chief also became Colson.

But for S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Some of the tasks, she still has some understanding.

After all, they are the Avengers.

Like some things about strengthening people and Inhumans, they are also concerned about it.


. . . . .

. . . .If they can't solve it, they have to solve it.

So, for. .Natasha is no stranger to absorbing Karl.

"That's right, it's... absorbing people, but here, he's called Shadowman, a first-generation Justice League superhero."

"I remember he was a criminal."

Natasha looked suspicious.

"Maybe it's a change from evil."

Steve guessed.

Natasha shook her head, expressing her disbelief.

"Apart from... this... Shadowman, who else is there?"

Barton asked.

"And the Queen of Tides, the Crimson Storm, the Flower Vine Girl...these."

Banner called up their photos and added: "But in last year's Hulk incident, the Justice League sacrificed two members and then added two new members."

Speaking of which, Banner himself felt strange.

Hulk Incident. . . . . .Isn't he the Hulk himself?Talking about yourself is really weird!To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The way to deal with Superman

"Oh! It seems that the Hulk in this world is more powerful!"

Sol said with a grin.

He squinted at Banner, who was sitting across from him, with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

Everyone ignored this guy.

Continue talking about other things.

Next, Banner introduced the existence of the Injustice Alliance and its affiliation with S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The Revenge Squad, etc. . .These. . . . .Events and organizations that their world doesn't have.

"That guy Fury has a revenge team, what does this mean, the predecessor of our Avengers"

Tony pouted and said, "Unfortunately, as soon as he came out, he was beaten badly."

"Barton, you seem to be the captain of this revenge team."

Barton on the opposite side shrugged, indicating that it was another Barton's business and had nothing to do with him.

"Okay, let's discuss now how to deal with this Justice League."

Steve said with a serious face: "According to what Master Gu Yi said, we only need to remove those variables that hinder the normal development of the timeline, and then all timelines can be returned to their original point."

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