"This Justice League, obviously shouldn't exist in this timeline, I think this is... a variable, what do you think?"

The others nodded in agreement.

After all, in orthodox history, there is no Justice League.

"The captain is right, but I have to correct a little here."

Tony said: "Although the Justice League is a variable, don't forget who created this variable. The person who created the Justice League is actually the real source!"

Superman!The name popped into everyone's mind.

The Justice League was founded by Superman a year ago, and there would be no Justice League without Superman.

That is to say. . . . . .Their real enemy is actually Superman!As long as Superman is solved, the rest are small problems, which are easy to handle.

"Fortunately, Superman has to solve it, but our identities cannot be exposed in the process."

Tony continued, "Once people in this world see us, it will inevitably affect the other us in this world."

"Don't when Superman's problem is solved, then a new problem arises."

"So, I recommend everyone to wear this."

Tony took out the bionic masks he brought and distributed them to everyone.

"Tony, since you brought this thing, why didn't you take it out earlier?"

Tony shrugged and said, "Sorry, just forgot."

People: . . . . . .You are doing something!In fact, Tony didn't forget, he just brought these things in preparation.

If the variables of this world are easier to solve, there is no need for bionic masks, they are sneaky, and they will be solved without anyone knowing.

But the problem is!Now this superman is obviously difficult to play.

There will be a lot of noise by then.

At this time, it is necessary to use a bionic mask!This bionic mask was originally S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The product is mainly used for camouflage when secret agents sneak into the enemy's interior.

The function is like an enhanced version of the human skin mask. It can record several faces, which is convenient for quick replacement. It can even cover the hair, making the original long hair look short or even bald.

specific scientific principles. . . . . .In fact, Banner and Tony can understand it when they are present, and it is enough that others only know how to use it.

Immediately after everyone put on the bionic mask. . .became another. . . . . .A wide sample.

Even Captain Marvel did not refuse to wear a mask.

After all, the current timeline of this world is 06, and she came to Earth in 95 and became Captain Marvel.

Although not many people know her on earth, it is not without.

Not to mention, there is also Nick Fury, who is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . . , is the chief agent!Once discovered by him, there is no doubt that something will happen.

So, in order to avoid trouble, Captain Marvel still put on this mask.

"Now, let's discuss what to do with this Superman."

Steve asked everyone to talk about their ideas and brainstormed the best way to think of it.

"If there is anything to discuss, just go to the door and kill him, or it will be over."

After hearing Steve's words, Sol said with a look of disapproval: "Let me and Carol finish this matter, by the way, Banner, if you want Hulk to come out and ask for it, You can count as one."

Sol's idea is simple.

The most powerful of their Avengers. . .He and Hulk, and now there is one more foreign aid - Captain Marvel!As long as there are three of them, they can't deal with a Superman. Although the one in the video just now... Superman is very powerful, but it is only stronger than the normal Hulk.

Thor is confident that he can handle this Superman by himself.

Counting Captain Marvel and Hulk, it's just to be more secure and speed up.

"Saul, are you sure?"

Steve looked at him and asked.

for. .Of course, Steve knew about Sol's strength.

But the one in the video... Superman, even the Hulk can beat him, so he's not sure if Thor can handle the other side.

"Don't worry, my storm axe can definitely break through his defense!"

Sol was full of confidence.

"In addition to my words, with the strength of the two of us, we should be able to solve this superman."

Captain Marvel nodded. She also likes to use force to solve problems. She thinks that Sol's proposal is great and fits her ideas.

"I'll let it go."

Banner said at this time: "Hulk didn't come out last time, and I don't know if he wants to come out this time, and there are already the two of you, so I'm afraid I won't need my help."

"It's alright, with me and Carol teaming up, that... Superman is definitely not our opponent!"

Sol remains confident.

You know, if he hadn't hacked in the wrong place and couldn't kill Thanos directly with an axe, he wouldn't have given him a chance to snap his fingers.

At that time, he had just obtained the Storm Axe, how much can be said. . .It will be a little uncomfortable.

Now after this period of adaptation and practice, Sol feels that his strength has surpassed the previous time he dealt with Thanos.

And this time, he will definitely remember to hack the opponent's head directly.

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Chapter [-]: Superman: I heard it all!

"If it's you and Carol, that should be fine."

Tony nodded, he also knew the strength of the two.

When they were building quantum shuttle equipment during this time, he had already seen the skills of the two.

At the beginning, Saul proposed to fight with Carroll to test the strength of both sides.

Tony was also onlookers.

In Tony's opinion, if Thanos hadn't collected all six Infinity Stones, he wouldn't even be a match for Thor and Carol after joining forces.

That... Superman, can't be stronger than Thanos with five Infinity Stones, so. . . . . .Give it to the two of them, Tony thinks there should be no problem! "In this way, when the time comes, we will drag the rest of the Justice League, Carol, you and Thor will focus on dealing with Superman."

Steve suggested.


Both Carroll and Saul agreed.

Although they are confident that they don't need to care about the Justice League with their own strength. . . . . . . .Other superheroes other than Superman, but the two of them are not completely ignorant of the world. They know that they can't say such things at this time, otherwise, other people will feel uncomfortable even if they don't say anything.

After all, everyone came together this time, but in the end, only Sol and Carroll could really come in handy, while the others could only watch by the side.

This somewhat hit their self-confidence.

So, it's a good idea to let other people drag the rest of the Justice League superheroes.

"Then it's decided!"

Tony looked at Banner at this time and asked, "Dr. Banner, where are we going to find this Superman?"

"He's usually in his own company."

Banner said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you that this Superman also created a film and television company that specializes in superhero movies featuring members of the Justice League."

Avengers: . . . . . .Can you play like this? Tony couldn't even help thinking, when they go back from this mission, should they invest in a movie with him as the protagonist? He even thought about the movie name.

It's called "Iron Man"! "It is not too late, we will act tomorrow morning."

Steve said, "Saul and Carroll go directly to Superman's company to find Superman, and the rest of us go directly to Justice League headquarters and hold those people down."

"Sol, try not to fight in the city, it's better to lead the opponent to a place where no one is there to fight."

Sol nodded. In order not to erase their world, he could kill a righteous hero with ruthlessness, but if he could, he wouldn't want to hurt those. .innocent civilians.

"Let me come then."

Captain Marvel said: "My speed is fast. When the time comes, I will directly grab the other party and send the other party to the desolate desert."


Sol nodded.

Speed ​​is indeed his shortcoming.

On this point, he has no dispute with Carroll.

"That's it, let's find a place to rest for the night."

Steve said, stood up, and took out some money and put it on the table.

The group left the fast food restaurant.

But they were stunned as soon as they walked out of the door.

"Hi everybody!"

A familiar and unfamiliar figure stood at the door of the fast food restaurant and greeted them.

The reason why they said they were familiar and unfamiliar was because it was the first time they had met the person in front of them, but just now, they had been discussing each other.



Kent! ! !He actually took the initiative to come to the door! ! ! "You know who we are"

Tony asked with a solemn expression.

This is very important. If the other party really knows them, it means that the other party has far more information than they think.

Hearing this, Clark smiled slightly.

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