
Stark, I have seen you, of course it is you in my world. "

"Unfortunately, I actually appreciate you, but there is no way, we are enemies now."

Tony looked at the others in confusion.

"Is the bionic mask on my face not working?"

The others shook their heads.

"Bionic mask?"

Clark smiled and said, "No, it's working, but it's not going to hide from my eyes."

He pointed to his eyes.

"Super Vision!"

Tony thought of Superman's abilities in the comics.

Superman has the ability to see through, can see through the appearance of things, will not be deceived by false reality.

"It's perspective."

Barton calmly analyzed.

Hearing this, Natasha subconsciously reached out to block in front of her.

It is. . . . .Captain Marvel looked sloppy and didn't care at all.

"Don't worry, I'm a very polite person, and I won't do that kind of... rude things to ladies."

Clark said.

"His perspective is the seed of light."

Tony explained.

Hearing this, Natasha put her hand down.

If so, it's pointless.

Clark smiled. In fact, he could just see through the clothes and keep the skin.

However, since everyone took the initiative to help him explain, Clark naturally won't do it too much.

"I remember, Superman has super hearing ability, right?"

Patton said and shrugged, "It seems that he already knows about our plan."

"Yes, I did hear it just now."

Clark nodded.

"Humph! So what if I know!"

Sol stomped on the ground with the umbrella in his hand.

Boom!A thunder fell.

The umbrella becomes an axe with an arc wrapped around its surface.

Storm Axe!That was the weapon that Thor, after losing Thor's Hammer, had the king of the dwarves forge for him again. It was more powerful than Thor's Hammer, and almost killed Thanos.

Of course, when he found Thanos for the second time later, Thor did cut off Thanos' head with the Storm Axe.

I just don't know if Sol in front of me... cut off Thanos' head "Superman, your behavior has affected the timeline we are in, so we have to take action against you, I hope you can understand."

Steve took out his shield. . . . . .Red, white and blue star shield!Captain America's signature weapon!It was originally taken back by Tony after the civil war, but now that they have joined forces again, it is not surprising that this shield appears in the hands of the US team again.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Superman vs Thor, Captain Marvel!

"Captain America, I watched a lot of documentaries about you when I was a kid."

Clark looked at the...the legendary World War II hero.

"I remember my physical education teacher when I was in elementary school, and I was still a fan of yours. Every time I went to class, I would mention the name of your US captain."

"If you have a chance, say hello to your gym teacher for me."

Steve said lightly.

Clark smiled and nodded.

"No problem, I think tomorrow is a good day, maybe I should visit him."

Clark glanced.

Said, "Bring your shield as a gift by the way."

"If you like it, come and get it."

Steve didn't give in.

The conversation between the two, although it sounded very polite, contained murderous intent.

"Looks like it's about to start."

Natasha twisted her neck and showed her weapon - Widow Sting!On the side, Hawkeye also held a bow in one hand, and reached behind with the other hand, grabbing an arrow.

Always ready to shoot! "Don't do it here."

Steve said.

"Let me do it."

Carol said, the clothes on his body changed color instantly, and in the blink of an eye it became the uniform of Captain Marvel.

She disappeared in place in an instant, and the speed was extremely fast!Clark caught her action, but couldn't dodge it.

Caught by Carroll in one hand, he rushed out of the city.

Boom!Lightning shines!Sol took the storm axe high into the sky and chased after him.

"Let's go too!"

Tony stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly on his chest, and the Nano Armor instantly covered his entire body.

Swish!With the helmet closed, he rose directly into the sky and chased after him.

The others looked at each other and laughed bitterly.

They are neither like Thor, with the ability to fly, nor like Tony, with the steel suits that can fly.

They can only rely on their own legs to run all the way.

Perhaps, on the road, you can borrow a car and rely on four wheels, which is much faster than their two legs.

"Hopefully we can catch up."

After Patton said, he ran towards the road with the captain and the others.

. . .The dark sea, thousands of kilometers away from the coastline.

Suddenly, a golden light flew from a distance, and with a loud bang, it fell on the sea.

Captain Marvel, surrounded by golden energy, flew in mid-air and looked at a huge depression in the sea below.

The squeezed sea water is pouring in frantically at this time, forming a huge vortex with a diameter of more than one kilometer.

Sudden!With a loud bang, a hole burst open in the sea.

A figure rushed out of the sea at an extremely fast speed and slammed into Captain Marvel in mid-air.

Boom! ! !A terrifying force erupted, setting off a shock wave visible to the naked eye.

The large swath of sea below sank directly.

The waves are rolling!In midair, the two figures kept fighting each other.

You come and go, and the speed is so fast that it becomes two streams of light, and it is impossible to see what is going on among them.

After a few minutes. . . . . .Another figure came.

The thunder fell and slashed on the sea, and countless arcs flowed in the sea.

This figure with thunder came, and joined the battle between the two sides.

The storm axe wrapped in thunder and lightning slashed fiercely, and dozens of thunder and lightning thicker than a human waist fell, slashing on Clark's body.

Arcs danced across Clark's body.

Like a thunder and lightning wizard.

There was a slight tingling sensation, and a flash did not affect Clark at all!Boom!A golden energy beam blasted out from Captain Marvel's hands!Directly slammed into Clark's face.

He tilted his head back.

Then he lowered his head, and two crimson heat rays shot out of his eyes, blasting at Captain Marvel.

Golden energy burst out, and Captain Marvel blocked his arms in front of him, blocking Clark's heat rays.

"I come!"

Sol roared, and threw out the storm axe in his hand.

The rotating storm axe went straight up against the current, blasting away Clark's heat rays, and slashing at him fiercely without any hesitation.

Swish!A hand stretched out like lightning.

He grabbed the storm axe that came over.

It's a straight axe!A huge force came from the storm axe, Clark's arm remained motionless, grasping the palm of the storm axe, only a faint white mark was drawn by the axe blade.

That's all!Even his oily skin couldn't be broken! ! ! "how come!!!"

Sol looked at this scene in disbelief.

He was confident that his Storm Axe would definitely be able to break through Superman's defense, that's because when he dealt with Thanos before, his axe also split the defense of Thanos.

He thought that Superman's defense would not be much stronger than Thanos. . . .

But. . . . . .He was wrong!Big mistake! ! !Superman's defense is obviously far beyond Thanos.

The two are not even on the same level at all!The Storm Axe, which Thor had high hopes for, could not even break the oily skin on Superman's hands.

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