Not to mention killing each other!This was a blow to Thor.

buzzing. . . . . .The storm axe in Clark's hand trembled constantly, trying to get out of his control.

"Nice axe, but unfortunately it's almost meaningless."

Clark said, and smashed the storm axe in his hand directly at Thor.

Sol tried his best to control the Storm Axe to stop, but Clark's smashing force was too great, he didn't have time to unload all the power above, and the Storm Storm Axe was already in front of him.

As a last resort, Thor, who couldn't dodge at all, could only reach out and grab the handle of the storm axe.

next moment. . . . . .Boom!Sol was directly blasted into the sea by this force.

. . . . . "Sol!"

Captain Marvel's head. . .Crash out of the sea and rush to the bottom of the sea.

At a depth of more than [-] meters underwater.

She saw Sol.

The latter was not in a coma, but had a big bag on his forehead, which looked a bit funny.

"Are you OK"

Captain Marvel asked.

Sol shook his head a little dizzily, reached out and touched the big bag on his forehead, and his face suddenly turned red.

He opened his mouth to say something.

But he is not Captain Marvel, he can't speak underwater, so he can only cast helpless eyes at Captain Marvel.

After a few seconds. . . . . .Bang!Bang!The two figures smashed through the sea one after another and flew into the air.

Clark looked at Sol at this time and found a big bag on his forehead, and suddenly laughed.

His laughter made Sol feel ashamed and angry.

Immediately roared and killed.

Captain Marvel was afraid that Sol alone would not be Superman's opponent, so he rushed to help.

One against two!Clark even still has the upper hand.

Whether it was Captain Marvel or Thor, their attacks hit Clark as if they were tickling him, and it didn't help at all.

On the contrary, when Clark punched at will, Thor couldn't bear it, either avoiding it or resisting it.

It is. . . . .Captain Marvel's defense is far superior to Sol, and he can directly ignore the defense and confront Clark head-on.

The battle between the three of them hit the whole sea with rough waves.

If it weren't for the fact that it was more than a thousand kilometers away from the coastline, the aftermath of the three-man battle would be enough to destroy several surrounding cities.

. . . . .SHIELD.

. . . . .

. . . . , Trident headquarters.

in the chief's office.

Hill knocked on the door.

"Director, something happened!"

She said solemnly: "A few minutes ago, our satellite, detected a high-energy response in the Atlantic Ocean. This is a picture of the scene captured by the satellite."

A tablet was handed to Nick Fury.

There is a picture that is not very clear on the screen. You can vaguely see three figures on it. Two of them are very blurred, and it is even difficult to identify them as human figures. Only the third figure is relatively clear. , can clearly see that the other party is a humanoid.

"Can you identify yourself?"

Nick Fury asked.

"It can only be confirmed for the time being that one of them is Superman."

Hill said and asked, "Director, what should we do now?"

Nick Fury glanced at the picture on the tablet again, and continued: "Don't interfere for now, since one of them is Superman, then leave it to Superman to solve it, if even Superman can't solve it..."

Nick Fury didn't say anything after that.

But Hill knew what he meant.

If even Superman can't solve it, then even if they pass, they're just going to give away.

"Go to the satellite first, the monitoring room, I want to watch them with my own eyes."

Nick Fury greeted Hill, and the two quickly left the office.

. . . . .Kama Taj, the Shrine of the Supreme.

The Ancient One Mage in a white robe was drinking tea.

It's just that her eyes looked at the void in front of her, as if there was some special scenery there, which made her reluctant to look away.

In fact, at this moment, Mage Ancient One's sight has been locked on the battlefield in the Atlantic Ocean.

She is waiting.

Waiting for things to go in a bad direction, she would intervene.

Of course, she only shot to protect the world.

After all, the three people in the current battle, no matter which one they are, possesses extremely terrifying destructive power.

Once they hit out of control.

It will inevitably cause some damage to the planet.

At that time, she will need to intervene.

And before that, she will not intervene in the development of this matter!The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: Nick Fury's Doubt, Two Carols?

On the sea, a figure rushed out of the sea with a slightly embarrassed look and stopped at a height of tens of meters from the sea.

Sol reached out and wiped his cheek.

Looking down at the blood on his hands, he couldn't help but look ugly.

"How can this superman be so much stronger than in the video"

Sol couldn't understand. Wasn't that video shot only a few months ago? Could it be that in just a few months, Superman's strength has improved so much even if Superman can bask in the sun and become stronger.

It's not really that fast. "Could it be that you were hiding your strength before?"

Sol guessed in his heart.

The more I think about it, the more I think it's possible.

Otherwise, there's no way to explain why Superman's power exploded so much in a matter of months.

At this time, there was a loud bang in the air.

Then Sol saw a figure and a very fast fall down, plunged into the sea.

"who is it"

Thor hopes it's the...Superman.

But when he looked up, he saw the black figure flying high in the sky.

"Damn it! It's Carol!"

Sol immediately went down to save people.

But before he could act, Carol had already broken through the sea and flew into the sky.

Because of the extremely fast speed, the golden energy turned into a golden light belt. . .Crash into Superman high in the sky.

Carroll was furious.

She has experienced countless battles in the universe, and no matter where she goes, any enemy who does not worship her as a hero is as weak as an ant in her hands.

No one has ever been able to suppress her with strength like the Superman in front of him, and even beat her so embarrassingly several times.

Unforgivable!The furious Carol directly burst out with the speed of light that can only be exhibited when traveling in the interstellar space.

The speed of [-] kilometers per second makes Superman unable to escape at all.

The clouds in the sky were torn apart, and the two figures disappeared directly at the end of the sky!Sol: . . . . . .I was dumped and Thor felt hurt.

Obviously his strength is also very strong, why does he always feel as if he has been ignored At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .As well as the satellites of several world powers, a golden light appeared on the monitoring screen at this time.

This golden light directly pierced the earth's atmosphere, breaking through the atmosphere almost in the blink of an eye, and came to the outer space outside the earth.

Follow, unabated, head to head. . .It crashed into the moon, which is hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the earth.

There is no sound transmission in the cosmic vacuum.

In the picture, only the golden light that pierced the atmosphere could be seen.

Apart from. . . . . . . .A very few satellites turned their direction in time to capture the golden light hitting the moon outside the picture. Most of the satellites did not capture this scene.


. . . . .

. . . .Inside.

Nick Fury took the lead in standing in the satellite, in the monitoring room, staring at the scene on the screen with his only one eye.

In the bottom of his heart, he has a kind of: strange feeling.

That golden light. . . . . .Always feel a little familiar! "These two people are too terrifying! They even hit the moon directly!!"

"Are they going to blow up the moon?"

"Don't! Then we humans will be finished!!!"

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