"Probably not. Superman is a hero of justice, but it's hard to say that the enemy, like that kind of... evil guy, can't do anything!"

"Superman, we must win!"

"Come on Superman!!!"

Satellite, some technologies in the monitoring room couldn't help clenching their fists, looking at the scene on the screen, a few couldn't help cheering for Superman, hoping that Superman could be an evil villain.

lunar surface.

The two figures slammed into the edge of a crater, directly expanding the scope of the crater several times! "Pooh!"

Clark flew out from the bottom of the crater, spat out the mud that flew into his mouth, and looked at another figure.

"Are you crazy?"

Clark's voice came directly into Carroll's mind.

Carol, who just got up, looked around with a look of surprise, and then realized that the voice that appeared in her mind actually came from the Superman in front of her.

"How can you talk in my head"

Carol opened her mouth silently, as if to say something.

Clark doesn't speak lips.

But that didn't stop him from understanding what Carroll wanted to say.

"This is my ability."

His voice echoed in Carroll's mind again.

"This doesn't seem like a superman's ability!"

Carroll stared at him with a suspicious look on her face.

"Oh! How can you tell how much power Superman has?"

Clark flew higher at this time, looking at the lunar environment.

"Moon, this is my first time here. I used to visit the sun before, but I haven't paid much attention to the moon."

"Stop talking nonsense! Our battle isn't over yet!"

Carroll looked fierce.

It doesn't look like a woman at all, it does. . . . .Very man!She stepped on the bottom of the crater, and the entire ground cracked a dozen cracks.

She rushed up and punched Clark in the face.

Clark raised his hand to block, and at the same time threw a punch in return.

The two of them went back and forth on the moon. Huge craters appeared on the surface of the moon they hit, and countless rubble and dust were rushed into the universe!Through the satellite, Nick Fury's face changed when he saw this scene.

The more he looked, the more he felt that the woman who fought with Superman looked familiar.

Although the other party looked different and dressed differently, Carol changed colors to avoid being recognized, but the style of the uniform was the same, and there was that golden energy. . . . . .He is so familiar! "Carol, is that you?"

Nick Fury thought to himself.

"But...why did Carol fight Superman and fight so fiercely, like he wanted to kill his father?"

Nick Fury couldn't figure out the crux of this.

He looked again and felt that he couldn't sit still any longer.

"Hill, you are watching here. If there is any new situation, notify me immediately."

After instructing Hill, Nick Fury quickly left the satellite, the monitoring room, and went straight to his own office upstairs.

He'd have to get in touch with Carroll to find out if the... woman who was fighting Superman was the one he knew... Carroll in a few minutes.

Nick Fury has come to his office.

He shut the door.

Locked, and then opened the secret room in his office.

This secret room is not big, only the size of a normal room.

The only thing in the Chamber of Secrets, is. . .A liaison unit placed on a white display case.

This device was taken by Carroll from a Kree fighter jet and given to Nick Fury in order to facilitate contact with her.

Nick Fury, who entered the secret room, immediately turned on the device skillfully, and then entered a string of symbols on the screen.

These symbols are written by the Cree people, and are completely different from the writing on Earth.

After a minute of waiting, a holographic image of the face of a masculine woman rose from the installation's screen.

It's Captain Marvel! "Frey, is there anything you can do to contact me?"

Carol asked.

"Where are you now"

Nick Fury asked directly.

for. .Carol, he doesn't need to be a special agent, he just asks anything.

"Now I'm on an abandoned planet 1 light-years away from the solar system, why are you asking this?"

Carol is not on earth!Nick Fury had no doubts that Carroll was lying to herself.

He knew that the other party would not.

Because it is not necessary. . . . . . !That being the case, it means that... the woman who is fighting Superman is not Carol!But. . . . . .Why are the abilities of two people so similar to "Frey Fury!"

Carroll saw that Fury suddenly stopped talking, and couldn't help calling him a few times.

Nick Fury, who recovered, shook his head and said, "Nothing important, I just want to ask, when will you be back?"

"If you come back, it will be a few years, no more than five years at most."

Carol said, and asked suspiciously again: "Fury, are you hiding something from me, is something happening on earth?"

After thinking about it, Nick Fury still didn't tell her his guess.

After all, he had no basis, he just thought that the abilities of the two were similar, and then added a little bit of his own feeling.

There is no substantive basis at all, even if it is said, Carroll will not believe it.

"No, it's just that there are a lot of superpower criminals on the earth now. If you come back, the pressure on my side will be much less."

Nick Fury made a random excuse and perfunctory.

In fact, he didn't lie either.

Superpowered criminals on Earth have really been on the rise lately: an increase.

America is fine.

Other countries are really messed up!Especially in some small countries, it is said that some superpower criminals directly captured a city.

If not for Superman.

I would support these countries from time to time, and the whole world would have become more chaotic long ago.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Control Captain Marvel

"I'll be back when things are done on my side, very soon."

Carol said, then turned to look in a certain direction.

"Okay, I won't tell you, I have something to do here."

Nick Fury nodded, and Carol directly hung up the communication.

"It's not Carol, who would it be"

Nick Fury frowned thoughtfully.

. . . . .On the sea, Tony rushed here in a steel armor, but only saw Sol alone looking up at the sky.

"Saul, what about them?"

Tony asked.

Sol looked at Tony and pointed to the sky.

"Beat to the sky!"

Tony was surprised: "Then I'll go up and have a look."

"do not!"

Sol stopped: "You don't go, you will die if you go."

Although Sol's words were unpleasant, Tony stopped and looked at him suspiciously.

"What's wrong"

Sol pointed to his bruised face.

"Look at me, it's just... beaten by that... Superman, his strength is much stronger than in the video, my storm axe can't hurt him, Carol is the same, can only suffer beat."

After speaking, Sol sighed again.

He is Thor, the god of thunder, the king of Asgard!As a result, I could only be beaten! ! !It's just too shocking.

"So strong!"

Tony was surprised, and at the same time gave up the idea of ​​helping in the past.

It's not that he is timid and afraid of death.

In fact, when they came this time, many people had already prepared for sacrifice, and at the same time, they also left behind to deal with such a situation.

But now the problem is. . . . . .Even if he went, it wouldn't help much.

Maybe it will drag Carroll down.

So, not going is the wisest decision! "Then we'll stay here"

Tony asked.

Sol shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's go back to the land first and join the captain and the others."

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