Star, the one just now... is immune to his mind control, and Tony of this world.

Stark can't do it. Is there any obvious difference between the two? Clark thought that in the Avengers, Loki also tried to control Tony with the psychic scepter, but also failed.

When watching the movie at that time, Clark always thought that Loki had put the scepter on the wrong enemy, because he directly clicked on Tony's Ark reactor, maybe if he clicked on his head, maybe it would be successful.

But now it seems.

It seems that things are not as simple as he thought! "interesting!"

Clark laughed.

Although an Iron Man ran, at least the other Avengers, even with this... Captain Marvel, were captured by him.

Nor is it a failure.

What's more, this time, Clark found out what's special about Tony.

It's immune to mind control!interesting!Really fun!Tony who doesn't know the world he's in.

Stark, will he have the same ability in the future, but in Avengers II, Tony was once controlled by the Scarlet Witch.

Although only let it see some magic.

It also belongs to the ability of the spiritual level.

That is to say, Tony, who was in the second phase of Avengers II, did not have the ability to fully control his spirit, or that there was another hidden situation for the time being, and Clark couldn't think of the key point.

But he wasn't in a hurry, anyway. . .As long as the timeline goes on, Tony of his world.

Stark was always going to be Iron Man.

Unless Clark deliberately stops it!to be frank.

Before today, Clark had thought about whether to do it or not.

Not letting Iron Man be born is obviously a great damage to Marvel's orthodox plot line, and maybe a lot of damage points can be obtained.

but now!Clark decided to let Iron Man be born smoothly.

He is for. .The one-time first-generation superhero has already developed a strong interest.

Anyway. . . , When Iron Man was born, it was already 09.

At that time, Clark's Kryptonian template had already been unlocked to [-]%.

If there is no new template, no amount of damage points can only be used to strengthen other abilities, but to be honest, Clark really doesn't like it very much.

So, less damage points means less damage.

It does not matter!If it reaches the sky, it will be a million levels, nothing more than that. . .Clark's income for three months.

This is only now.

There will only be more in the future, and Clark naturally does not pay much attention to it.

. . .On the dark coast, a sparking space door suddenly opened.

The Ancient One Mage in a white robe walked out of the portal.

She glanced at these being controlled by psychic abilities. . . . .The Avenger, looking at Clark again, said with a hint of inquiry: "What are you going to do with these people?"

"Kill them all."

Clark said casually: "Anyway... it's useless to keep it."

Master Gu Yi nodded.

did not interfere with Clark's decision.

Some people say that Master Gu Yi is very kind, but in fact her kindness also depends on who is right.

Obviously, these people in front of them belong to the visitors from different dimensions, and they do not belong to the range that she needs to protect, so whether they die or not, Master Gu Yi really doesn't care at all.

Even if these people are indeed heroes who have saved the world in their world.

But what if it was like a war between the two countries.

No matter how great the hero of the enemy country is, he is also the enemy! "That's right, Mage."

Clark thought of the question just now, just as the big boss Gu Yi was in front of him now, he asked directly: "I was going to use my psychic ability to control all of them just now, but that... Tony.

Stark is immune to my mind control, Mage, do you know what's going on?"

Hearing this, Master Gu Yi shook his head.

"I don't know this, but I sensed the aura of six Infinity Stones on him, which may be related to this."

Six Infinity Stones!Clark was a little surprised by the answer from the ancient one.

Although she said she did not know, for. .This thing is just a guess.

But Clark felt that the reason why Tony was immune to his mind control was really related to the Infinity Stones.

But. . . . . .I can't understand why there are six Infinity Stones on Tony's body!Clark shook his head, since he couldn't figure it out for the time being, he wasn't the kind of person who... likes to be on the horns.

Simply put this doubt aside for the time being.

When I see Tony next time, maybe there will be an answer.

"Mage, next time... if something like this happens again, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

Clark said.

Master Gu Yi nodded, and finally glanced at the... Carol, who was controlled by Clark, then turned around and walked into the portal.

Portal closed.

Clark withdrew his gaze and looked at these in front of him. . . . .the Avengers.

"Now, take off all your equipment."

Clark ordered.

These. . . . .The Avengers controlled by him immediately moved according to his words.

Take off the equipment that can travel through the quantum channel, and by the way, there are Pym particles stored in the core position. Each person has a small Pym particle on his body, all of which were captured by Clark.

Then, Clark waved his hand.

The power of the phoenix emerges.

Immediately, all the people in front of him were decomposed into molecular states.

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Chapter [-]: The reward for killing the Avengers, Clark's guess!

On the far side of the moon, a continuous building community is located here.

This is the base camp of the Inhumans.

It is also their last home to survive!At this time, in a building in the center of this building, the king of the Inhumans - Black Bolt!Looking into the distance through the window.

Behind him, there was a tall Inhuman woman standing.

"Have those two left?"

On a screen, a line of text appeared, come.

The tall and slender woman replied, "My king, they have all left."

"It's good to leave. I didn't expect that after so many years, there is already such a terrifying powerhouse on the earth!"

The woman glanced at her eyes, frowned and asked, "My king, aren't you the opponent of those two?"

Black Bolt shook his head and waved his hand gently.

"Go on, whether people on earth are strong or weak, it has nothing to do with us."

Seeing the text appearing on the screen, the woman also nodded, then turned to leave.

Because of his own abilities, Black Bolt couldn't speak.

So he often uses a device that can convert brain waves into words to communicate with his subordinates.

If outsiders see it, I am afraid it will be very strange.

But the Inhumans living here have long since seen it strange.

. . . [Kill the Avengers member "Steve.


, Destruction Points +50! ] [Kill the Avengers member "Clinton."



, Destruction Points +30! ] [Kill the Avengers member "Natasha."


, Destruction Points +50! ] [Kill the Avengers member "Bruce."


, Destruction Points +35! ] [Kill the Avengers member "Hulk"

, Destruction Points +50! ] [Kill the Avengers member "Thor" Thor"

, Destruction Points +55! ] Six consecutive system prompts made Clark's eyes shine.

But soon, Clark frowned again.

"System, are you mistaken about this... But they are all members of the Avengers, and they are all important figures! Why shouldn't the points for killing them only tens of thousands should be hundreds of thousands?"

You know, this is a kill!One-time sale.

The system actually only gives tens of thousands of points.

Clark had to wonder if this dog system was greedy for his points.

"Single kill to get points is correct."

The system coldly gave an explanation.

What does it mean? Clark thought about it, and quickly figured out what the system wanted to express.

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