"You mean, I didn't really kill them"


It is so!Clark was suddenly surprised.

He just made guesses according to what the system said.

I didn't expect it to be true, but. . . . . .These guys are dead and not even ashes are left!How is it possible to be alive "System, are you sure they are not dead yet"

This time the system ignored Clark and was obviously not prepared to answer his question.

After waiting for a while, without getting a response from the system, Clark thought for himself.

The system shouldn't lie to him about this kind of thing.

So, these guys are really not dead!So why did Clark look down at the few red Pym particles on his hand.

Would it be possible to assume these using quantum channels. . . . .The Avengers went to another parallel universe before coming here, and then came here.

So, is there such a way that even if they are already dead in this parallel universe, they go to the time point in the parallel universe that they first entered...the parallel universe, will they meet the avengers at that point in time? if possible. . . . . .Doesn't that mean that my future body is dead infinitely, but my past body is still alive! "It's a bit silly"

The more Clark thought about it, the more nonsense he felt.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be impossible to kill them at all? As long as you arrange the follow-up in advance, let others pass after they die... When they are still alive, if you bring them back, isn't it the same as not dead? ! "It can't really be that way"

Although Clark thinks this is nonsense, he can think about it carefully. Why didn't all the Avengers come? Don't look at the number of people who came this time, but in fact there are still some who didn't come.

Like Rocket Raccoon!Another example is Nebula!Even Tony's friend, War Machine Rhodes, didn't come.

Why didn't they come? Like Clark had just thought of, preparing to use the ability to travel through the timeline to resurrect these people in disguise after they died, although it sounds ridiculous.

But the more Clark thought about it, the more he felt that it was inseparable from ten, 89, it should be the truth! "Hey! This quantum collar has changed too much!"

Infinite resurrection!but. . . . . .why those. .The Avengers don't go directly to an earlier point in time.

For example, when Clark first came to this world.

At that time, his system was not awakened, and it was too easy to kill him!Even when he was in elementary school.

In the face of the Avengers, there is only one death left!and many more. . . !They didn't seem to know that before... the variable is. . .he.

But Tony, who fled back now, already knew.

Will he go directly to an earlier timeline, as Clark thought, and then kill Clark who was not a child. Thinking of this, Clark's face changed.

"No! No!"

Clark shook his head, feeling like he was missing something.

He thought hard. . . . . .After a while—finally, he realized what he had overlooked.

"The time travel theory of the Marvel world doesn't seem to be what I think it is. The past cannot change the future. The changed past only creates a new timeline!"

"Right, that is it!"

"So, even if they go to an earlier time and find me when I was a child, it will just enter another new timeline, and it will not affect my side at all!"

"and many more...!"

"I came from across the country. To be precise, there is no one like me in other timelines!"

"Even if there is another timeline called Clark.


Someone from Kent, but that… person wouldn't be me either, but another native Clark.


Kent! "

"So, even if the Avengers went to the past to hunt down Clark as a child, that Clark is not me, but just an ordinary person."

Want to understand these. . . . . , Clark's heart that had just been lifted, put it back again.

"I don't know if Tony, who has escaped, will want to understand this..., but with his wisdom, he should have known it long ago, and he probably won't do that kind of... stupid thing."

Clark smiled, and then set his eyes on the only remaining Carol.

This guy. . . . . .It's a pity to kill it directly!It wasn't that Clark took a fancy to Aunt Marvel.

After all, it is the aunt, the pure man came.

His taste is not so strong yet.

It's mainly Carroll's ability, the others are fine. Clark is not very jealous, but the ability to fly at the speed of light really makes Clark a little jealous.

Even Clark now has tens of thousands of times the speed of sound.

Ten thousand times the speed of sound, it seems to be very fast.

But in fact, it is only [-] kilometers per second!And the speed of light is [-] kilometers per second!The gap between the two is nearly a hundred times!But. . . . . .Clark had no way to take away the energy from the space gem from Carol.

The last time I got the power of the phoenix, it was because the power of the phoenix was conscious.

Therefore, the power of the phoenix directly took refuge in Clark, and Clark did not need to do it himself.

But the energy of the space gem in Carol's body is different.

It is not conscious.

that is. . .Just pure energy.

Unless Clark takes the initiative to take it, or even Carroll himself can't give it to others.

"Otherwise... keep it until there is a way to deal with it later."

Clark thought to himself.

But there is still more than half a year before the 07 annual package.

After more than half a year, Clark's strength will at least double to some extent. After all, the unlocking degree of the Kryptonian template is improving every day.

Turning it several times is all modest, and I will say less.

Maybe after half a year, Clark's speed will reach five or six, ten thousand times the speed of sound.

More importantly. . . . . .Who said that next year's annual gift package will definitely be able to open this kind of ability, in case it's something else? It can't be opened at that time. Maybe Clark will have to wait another year, but he can't open it the next year? Go ahead. just kidding!By then Clark's own speed was faster than the speed of light.

How could it be rare: Carroll's ability to fly at the speed of light! "Forget it, let's kill it."

Clark shook his head away, giving up the idea of ​​keeping Carol, waiting for the ability to take away the power of others from the annual gift package, and then deal with her thoughts.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Get back the space gem, venom comes to the earth

Killing Carol is actually pretty easy.

"Now, put away your power and don't resist."

The controlled Carol obediently put away the golden energy on his body.

Clark grabbed Carroll's head with one hand and was about to start when he suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, you help me go to the sun first and get back that space gem."

Clark ordered.

Carol nodded, the golden energy lingering on the body surface, entering the double star form, rising directly into the sky, turning into a golden streamer, breaking through the atmosphere, flying the sun.

Waited for about twenty minutes.

Carol is back.

And brought the cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is the space gem.

Putting the universe cube into the system space, Clark once again ordered Carol not to resist, and then grabbed her head with one hand.

Bang Carroll's whole body exploded like fireworks, emitting a splendid light.

With a bang, the shock wave swept all around, destroying everything within a [-]-meter range, and then the blue energy escaped and quickly disappeared into the air.

[Kill Captain Marvel, Destruction Points +70! 】 Clark withdrew his hand and looked at the disappearing blue energy with a little regret.

Swish!In the next second, his figure disappeared, leaving only a messy scene.

. . . [Zeus] Base.

Clark put the Cosmic Rubik's Cube here for Skynet to study.

This base is guarded by 24 humanoid warriors, and with the [-]-hour surveillance of Skynet, it can be said to be very safe.

And if something happens, Skynet will notify Clark as soon as possible.

So Clark is not worried about the problem of putting the universe cube here.

Let Skynet study this thing, maybe they can study the reason, even if there is no new way of playing, but at least it is a good idea to use the energy of the universe Rubik's cube to make weapons.

"I put the universe cube here, and let me know if there is any progress."

After Clark finished telling Skynet, he teleported away from the base and returned to the beach house.

At the same time, in the mainline world of the parallel universe, Tony, who escaped by chance, is also working on resurrecting other members of the Avengers who were killed.

His method harnesses the power of the quantum realm, as Clark had previously guessed.

However, the process was not as simple as Clark thought, and it was much more complicated.

The main reason is that the time of each timeline is moving forward. Any intervention in a certain timeline that makes its timeline backward will result in the birth of a new timeline.

Therefore, if you just enter the time point in the past of a certain timeline, you will only enter a newly born timeline, and in that timeline, there is no such thing as them. . . . .The figure of the Avengers exists!Therefore, Tony must go back to the original timeline, and then use the power of the time gem to go back in time and find those in the past. .The figures of teammates can only achieve the effect of resurrection by pulling them out of the river of time.

this step. . . . . .He needs the help of Master Gu Yi!Fortunately, they had reached an agreement before, and Master Gu Yi had agreed to help them.

. . . . .The resurrection process requires a lot of preparation.

At the same time, Tony is also thinking about a question, that is why this time only he escaped back to the situation at the time, and everyone else should be controlled by that... Superman, but Tony did not understand why he was not controlled.

This is one of them.

The second is that they are obviously not strong enough to deal with Superman. . . .

The strength of the enemy is too strong, they can only defeat the opponent if they become stronger, or take advantage of the enemy's weakness.

The former, while they are getting stronger, the enemy is also getting stronger.

You know, Superman can get stronger by basking in the sun!After thinking about it, Tony still thinks that the latter method is more reliable. As long as they find the weakness of Superman and use this weakness, they should have a greater confidence to defeat the opponent.

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