So. . . . . .What is Superman's weakness, no doubt, is kryptonite!However, where to find kryptonite is another question that bothers Tony. He is not sure whether there is such a thing as kryptonite in this world.

"Maybe... it's also a good idea to collect all six Infinity Stones."

Tony thought of the power of the Infinity Stones. Collecting all six gems, he could wipe out all beings in the universe with a snap of his fingers. At that time, in the final battle, Thanos planned to do that, but he failed in the end.

But if it is their avengers, can they use the power of the infinite gems to erase the threat of Superman? "The first method is to collect all six Infinity Stones and use the power of Infinity Stones to wipe out Superman."

"The second method is to find kryptonite and use the weakness of Superman's fear of kryptonite to destroy Superman."

There are two ways, this is what Tony can think of at the moment.

The first method is easier to do.

Because he already had the experience of collecting six Infinity Stones.

The second method is illusory.

Because he didn't even know whether kryptonite existed in this world.

So. . . . . .Just try the first method!Tony decided in his heart that as long as the other teammates were resurrected, they would start collecting six Infinity Stones.

As long as the six Infinity Stones are in place, they'll go into that... parallel universe for the second time and try to wipe out Superman! . . .Two months later, San Francisco.

In the middle of the night, a huge fireball suddenly appeared in the sky, fell from the sky, and landed in a deep forest.

Just an hour later, a rescue team arrived at the scene,.

The fire that had begun to spread was put out.

Then from the center of the fire, a shattered capsule was found.

A secret team transporting something from the capsule.

But no one found that in the outer area of ​​the space capsule where it fell, a silver-gray, liquid-like thing was squirming and had been eyeing a member of a rescue team.

As the person approached the other side, the silver-gray liquid suddenly rushed up and wrapped the other person's head at once, just like a face-hugging bug in a certain movie.

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Chapter [-]: Changed plot, brutal riot

Then, the liquid flowed and got into the man's mouth and nose! "Hey! Robert, are you alright?"

A colleague found him and stood there motionless with a strange posture, so he came over and asked.

Unexpectedly, just as he reached out and patted Robert's shoulder, something like a tentacle pierced his head directly.

Blood gushed out.

His eyes widened, and he, who did not die immediately, looked at this scene with horror.

Bang!The corpse fell to the ground.

attracted the attention of other rescuers.

"What happened over there"

"Damn it! Looks like something happened!"

"That's...Hey Robert! What are you doing, Robert?"

A few people ran over, and the Robert they were talking about was tilting his head at this time, and his eyes looked at these people indifferently.

next second!Bang!Robert rushed up quickly, grabbed one of them's head with one hand, and smashed it hard on the door of a car.

The door was sunken, and the glass was shattered directly.

"Damn it! Robert, you're crazy!"

The others ran up to stop them.

But he was thrown straight away by the mad Robert.

He has become so powerful that he can hold a [-] to [-]-pound strong man with one hand, and throw it six or seven meters away with a flick of his hand.

The people who were thrown out were a little frightened.

They got up and turned and ran.

But Robert didn't let them go.

Swish!Something like tentacles extended from Robert's body, wrapped around a few people who wanted to escape, and dragged them back directly.

next moment. . . . . . "Ahhhhh!!"

Screams echoed in the forest.

Startled a flight of birds flying.

. . .San Francisco, Life Foundation.

Underground Laboratory Entrance: .

A transporter with the words "Life Foundation" painted on its body slowly drove in here.

The owner of the Life Foundation, Carlton.

Drake, who was waiting eagerly, couldn't help showing an excited smile when he saw the car approaching slowly.

"Quick, let me see those little guys!"

The car stopped.

Drake immediately commanded his subordinates and asked them to open the door of the carriage.

The encrypted compartment door opens.

Drake couldn't wait to step forward and looked at the three 3-devices in the compartment.

Inside the transparent glass of the installation, there are clumps of things that are like semi-condensed liquids. They seem to have life. They are slowly wriggling, sometimes branching out like a tentacle, touching the surface of the glass, spreading out. Branches and strips branched out like small blood vessels.

Dr. Drake looked at this scene with bright eyes, and the smile on his face gradually became morbid! "Hurry up! Send them all to the lab! I want an analysis report on them immediately!"

Drake waved his hand excitedly, and asked people to lift these devices and send them to the laboratory.

He can't wait to learn about their life forms!He has a hunch that this will be the most important research project of the Future Life Foundation, and its proportion will far exceed the sum of all the Foundation's previous projects.

Maybe. . . . . .It will bring a new definition to the whole world!Him, Carlton.

Dre!Will become a pioneer of a new era! ! ! . . .The next day, morning.

Inside the Sea Villa in New York.

Clark was holding a cup of coffee and watching news reports on TV.

[The spaceship of the Life Foundation fell in the forest park, and the answer given by the Life Foundation at present is an accident! 】 "What's wrong with this news issue?"

Jessica walked over to Clark, looked at him seriously, and asked curiously.

Clark shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I just remembered, does Abigail work for this company?"

"Life Foundation, yes, Abigail seems to be working in this company. She told me last time that their company's drug experiment was dead again."

Jessica frowned.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with the boss of this company. What kind of drug experiment will kill people all day long!"

"Also, I've never heard of this company being charged for something like this."

"It's a little abnormal no matter what."

Indeed, if a person died from a drug experiment, usually the family members of the deceased would definitely make a fuss.

Even if an agreement has been signed beforehand, whether there is trouble or not has little to do with whether the agreement is signed or not.

But this company seems to have never seen such a thing.

Dead people, no one bothers!This is not reasonable.

unless. . . . . .These. . . . .The dead have no family members at all!But then... it would be even more unreasonable!Clark, however, was not concerned with the Life Foundation's drug experiments.

He didn't care if the drug experiment would kill people.

He just remembered another thing because of the news in front of him.

Venom!Clark thought.

Unexpectedly, a new story is about to start so soon.

However, is the time of Venom's birth a little earlier? Also, Clark's memory, the place where this spaceship crashed doesn't seem to be in the United States, it seems that it came from other countries.

Why did it crash in San Francisco? Isn't that the home base of the Life Foundation?It fell directly on the doorstep of her house. Jessica watched the news report on the TV for a while, and felt that it was not interesting, so she patted Clark on the arm.

"Let's go, let's eat."

Clark nodded.

They turned around and went to the restaurant with the two of them.

Jessica moved to the beach house last month.

Anyway. . .There are a lot of empty rooms here, and Clark can't go to her place to spend the night all day long. Wanda and Daisy have gotten into trouble several times.

It felt as if Clark was about to abandon them.

That tearful look.

It's just pathetic.

Clark thought about it later, and simply let Jessica move over.

Jessica was reluctant at first, mainly because Clark was not the only one living in the villa. If he was alone, Jessica would definitely have nothing to resist.

But now there are three children of 3 living here, which makes Jessica a little embarrassed.

In the end, though, she couldn't beat Clark.

Still moved.

A few days after Jessica moved in, Wanda and Daisy were still a little unhappy.

It feels like your home is being occupied by someone else.

pouting all day and night.

There was even a hunger strike.

Unfortunately, this set does not work for Clark here.

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