After a little coaxing, the attitude of the two little girls improved a lot.

But what Clark didn't expect was that.

In just a few days, Wanda and Daisy actually defected to Jessica. The three of them looked like good sisters, as if they had known each other for many years.

This made Clark secretly feel that women don't care. . . .

Age, ideas will always make their men unpredictable.

. . .building.

Eddie, as usual, parked his motorcycle directly at the front entrance of the building.

Richard, who was in charge of the front desk in the building's lobby, saw him.

Just as he was about to say a few words and asked him to park the car somewhere else, Eddie was the first to ask about his daughter's situation.

Daughter is Richard's pride.

She was among the top grades in school, and she was pretty and very popular. She wasn't the kind of... dumb nerd who could only read.

Richard knew that this was what he had accomplished in this life.

So he pinned his hopes on his daughter.

I hope she can become a person in the upper class in the future and become a member of the elite of this country!Heard Eddie ask about his daughter, even though he knew Eddie probably was. . .He asked casually, but Richard responded with a happy and proud face.

"Berkeley, Brown, MIT, they all want to admit her!"

"You know, they're going to give her a scholarship!"

It can be seen that Richard is really proud of his daughter.

"What did I say!"

Eddie said with a smile.


Richard looked puzzled.

He doesn't seem to remember what Eddie said.

It was the last time they drank together, but that time he remembered that Eddie seemed to have just told him about his few encounters at the bar.

Could it be the last time we had lunch together, but Eddie said that he had become too murderous. He remembered very clearly that he didn't eat much for lunch that time, and he really couldn't eat it! "Everything is possible!"

What Richard was dumbfounded.

This is not your mantra!Just wanted to continue talking about parking, but Eddie had already walked to the elevator door and was still talking about MIT, which left Richard speechless and had to find a way to move the car aside. .

Ma Dan, feels like he has become a little brother who specializes in parking for Eddie.

Richard groaned.

On the other side, Eddie, who took the elevator upstairs, was already in the office of his immediate boss.

The boss first complimented Eddie on his past achievements, and then handed him an errand.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The stubborn Eddie, the birth of the desperate virus!

Interview with the owner of the Life Foundation, Carlton.

Drake!Eddie was a little reluctant.

As a reporter, he knew exactly what kind of guy that… Drake was.

If he was given free rein to interview, of course he would be happy.

But according to what his boss wanted, it was clear that he was going to give Drake a whitewashed interview.

This makes Eddie, who is stubborn and reckless, very unhappy.

I am the famous Eddie.

Brock!Specially report on bad social ethos and punish those. .Justice reporters for outlaw criminals!You asked me to do such an unconscionable thing! ! !hateful!This is take me Eddie.

Booker who thought I'd sell my soul for a little money!you are wrong!Big mistake! ! !Eddie complained in his heart.

But the boss on the opposite side is still giving him the reason for being a human being. In this society, it is not enough to have a righteous heart. Sometimes an appropriate compromise is the right choice. .

And tell him that... how rich Drake is.

Although a little bit of it can be snapped out of a fingernail, you can buy their building and use it as a parking garage.

It fully illustrates the importance of money in today's society.

At the end, the boss directly threw a copy of the script to him.

And told him that this script will be used in the interview tomorrow, and that he must not be free to use it, and he is not allowed to ask questions other than the contents of the script.

Otherwise, let him look good!Yo hoo!Threatening me!Eddie was furious.

He swears to himself that he will never do an exclusive interview tomorrow according to the content on the platform, and he must ask some tricky questions, and he will disclose them ruthlessly. . . . .The ugly face of a capitalist.

Otherwise, his audience will understand what Carlton is.

Drake, that is. . .A demon who is willing to sell his soul for money.

And he, Eddie.

Blow!the righteous hero.

Like the ones from the Justice League. .Like superheroes!He will use his own strength to protect the justice of this city! ! !Thinking of the benefits of beauty, Eddie couldn't help but immerse himself in the fantasy, until the boss opposite him patted the table and called his name, he came back to his senses.

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely finish tomorrow's interview well!"

Eddie took the script, patted his chest and assured it loudly.

The boss saw him like this and believed him.

After all, he felt that no one would have a hard time with money.

pity. . . . . .He underestimated Eddie's stubbornness.

. . .night.

When Eddie was on a date with his girlfriend Annie, he talked about the... interview task that his boss arranged for him during the day.

Eddie's girlfriend, Annie, is a lawyer, and her law firm is. . .under Drake's name.

In other words, his girlfriend actually worked for Drake.

However, Annie herself didn't like Drake, and of course she couldn't say how much she disliked it. She could only say that this was just a job.

There are no other personal feelings mixed in.

Annie expressed concern about her boyfriend going to interview Drake tomorrow.

She knows her boyfriend's character very well.

So during the chat, I also persuaded him to let him not let his temper be too much in the interview tomorrow, but she said it more euphemistically, after all, she has to take care of her boyfriend's emotions!After the meal was over, the two returned home.

Next is. . .Something that can't be described.

Meanwhile, in New York on the east coast of the United States, inside a beach house.

After coaxing the two little girls to sleep, Clark walked to the balcony, contacted Skynet, and asked about the situation on Killian's side.

Killian was recruited by the Hydra people when he was two thousand years old.

Calling it a solicitation is actually similar to kidnapping from the very beginning.

But after learning that Hydra was willing to fund his research, Killian joined Hydra without hesitation and became one of Hydra's researchers.

Over the years, Killian has been researching his Extremis virus with the help of funds from Hydra.

Because of the assistance of some professional technicians from Hydra, plus Skynet's computing power.

Let his desperate virus enter the final test stage in advance.

Skynet had notified Clark about half a month ago.

The first human experiment of the Extremis virus has ended, and the results are good. Thirty-six experimental subjects have finally succeeded in two.

[-] in [-] success rate.

But this is only the initial success rate.

After all, the desperate virus is not only completely finished after being implanted, but also has to consider whether the temperature will explode if it is too high.

The two subjects have undergone repeated tests during this half-month period.

There is only one left now.

Another has exploded.

However, just today, the second human trial of the Extremis virus has begun.

Clark inquired about the progress through Skynet.

There are a total of one hundred experimental subjects this time.

After being injected with the Extremis virus, only eleven are still alive.

And three of them had very unstable vital signs.

The body may collapse at any time.

On the balcony, Clark was blowing the sea breeze, waiting for the results from Skynet.

About ten minutes passed.

Skynet informed him that in the end only ten 10 experimental subjects survived, and the other ninety 90 experimental subjects all failed.

"Yes, the success rate of 10 in [-] is [-]%, which is an improvement over the last time."

Clark for. .This result is not disappointing.

The Extremis Virus is only one of his investments, and the money spent is actually not a lot, far less than the investment in the artificial human project.

A 10% success rate can now be achieved.

Already very good!This shows that Killian is not lazy, on the contrary, he is very efficient.

After all, it's only 06.

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