Iron Man hasn't even been born yet!The Desperate Warrior was already born one step ahead.

"Test the ten successful 10 experimental subjects this time. If there is no problem, I have a task for them to complete."

In San Francisco, the venom has arrived at the Life Foundation, but for the time being, the Life Foundation will only study this life symbiosis behind closed doors.

The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: The proud Derek was slapped in the face in a blink of an eye!

If there is an official plot about Venom, we will have to wait a while longer.

But I believe it won't make Clark wait too long.

for. .Clark is still very interested in these life symbionts.

But what he is interested in is not these few on earth, but the millions of symbiotes on the symbiote planet!If you can master the millions of symbiotes, is it possible to create a symbiote army composed of these millions of symbiotes Clark decided to give it a try.

Although the peculiarities of symbionts make them not suitable for everyone.

But Clark also mastered the artificial human technology.

If modified.

It is not impossible to successfully create a powerful symbiote army! . . .The next day, Eddie came to the Life Foundation to conduct an exclusive interview with Drake according to the arrangement of the TV station.

A camera was aimed at the two men.

The two walked and chatted, and the conversation was not bad at first. Eddie also asked some questions about rocket launches and Drake's original intentions for starting a business.

Eddie, however, looked at Derek's smug look.

How to see how not pleasing to the eye.

Originally, he saw some internal news about the Life Foundation from his girlfriend's email last night, and he was always very unhappy, but due to the source of the news, it was not convenient for him to disclose it, so he originally did not plan today. say those things.

But now. . . . . .He was really unhappy!As soon as he saw Drake's face, he had a feeling: he couldn't resist the urge to punch him a few times.

"My original intention of establishing the Life Foundation has always been to serve the society and the people."

"The Life Foundation has never put interests first, and has always put charity first!"

"And I am also very willing to do my due obligation for charity, for example, in the first half of this year..."

Drake has been in front of the camera: promoting his great achievements and shaping himself into a good boss and philanthropist who is dedicated to the society and the people!But he didn't see the increasingly ugly face of the reporter who was interviewing him in front of him.

Maybe. . . . . .He didn't care about such little people at all!What a famous journalist.

In his eyes, he is nothing but a person who relies on them. . . . .Only wage earners supported by capitalists.

Do you need to care? .Eddie really couldn't stand Drake's boasting.

He was never a sane person.

The brain also tends to be swayed by impulsive emotions.

Just like now - he no longer cares about the source of the news.

Now he just wants to ruthlessly reveal the true face of this hypocrite in front of him, and let the whole world know that he is Carlton.

Drake is not a philanthropist at all, but a villain who made his fortune by sucking the blood of others! "Mr. Drake, as far as I know, your company has used some homeless people to conduct dangerous drug experiments more than once, resulting in many deaths. Regarding this matter, I don't know what you have to say. of"

As soon as Eddie said these words, the face of Drake on the opposite side changed on the spot.

He was smiling all over his face just now, but the expression on his face turned gloomy in an instant. Those eyes were fixed on Eddie, as if he was going to eat people.

But that didn't frighten Eddie.

Instead, it made him happy.

Because it meant that his own words touched Drake's sore spot.

"That's just a rumor from the outside world."

Drake tried to argue.

But Eddie already had substantial evidence and knew that it was not a rumor.

Although he couldn't bring out the evidence, he knew it, so he had to say it.

"So that's it... The ones who have been charged like Sarah.


Buckley, Robert.

MacDonald, for. .The names of these three people, as you can imagine, after all, they all died in your laboratory! "

Impression Drake certainly has an impression, because he has just issued a few documents, including these three names, and it happens that he has a good memory.

so. . . . . .Of course he remembers!But it was precisely because he remembered that Redek's face was even more ugly.

The little reporter in front of him, how did he know that there are ghosts in the companies with these three names!At this time, seeing that his boss was making things difficult, the surrounding security guards rushed up, one directly blocked the camera lens, and two went over to hold Eddie and drag him away.

"Mr. Drake, don't you want to answer my question?"

Eddie who was carried away is still there: shout.

"Sorry! Your time has come."

Drake took off the mic from his body, his face was expressionless, and he looked coldly at Eddie who was being carried away with a smug smile on his face, wishing to kill him on the spot.

But reason told him that he couldn't do it.

Even, this reporter must still be alive, otherwise the news media in the outside world will not know how to report him.

good!He is very rich.

In the city of San Francisco, even like a local emperor, no one dared to provoke him.

but!After leaving the old mountain, it is now the age of network information, and it is no longer the age of unsound information dissemination in the past.

Even if he can restrict the media in this city from reporting these things, he can't restrict the media in other places.

Never doubt those. .The smell of the media.

They are all very clever!At that time, labels like [Butcher], [Demon], [Murderer] will be affixed to him.

Drake didn't want to ruin his reputation because of a small reporter.

What's more, venting your anger doesn't necessarily mean killing someone.

With just one word, he can make that... little reporter lose his job, and make other colleagues not hire him.

In the US, losing a job means losing a life.

for. .For Americans who do not have the habit of saving money, once there is no income, their living standards will plummet!To let the other party lose everything he has now, in Drake's opinion, is more enjoyable than killing him directly.

"Fight me, hum!"

Drake sneered and turned back to his upstairs office.

Just as soon as he walked into the office, he saw four guys he didn't know standing in front of him, and a man in a black trench coat was sitting in the seat that should belong to him.

"who are you"

Drake's face changed.

As a result, as soon as he opened his mouth to question, he was pushed heavily on the back, and he almost fell directly to the ground.

He looked back.

It turned out that there were two people standing on either side of the door behind him.

"Mr. Drake, we want to talk to you."

A woman in black leather and chewing gum sneered at him.

She gestured with her eyes, and the two strong men behind Drake pushed him directly and brought him to the front of the desk.

"Sit down, Mr. Drake."

The man in the black trench coat who was sitting in the seat that should belong to Drake opened his mouth and looked at him with a smile.

It's just that smile, no matter how you look at it, it looks a little scary.

Drake secretly swallowed his saliva.

I have realized in my heart that the other party is not a good man and a woman.

Moreover, being able to quietly break into his company and enter his office also shows the ability of the other party in disguise.

"You...what do you want to talk to me about?"

Drake was a little nervous.

Although he thought he was used to seeing the wind and waves, the man in front of him, just looking at him, made his heart beat faster, feeling that his own life seemed to be out of his own control.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you for a while."

It doesn't mean that it might hurt him later and Drake is even more nervous.

He is so rich!It's almost impossible to realize your dream.

He doesn't want to die yet! ! !The man in the black trench coat sitting behind the desk was playing with a small bronze ornament in his hand, and said casually: "You can call me Mr. Hydra, I came to see you today, mainly because I heard that Mr. Drake, you are from the universe. I brought back some good things from China, so I came here to check it out.”

"Mr. Hydra"

Derek suddenly thought of something and said quickly, "You are from Hydra"

He wanted to stand up excitedly, but was pressed by the shoulders of the person behind him.

"I know your leader, Baron Strucker, and we have worked together!"

Drake exclaimed, "Did you misunderstand something?"

Clark, the... Mr. Hydra in front of him, couldn't help laughing a few times after hearing what Drake said.

"Mr. Drake, it should be said that the person who misunderstood should be you."

"Maybe you don't know the composition of our Hydra. In fact, we don't have a good relationship with the Hydra on Strucker's side."

Drake's expression changed.

I just wanted to explain that my relationship with Baron Strucker was just an ordinary relationship.

But before he could say anything, he heard Mr. Hydra say again: "Oh, right!"

"Mr. Drake, your news is out of date. Your partner, Baron Strucker, was killed by us some time ago, and his entire organization has been annexed by us."

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