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Chapter [-]: Symbiote, the flattering Drake!


"Next time you want to reach out, you'd better find your target."

"Otherwise, it would be so embarrassing to be like this now!"

When Drake heard this, the expression on his face was extremely wonderful.

Sometimes he gritted his teeth, sometimes his face turned ashen, and after changing back and forth a few times, it was a face of resignation.

"Tell me, what do you think?"

Seeing that Drake has confessed his fate.

Clark glanced at the two android warriors behind him.

One of the latter pressed his head against the desk, and the other took out what looked like a syringe and pointed it at the back of his neck. . .Come here.

Then, they let go of Drake.

"The liquid bomb was injected into you just now. If you are obedient in the future, you can continue to live, enjoy your original life, and still be the boss of this Life Foundation."

"But if you don't obey..."

Clark held a black remote in his hand and opened the lid, which contained a red button.

He put his finger on the button and said, "As long as I press it lightly, you will say goodbye to this world forever."

Drake paled and nodded.

"I'll do whatever you want me to do."

"very good!"

Clark stood up, "Now, continue to be your boss, those... The symbiote will stay with you and leave it to you to study."

"Oh, right!"

"You don't mind taking me down there."

Drake wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a dry smile, "Of course, of course I don't mind."

Clark patted his shoulder lightly with a childish look.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

. . .The group took the elevator and came to the laboratory area.

Drake opened the door with his fingerprints and led them inside.

"This is the experimental area I use to study those... symbionts."

He introduced it as he walked, and stopped in front of a transparent laboratory after a while.

"This is the first symbiote, and I named him Number.

The external scan has just been completed, and no formal research has yet begun. "

Clark said now, "Open the door."

Drake didn't dare to disagree.

Directly order someone to open the door of the laboratory.

Clark then told one of the android fighters to go and then had Drake shut the door.

"Now, let this symbiote go."

Clark ordered.

Drake hesitated for a moment, his eyes looked at himself, and he was agitated, and immediately ordered his subordinates to turn on the device that switched on and off the symbiote.

That...cylindrical device opened.

The blue symbiote inside was like a ball of plasticine, slipping out of it.

Snapped!The blue symbiote rushed directly to the door of the laboratory, facing Clark.

He seemed to be extremely interested in Clark, and kept trying to break through the door in front of him, but he couldn't make it any further.

Look at the way he keeps crawling up and down the door.

Redek had a sick smile on his face.

But Clark noticed that the blue symbiote was very important to. .The android warriors in the laboratory turned out to be unattended, as if it were not the same person.

"Sure enough, a simple android warrior cannot merge with a symbiote."

This was not unexpected to Clark, he thought it was unlikely, and the reason why he tried it was just to be more sure.

Symbiotes can coexist with all living things and survive by ingesting nutrients from living things.

And the android warrior, to put it bluntly. . .A pile of mechanical parts and chemical products.

How can there be any nutrients they need!Naturally, the symbiotic experience ignores the android warrior, which is also reasonable.

And what Clark has to do next is. . .Transform android warriors to give them certain human characteristics.

Not an appearance feature, but an internal feature! "good!"

Clark nodded and said, "Continue to study, the hot girl and the evil girl will stay to assist you. If there is any progress, just notify them directly."

Leaving the experimental area, Clark left Hot Girl and Evil Girl behind.

One is to monitor Drake.

This guy is not an honest man.

Even if he was injected with a liquid bomb, if no one was watching him, he might do something small and come out.

The second is to follow up the research progress on his side, and wait for the... escaped riot to return.

Clark also needed him to tell himself the cosmic coordinates of that... symbiote planet.

Otherwise, in the vast sea of ​​stars, he can't just look for it, so when will he find it! "Don't worry, Mr. Hydra, I will give you an answer as soon as possible."

Drake can't be proud of Clark now.

Liquid bombs were injected into their necks.

It is bound to be strong, you can only bow your head!However, what Drake thought in his heart was not so simple.

Clark didn't bother to use his psychic abilities to perceive his thoughts. What was going on in this guy's heart, he still wouldn't know what it was. . .Thinking about how to get rid of it. . . . . .Liquid bomb, and then how to retaliate Clark these. . . . . .

pity. . . . . .The gap between the two is doomed that there is no hope for Drake in this life! "Sir, leave it to us here."

The evil woman glanced at Drake with a smile, and then said.


Clark nodded, and immediately left the Life Foundation with the four android warriors.

Seeing this... Mr. Hydra leave, Drake was also secretly relieved.

Immediately, he looked at the two ladies beside him with a smile on his face.

"You two, please come with me, and I'll arrange a place for you to live."

"Lead the way."

The evil girl and the hot girl looked at him with a sneer, a gesture like a servant.

This made Drake feel unhappy with the boss again, and he kept cursing the two in his heart.

Fox fake tiger might!What the heck, when Lao Tzu gets the liquid bomb in his neck, you will look good!Drake was cursing in his heart, but on the surface he was extremely flattering, leading the way for the two of them.

This caused some people who saw the three of them along the way to cast strange eyes.

I guessed the identities of these two women in my heart.

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Chapter [-]: Three months later, the symbiote android warrior is born!

The hot woman in the laboratory area had her hands in her trouser pockets, chewing gum in her mouth, and looked at those. .Researchers in white coats are doing research on the symbionts in the laboratory.

At this moment, the sound of high heels stepping on the ground came.

"Here! Your coffee."

The evil woman handed the hot girl a cup of coffee in her hand, looked over there, and pouted.

"You said, why did the boss let us come here... Are there any extraterrestrial creatures worth studying?"

The hot girl spit the chewing gum in her mouth into the trash can, took a sip of coffee, and shook her head.

"How do I know, but it's disgusting and I don't like it."

"The boss said, if this thing runs out, let's not get too close, you said this... It looks like a plasticine thing, it's really so powerful"

At this time, the symbiote in the laboratory happened to be wrapped around a rabbit that was used for experiments.

The symbiote quickly disappeared into the rabbit's body and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


The evil woman was taken aback by this scene.

"These...the aliens will run into our bodies!!"

The hot girl next to her nodded.

She had already seen it just now, so she was not as surprised as the evil woman.

"So, we still listen to the boss. If these things run out, we will distance ourselves as soon as possible."

The wicked woman nodded, with an expression of deep understanding.

She didn't want to be run into her body by such a monster, she felt disgusting just thinking about it! . . .Eddie was in a good mood yesterday, because he successfully slapped that... hypocritical guy from Drake: It made the other party very angry, but the more angry the other party was, the happier he was.

But today, Eddie was in a bad mood.

First of all, he was scolded by his boss for not following the request of his boss for the interview yesterday, and finally he was fired.

Losing his job makes Eddie angry.

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