But not to the point of despair.

He believes that with his ability, even if he loses this job, he will soon find another job.

So he didn't panic at all.

But the second thing that followed made him completely panic.

His girlfriend Annie was also fired!The reason is to leak internal information and violate professional ethics.

Not only were they fired, but they even faced the possibility of being sued.

And the root of everything. . . . . .It's because Eddie peeked at her email, peeked at her email, and blew himself up at the person involved.

As a result, Drake asked people to investigate yesterday, and they found Annie's body.

After all, who made her Eddie's girlfriend.

Suspicion is too great.

It took almost no evidence to find out that the news on Eddie's side was. . .Got it from her.

Annie, who knew about this situation, was mad!She is a very simple woman, she doesn't have such a strong sense of justice, she doesn't have a sense of cynicism, and she feels that she is different from others. She just wants to live this life in peace.

Have a decent job.

Get a boyfriend you like.

Then marry your boyfriend and have children, and spend the rest of your life!Before Eddie made some mistakes, she would forgive him, because she knew that she loved him, so she chose to tolerate and tolerate.

But this time. . . . . .Eddie made a mistake that she couldn't bear any longer.

What is called perseverance Eddie is such a typical.

She had told him more than once that one should not only rely on blood, but also consider the consequences of doing so.

But Eddie is not only matched with his own career, but also with her career!It's hard to imagine that she, a lawyer who has leaked internal secrets, will have that in the future... The firm is willing to accept her. Annie can imagine that she will not be able to find any job for a long time in the future.

unemployed!Annie felt like she was going crazy when she thought of this word!So, the furious Annie decided not to forgive Eddie this time, and chose to break up with him directly.

Eddie, who was broken up, was stupid.

After he went back yesterday, he thought that Drake would take revenge on himself for the interview, and that he might be fired.

But the only thing I never thought was that I would be dumped by my girlfriend.

In one day, he lost his job, his house, and his girlfriend!He almost lost everything!Except for his motorcycle.

That was all he had left.

But he. . . . . .You can't live with a motorcycle for the rest of your life, Eddie's trying to save it.

But the furious Annie drove him out directly, and threw his things out of the window directly on the road outside.

The passers-by all smiled and watched the excitement, and some showed sympathy, but no one went to comfort Eddie.

Eddie who stayed downstairs for over an hour.

In the end, he packed up his belongings and walked away dejectedly.

He had a fire in his heart.

Not for Annie, but for Drake.

But thinking of his current situation, his nameless fire has been vented.

What about anger Eddie laughed at himself.

The arm can't twist the thigh, not to mention that he can't even count the arm, it's the sky. . .A weed on the ground.

Being stepped on with one foot, although not completely dead, but it is already a serious injury!Now, he just wanted to find a quiet place to lick his wounds.

I thought to myself, maybe in a few days, Annie's anger will calm down, maybe she will change her mind or something.

. . .In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

Three months can change a lot.

For example, Clark, with the assistance of Skynet, has developed the first generation of anthropomorphic android warriors.

This generation of android warriors is inferior to the original pure mechanized android warriors in combat effectiveness, and their quality in all aspects can only reach about 7:[-] of that of ordinary people, but it is more like a human being, with artificial organs and an artificial skeleton.

Apart from. . . . . . . .It doesn't think like a human, but it looks like a real human on the whole.

On the other hand, the research on the Life Foundation has also made some progress.

Because of Clark's urging.

The study, which was originally completed in six months, took only three months this time.

The time was cut in half.

Drake still used the old method. He found some homeless people in the city and used them to conduct research on the coexistence model of symbionts and humans.

In just half a month, more than a dozen homeless people have died.

At present, the three symbionts have found individuals that can coexist, but the situation of each individual is not good. Their internal organs have always been: showing a trend of exhaustion. If this continues, these experimental subjects will only die in the end.

Drake was in a hurry and fired a few times.

But it didn't work.

They couldn't find a solution at all.

Injecting nutrient solution into the experimental body, that amount is enough to feed one head. . .Elephant, but still no effect at all.

It seems that the experiment has fallen into a stalemate.

And on this day, Clark brought a group of people to the Life Foundation.

Drake, who was notified, immediately came out to greet him in person.

"Mr. Hydra, please rest assured, I will make progress very soon!"

Drake thought Clark was here to check the progress of his research. He led the way to the laboratory area along the way, while feeling uneasy and sweating on his forehead.

Soon, a group of people came to the laboratory area.

Clark ordered Drake to open the door of a laboratory, and then let a new generation of android warriors walk in.

"This is the host of the numbered student, but his physical condition is getting worse and worse."

Drake couldn't understand Clark's operation, but he still introduced the symbiote to him.

At the same time, after entering the laboratory, the experimental subject who had shrunk in the corner and seemed to have no strength stood up directly, and a pair of eyes appeared strangely blue.

Immediately, the symbiote host rushed directly to the android warrior and grabbed it. . .Don't let go.

A piece of blue plasticine-like substance emerged from the experimental body and entered directly into the body of the android warrior along his hands. In just one or two seconds, the whole process was completed.

Pfft!The experimental subject that lost his life fell directly to the ground.

At this time, the android warrior slowly moved his hands and feet, followed by a burst of blue material emerging from his hand, and gradually the entire arm became a few sizes larger and turned into a thick blue arm.

"This is!!!"

Drake looked at the scene in disbelief.

His whole body was about to stick to the glass, with a morbid look on his face, greedily looking at this android warrior in the laboratory.

"Open the door."

Clark ordered.

The technician next to him looked at Drake with an embarrassed expression.

At this time, the hot girl next to her came directly, operated the combination lock on the side of the door, and opened the door of the laboratory.

Drake, whose entire face was almost pressed against the door, was taken aback by the sudden movement.

Quickly step back.

"Mr. Hydra, this..."

Clark looked at him indifferently.

Scared Drake to dare not. . . . . .After speaking, he quickly closed his mouth and hid aside.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Desperate Warrior vs Symbiote Warrior

"how do you feel"

Clark asked the android warrior in front of him.

"This force in the body is very powerful, but he is not under my control."

The android warrior answered truthfully.

"Can you communicate with him and ask what his name is?"

The android warrior nodded.

Begin asking about the name of the symbiote in the body.

[My name is - rage! 】 "He said he was called Fury."

The android warrior relayed.

Clark nodded and said, "Rage, right? Now the body you are staying in is mine, so obediently obey my orders in the future, what's the problem?"

Another terrifying face suddenly appeared on the face of the android warrior in front of him, roaring at Clark.

"He was angry."

The android warrior said: "He wants to control my body, but he doesn't seem to be able to."

Clark smiled. He had long considered that the symbiote would control the body of the boarder, but the first control of the android warrior's body was actually in Skynet's hands.

Then they are themselves.

Therefore, even if the symbiote hosts the android warrior, as long as Skynet does not allow it, they cannot control the body of the android warrior.

"Is there... a wider training ground?"

Clark turned to ask Drake.

Drake nodded quickly and said, "A little bit, this way please!"

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