. . . . .In an open training room with a square of several hundred square meters, Drake came in with a group of people.

"Okay, let go of... the control of your body and let the rage come out."

Clark ordered.

But what he said was not to the android warrior in front of him, but to Skynet who was monitoring this side.

next moment. . . . . .Skynet released control of the android warrior.

Immediately, a layer of blue material poured out from its body, and in just two or three seconds, the man standing in front of him, about [-] meters tall, immediately turned into a head. . .About two meters three or four tall: tall monsters.

This monster has blue skin, thick muscles all over its body, and white skin on the surface, which looks like blood vessels. It has a hideous face, and a bloody mouth is wide open, which can easily stuff a person's head in.

"Human, you pissed me off!"

The furious and tall body came step by step.

Looking very angry.

Drake on the side looked obsessively, and told him rationally, let him keep retreating, and even retreated to the door. If things go wrong, he will definitely be the first at this time. . . . . .Clark gestured at a strong bald man next to him and asked him to go up.

The bald-headed man is nearly two meters tall and has a strong physique.

But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the opponent of the monster in front of you.

However, he didn't seem to be afraid at all, instead he walked forward with an excited grin.

"You call it Furious, right? Your opponent is me."

He clenched his fists and grinned.

"Go away!"

An angry sturdy arm waved.

The huge force directly threw the bald-headed strong man in front of him more than ten meters away, and smashed heavily on the wall of the training room.

The strength is not bad, at least there are dozens of tons.

Clark nodded secretly.

The ability of this symbiote is still good.

But a single word is of no use to him, at most. . .It's just stuffed into Injustice, but if it's in the millions, it's completely different.

"Human, I'm going to tear you to shreds!"

The rage is worthy of his name, and the violent temper, just because Clark scolded him, stared at Clark and insisted on tearing him to pieces. . . . .look.

But before he could get close to Clark, the bald-headed strong man who had just been flung out by him rushed up as if he was nothing, pounced directly from his side, and threw the obviously larger rage directly to the ground.

"Monster! Don't underestimate me!"

The bald-headed strong man roared and raised his fists, only to see a crimson light on his fists, as if magma was flowing under his skin, with a scorching high temperature, he punched directly on his furious face.


Furious howled by this punch.

The tall body threw the bald-headed strong man flying out.

"Damn! I'm going to tear you apart!"

He roared and rushed towards the bald strong man, his huge claws extended directly, each finger was like a long knife, directly facing the bald strong man. . .Fanned heavily.

Bang!The strong bald man flew out and smashed against the wall.

Five bone-deep wounds appeared on his body.

It's just that there was no blood flowing out of the wound. Instead, a liquid like magma appeared, squirming, and a red light radiated around it, and the wound gradually closed.

"Hey! You're not human at all!"

With a look of pain on his face, he looked at his claws that were almost melted.

That's what their symbiote fears the most. . .High frequency sound waves and high temperature flames.

Although the bald-headed man in front of him can't make any sound waves, his whole body is like a high-temperature furnace.

At this time, the fury was afraid that he had turned his head and ran away.

This is really restraining their symbiote! ! ! "Mr. Hydra, your... subordinate is"

Derek, who had just retreated to the door, came over at this time, looking at the bald strong man over there with a look of great interest.

"Desperate Virus, the invention of Dr. Killian."

Clark said lightly.



Drake looked surprised.

"Oh! You know him"

Clark did. . . . .It's a little surprising, I didn't expect these two guys to know each other.

Drake laughed dryly and said, "About seven years ago, in 99, Dr. Killian approached me and told me about some of his ideas, but at the time I thought it was a little too idealistic. yes, so..."

Although Drake didn't finish his words, Clark already knew what he meant.

At that time, Killian had looked for him, hoping to get his funding.

As a result, Drake didn't pay attention to Killian's research, thinking that it was impossible, so he ignored him at all.

And now it seems that the finished product of the Extremis Virus, Drake may regret it to death.

Although this desperate warrior does not look as strong as the symbiote.

But that kind of... self-healing ability.

It still makes Drake's eyes very hot!If he had known earlier, he would have funded Killian back then.

pity. . . . . .It's too late to say anything now!The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: Disobedient?Beat it up and listen!

"A single desperate warrior, even if he has the restraint above his ability, is still no match for the symbiote warrior."

The bald-headed desperation warrior in front of him fought furiously with the symbiote for two or three minutes, too.

But almost all the time was abused.

Apart from. . . . . . . .In the beginning, it caused a little damage to the rage. After learning the rage, I gave up the attack method of directly hurting the opponent. Instead, I smashed the opponent to the ground and the wall again and again, and used this method to avoid my body being damaged. The high temperature in the opponent's body hurts.

Clark shook his head, and then asked another desperate warrior beside him to help.

Two to one, yes. . . . .The situation of the war improved.

But still unable to suppress the rage.

This is still in the relatively small space of the training room, and there is no external interference.

If it was in the outside world, two or three desperate warriors would definitely be easily killed by the symbiote warriors with their bare hands!This is no joke.

After all, not every desperate fighter is like Killian, even fire-breathing.

Their abilities are limited to melee combat.

In the face of the symbiote warriors who crushed them in all aspects, it is normal for them to fail.

Another two or three minutes passed.

Clark once again sent a desperate fighter over.

Three 3 hits one, finally suppressed the rage.

Mainly because the current environment is not conducive to rage.

His speed advantage can hardly be shown here, and he can only rely on brute force to attack.

One or two is fine, but now facing three threes, he can't handle it.

Seeing that the rage has gradually fallen into the downwind.

At this time, Clark called the three 3 Desperate Warriors back.

"Okay, come back."

Although the three 3 desperate warriors still wanted to continue fighting, they dared not disobey Clark's order, so the three of them worked together to repel the rage and retreated directly behind Clark.

"Damn it! You guys... Damn humans! Die for Lao Tzu!!!"

The rage that got up, roared and rushed over.

Originally thought that the three humans who would be hot all over would run out to block him, but until he rushed forward, the three did not move half a step, but looked at him with mocking eyes.

This made the rage even more furious.

Dare to underestimate my anger!die! ! !Dozens of tons of power exploded, punching directly at Clark who was standing at the front.

this man!Fury is not forgotten, that is. . .He, let those three people who would get hot to besiege him, and he even wanted him to be angry and obedient before, damn it!Behind him, looking at the rage rushing up like a savage beast, Derek's eyes flashed with a strange light.

He stepped back quietly, and the corner of his mouth was raised, revealing a mocking smile.

Let you be so arrogant, and now you have provoked this symbiote monster, go to hell!Drake laughed heartily.

He seemed to have seen Clark being torn to shreds by his rage.

However. . . . . .Bang!A figure flew out.

It slammed heavily on the wall of the training room. The wall made of special alloy steel in the training room was directly dented by the hit, and there were cracks everywhere around it.

At this time, Clark retracted his fist and looked at the half-dead fury lying there faintly.

"Be obedient, or die."

"You choose."

His tone was flat, and he didn't seem to care about the choice of rage.

In fact it is.

in spite of. . . .

The rage is to choose to obey or not to fear death, yes. .It doesn't matter to Clark.

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