He also has a whole planet of symbiotes, millions of symbiotes waiting to be conquered.

A mere rage, a small character who has even heard of the name in his previous life.

How could he care about the corner.

The whole body seemed to be collapsing in rage, raised his head in horror, and looked at the human in front.



Clark stared.

Furious, he shrank back quickly.

From the heart: "I...I am willing to be obedient."

"Wise choice."

Clark nodded, then turned and walked towards the door of the training room.

When he reached the door, he paused, turned slightly back and said, "I haven't come yet."

The fury under the corner quickly got up tremblingly, the tall body kept shrinking, and soon retracted into the body of the android warrior, returning the body control to the android warrior.

Under the protection of Fury, the android warrior was not injured.

So he naturally followed quickly and left the training room together.

. . . "I took this guy, and a few of them. They will be responsible for protecting your safety and continue to study well."

Clark took the Fury away, leaving four 44 Desperate Warriors for Drake.

In addition to the previous hot girl and evil girl, six people are responsible for matters on the Life Foundation side.

Drake did not dare to refuse.

Although he is very clear, what protects his safety is clearly. . .monitor.

But he didn't dare to say it, he was afraid of death!Especially after Clark showed his inhuman strength today.

He didn't dare to resist.

Clark returned to the Zesky base with the android warrior possessed by rage, and after he handed the android warrior to Skynet for research, he left here.

At present, the new generation of android warriors has not been mass-produced.

The one who was possessed by rage before... was only the first generation product.

It was handed over to Skynet so that it could monitor the physical condition of the android warriors and see what happened after being possessed by the symbiote.

Clark didn't need to worry about these matters, and left them all to Skynet to handle.

It has also been doing well, and Clark is reassured.

As for whether Fury would be willing to cooperate in the process, that is the Zesky base!Not to mention a mere rage, even if there are dozens or hundreds of symbiotes, they will have to stop when they get there.

"When Skynet's results come out, they will be able to produce a new generation of android warriors."

"However, millions of symbiotes..."

"That's a problem."

Millions of symbiotes, to all become symbiote warriors, means that millions of new generation android warriors are needed.

The new generation of android warriors is no less expensive than the previous generation of android warriors.

To produce several million. . . . . .Even if Clark has that much money.

Time is also an issue.

Even if the production has been non-stop, it cannot be completed without a few years.

"It seems that after the results come out, we have to go to the mutant world, and add a few more production lines there, and by the way, we can also make use of the resources there."

Compared with the main world of Marvel, the resources of the mutant world, at least in terms of ordinary resources, are actually quite a lot.

Moreover, in the mutant world, Clark is also the king of the mutant family.

Possesses supreme authority.

If he wants to build a few production lines of artificial humans, it is only a matter of one sentence.

But before that, there are a few things to prepare.

Skynet will definitely copy a child in the past. After all, it is impossible for Clark to operate these things himself, and neither will he.

Although it can be learned, with his super brain, it is not too complicated to learn.

But obviously there is an easier way, why did Clark embarrass himself and hand it over to Skynet? . .a few days later.

The analysis results from Skynet also came out.

It is confirmed that the new generation of android warriors can indeed successfully match the symbiote, but there are still some details that can be optimized. In the past few days, Skynet has also done all this.

Afterwards, Clark took Skynet's offspring to the mutant world.

Nothing major is happening over there.

The disputes between humans and mutants are still going on, and Clark didn't want to end the game in person.

Clark handed over to Magneto to arrange the construction of the growth line.

Magneto explained the matter to his subordinates again.

It only took more than half a day to find a suitable place for Clark.

Then. . . . . .that is. . .Mobilized action.

The work efficiency of ordinary people is too low. Clark has mastered hundreds of thousands of mutants, and many of them are very suitable for this kind of physical work.

There are also some mutants who can control machinery, let them do it directly.

In just one day, a large factory was completed.

Next, Clark installed Skynet's daughter, and then the matter did not need him to intervene, and was directly handed over to Skynet.

All Clark has to do is to inform the existence of Skynet to a few high-level heads of Hydra such as Magneto.

With Hydra and Skynet, the production line of a new generation of android warriors on this side of the mutant world will be done!Meanwhile, Clark was busy with a new production line on this side of the mutant world.

On this side of the San Francisco Life Foundation.

Something also happened.

Eddie, who ruined his good life three months ago because of an interview, broke into the experimental area inside the Life Foundation for some unknown reason.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Venom joins forces to riot, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is also eyeing the symbiote? !

Not only that.

Eddie also fused with the venom in the laboratory and became the venom host.

If this matter is not beyond Clark's expectations, then the subsequent development of things made him a little surprised.

Because Clark sent four 44 Desperate Warriors to stay in the Life Foundation.

So Eddie, who had just obtained Venom at the time, encountered them.

Eddie, who just merged with Venom, will be the opponent of the four 44 Desperate Warriors, directly. . .Not to mention being beaten up, he almost lost his life.

In the end, if it wasn't for the riot that suddenly broke in, maybe he would have died.

Afterwards, the riot united Venom, and the two symbiotes made a scene of the Life Foundation.

Drake, who arrived after hearing the news, was almost killed by the aftermath of the battle.

In the face of the two symbioses of riot and venom, the four desperate warriors were obviously not opponents. Fortunately, the hot girl and the evil girl stepped forward to help, one attacked with poison, and the riot and venom were scared away.

When Clark arrived the next day after hearing the news, all he saw was a messy scene and a dead symbiote.

That was the last of the four 44 symbiotes brought back from the universe by Drake's spaceship.

This guy is also unlucky.

His host is too weak, or in other words, it doesn't match him well enough. . .high.

So there is no combat power at all.

In the battle last night, he was directly burned to death by the fire released by the hot girl.

Not even the hot girl did it on purpose.

Exactly. . .accidental injury.

"Sir, are we going to track down those two symbiotes that escaped?"

The evil woman came over and asked.

Because the hot girl did something wrong, she didn't dare to look at Clark at this time, so why did she come over and ask this question.

Clark shook his head.

"No, they'll bring it to the door themselves."

After speaking, Clark called Drake over.

"I have something I need you to do here..."

Drake listened carefully, nodding from time to time, and when Clark finished speaking, he nodded heavily, and went down to do what Clark ordered.

. . .on the evening news.

Drake, the boss of the Life Foundation, announced an important news. Their company's rocket will be launched tomorrow, and will go to the starry sky that has been explored before for further exploration and development work.

This news also attracted the attention of many people.

But that's all there is to it.

The last time the Life Foundation launched a rocket, there was a lot of noise, but it turned out to be a lot of thunder and little rain, and there was no gain at all.

The vast majority of ordinary people just talked about it casually, and then stopped paying attention.

Only those. .tissue with sufficient energy.

Such as S.H.I.E.L.D.

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