. . . . .

. . . .These. . . . . .

Only then will you know that the rocket launched by the Life Foundation last time did not bring back anything at all.

In fact, S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Already eyeing the Health Foundation.

There is also a strong interest in what they bring back from the universe.

more than two months ago.

Clark learned from Skynet that he was in S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The special undercover, Black Widow Natasha.

brought him a message.


. . . . .

. . . .Investigating the Life Foundation.

And half a month ago.

Another message from Natasha.


. . . . .

. . . .The information of the Life Foundation has been grasped, the existence of the symbiote has been known, and the news has reached Nick Fury's ears, and the director of the... Braised Egg also seems to be very interested.

The reason why I didn't do it directly for so long.

On the one hand, because of the influence of the Life Foundation in China, it is inconvenient for them to directly use violence to solve problems. They can only slowly infiltrate and collect intelligence.

On the other hand, the sinister Nick Fury also wants to pick up a ready-made benefit.

So he has been waiting, and he will come to pick this peach when the Life Foundation has the exact result.

but. . . . . .The battle last night may have caused S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .of alertness.

Nick Fury really wants to do something about it.

I'm afraid it will be tomorrow at the latest.

One day was mainly used to collect specific information about the battle last night.

for. .For agents like them.

If you don't have enough information before taking action, you won't give orders rashly.

. . .Deep in the forest park, in front of a cave.

A figure fell from a height and landed at the entrance of the cave.

This is a typical white strong man.

Nearly two meters tall, wearing a shirt and a cotton wool coat, his hair is a little bald, and he looks fierce.

The man still carried a bag in his hand and walked into the cave.

The cave is not deep, only four or five meters, and it looks like it is in the end.

The man who came in threw the bag directly on the ground.

At this time, another figure climbed out from the depths of the cave.

He looked very embarrassed, his clothes were damaged in many places, his face was haggard, and he looked like he hadn't slept for days and nights.

"Let's eat something."

Eddie glanced at each other, then opened the bag in front of him, and dug out directly from the bag: a pile of raw meat.

"You let me eat these..."

Eddie looked at these. . . . .Raw meat, offal, ugly face.

"Trust me, these things are more to your liking now."

"Yes, and this one."

The man threw him a bag of chocolates.

Eddie, who was already very hungry, looked at these things in the bag. For some reason, he had the urge to want big chunks, and he couldn't help swallowing.

Damn it!Can't stand it anymore!Eddie told himself that he couldn't eat these things.

But his body didn't listen to him at all.

Just unpack it and eat it: gnaw it hard.

A burst of blood splattered, and the man standing in front of him seemed to have long been accustomed to such a picture. He walked to the side and sat down on his own, took out a bag of chocolates and ate it.

After half a sound. . . . . .Eddie is finished.

But he felt disgusting.

Not physical disgust, but mental disgust.

He even felt nauseous! "Have some chocolate and you'll feel better."

The man sitting over there said.

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Chapter [-]: S.H.I.E.L.D. is in action, a tired African chief

Eddie glanced at the man.

Then he directly grabbed the bag of chocolates on the ground, tore the bag and poured it into his mouth: .

Finished a bag of chocolates.

Eddie finally felt more comfortable.

At least no more... the nausea and vomiting that I had before.

He sat down and looked at the man across from him.

"Who are you, why did I become like this and what is that monster?"

Eddie had countless questions to ask at the moment.

He was obviously looking for evidence to prove that the Life Foundation was killing people, but why did he feel as if he was caught in some bottomless horror vortex. The man sitting over there sneered when he heard these questions from Eddie one sound.

"you are afraid"

"Didn't you see it yesterday?"

"What's the point of asking this now..."

The man said and stood up, a burst of gray material surged from his body, and then turned into a head. . .Grey Tall Monster - Riot! "Venom! Come out and talk."

Eddie, who was sitting on the ground, also stood up involuntarily, and then a black substance emerged from the surface of his body, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a slightly smaller black monster - Venom! "riot, what are you going to do"

Venom asked.

"I just received news from outside that... The Life Foundation is planning to launch a rocket tomorrow. We need that rocket to bring our people here!"

Riot stretched and grabbed it, suddenly clenched it and said, "This planet, it's time for a new ruler!"

Venom nodded, no opinion.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

He said.

Riot doesn't have any doubts, Venom is not that kind of... thorns in their symbiote group, on the contrary, he is more obedient, so Riot will believe Venom without any doubt.

The setting of the movie version is used here: "Communicate with your host, we need his cooperation."

Riot said: "If he doesn't want to cooperate, change the host!"

Venom nodded, and then the black substance slowly returned to Eddie's body. At this time, Eddie collapsed and fell to the ground, looking at the gray monster in front of him in horror.

"You...what do you want me to do"

A jet of black matter gushed from his shoulders, stretched in the air, and the face of Venom appeared.

"Eddie, we need you to cooperate with us, this is not our hometown, we have to go back."

Venom said, "You're going to help us, right, don't you have a feud with that... Life Foundation? Well, we can help you get revenge!"

"and many more...!"

Eddie said quickly, "Did you take me for a fool? I just heard that this guy said he wants to occupy this planet or something."

He pointed to the riot in front of him.

Venom looked back at the riot, and was a little speechless.

Originally, the riot didn't say these words, he just chose this host, and the other party might agree.

it's good now.

This guy will definitely not agree! "Why do you talk so much nonsense to him?"

Riot was much more direct than Venom. He stepped forward and grabbed Eddie from the ground with his huge claws, as if he was carrying a chick.

He turned to Eddie with his hideous face.

Eddie is terrified! "Boy, you only have two choices now, either obediently follow my instructions, or I will bite off your head and eat you now!"

The riot opened its mouth wide, and a stench filled Eddie's eyes.

He tried his best to move back, but he was caught by the riot, how could he escape.

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