Riot's long tongue licked his face with mucus.

vomit! !Eddie vomited.

Only then did the riot let go and let him fall to the ground.

"Now, what do you choose?"

He looked down at Eddie.

Eddie, who spat a few mouthfuls, looked at him pale.

"I...I can help you, don't go to your planet."

He is an earth man, he left the earth and went to a planet full of monsters. God knows if he can come back alive.

Eddie is not stupid.

He doesn't want to go to that kind of... ghost place! "No problem, as long as we get that rocket, you can leave anytime."

The riot retreated, seemingly graciously agreeing to Eddie's request.

It's just that he was the only one who knew what he was thinking.

Eddie is not a three-year-old child, of course, he will not easily believe the monster of the riot. This guy is not the kind of person who can speak his words, but Eddie has no choice but to bet that he will keep his promise.

"Be prepared, those guys may come out to stop us last night."

Riot said to Venom.

Venom nodded, thinking of the woman... who could breathe fire last night, and couldn't help but have a heart palpitation.

Their symbiotic body is the most afraid of. . .Sound waves and flames too.

This time, I happened to encounter one that would breathe fire, really. . . . . .Unlucky! . . .SHIELD.

. . . . .

. . . . , Trident headquarters.

Nick Fury is in charge of the hands and is looking at the picture in the video and is lost in thought.

After half a sound, the video playback ends.

Everyone looked at him.

Awaiting instructions.

Natasha was also among them. She happened to have no assignments for the past two days, so she was pulled over by Nick Fury to help.

After a while. . . . . .Nick Fury said, "Barton, let the revenge team prepare, and go to San Francisco tomorrow."

Patton nodded.

"Natasha, go ahead first. I suspect that the Life Foundation's rocket launch plan tomorrow is a trap to attract these two symbiotes into the net."

Nick Fury pointed to the two enlarged photos on the next screen - Riot and Venom! "Look into it, I want to know what they're going to do."

Natasha nodded and turned away.

After assigning the task, Nick Fury let everyone else disperse and returned to the office, with a tired look on his face.

He's been too busy lately.

While trying to find out what's hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Hydra inside.

On the other hand, I have to consider those mysterious people who appeared inexplicably last time.

There are also more and more crimes of superpowers recently, so he doesn't have much time to rest.

He is so tired!But he couldn't stop.

Because he is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . . , the burden on his shoulders is heavier than anyone else.

Others can rest, can take a vacation.

Only he can't! "Maybe it's time for me to talk to the client."

Nick Fury thought to himself.

He has always had this idea, but he has been slow to make a decision.

Plus there are other things to do.

So it has been delayed until now.

Nick Fury is not worried about things over the Life Foundation.

One is that he didn't know that there was a symbiont planet in outer space not far from the earth. There were millions of symbiotes on it, and they had already set their sights on the earth.

On the other hand, he also noticed that there is another force that is also eyeing the Life Foundation, and it has already been their S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Step in.

In the battle last night, he saw two familiar people.

Hot girl!Evil girl!Both are members of the Injustice League.

As for the Injustice Alliance, he found that there seems to be a connection with one of the Hydras.

Over the years, Nick Fury has been: secretly investigating information about Hydra, and it is not useless.

At least he now knows a lot about Hydra.

For example, Hydra was split into several branches a long time ago, and the Red Skull during World War II was only one of the forces of Hydra.

And he seriously suspects that he is currently lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Hydra inside.

that is. . .A continuation of the Red Skull Hydra during World War II.

In addition, there are several forces of Hydra, with branches all over the world.

He got a piece of information some time ago.

On Sokovia's side, there was originally a Hydra force, but it was destroyed for no apparent reason.

When he sent someone to investigate, there was only one abandoned castle left.

The information that can be found is very limited.

It is only known that the original leader of this Hydra was a guy named Baron Strucker.

And now. . . . . .That guy is already cold!But Baron Strucker is just the lesser one of the few Hydra forces.

In contrast, S.H.I.E.L.D. lurks in them.

. . . . .

. . . .The Hydra inside.

It's much harder!At present, Nick Fury has found several suspects.

is being followed up.

There is an investigation into the matter, which he has not spoken to anyone.

He didn't even mention Coulson, who could be his newcomer.

Just sneakily formed a team that was not recorded in S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The team in the internal file, let them investigate this matter.

"Hydra, Injustice, even alien monsters are running out now, hey!"

Nick Fury feels tired.

The previous S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The chief is not as tired as he is.

How can it be so difficult to wait until he takes office? . . . . .Just because he was African Nick Fury, looking at his face reflected in the glass, he couldn't help but doubt himself.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Loyal Natasha!

Natasha rides S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The special plane, spanning a distance of more than [-] kilometers, took more than an hour to arrive in San Francisco if it was a civil airliner.

Not to mention the flight schedule, the time spent in the air will take at least six or seven hours.

At these times, Natasha can completely investigate what the Life Foundation is about. .The specific situation of tomorrow's rocket launch plan, and the rest of the time, there is still time to stroll around San Francisco.

. . . . .12 o'clock noon.

Natasha successfully infiltrated the Life Foundation.

for. .For a top agent, a mere life foundation is really similar to his own back garden.

After all, even Eddie's... unemployed reporters can easily get in with an insider, not to mention Natasha, who has been trained by the Red House since she was a child, and has experienced thousands of various tasks. the top agents.

But mixing with the Life Foundation is only the first step.

Moreover, Natasha didn't know that when she successfully infiltrated the Life Foundation, she was actually discovered by Skynet.

Yes, as Today Net has controlled the entire network within the Life Foundation.

This company says it belongs to Drake, but in fact it is better to say that it belongs to Hydra.

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