And Skynet also notified Clark of the news for the first time, who was sunbathing with Jessica in New York.

for. .Tomorrow's rocket launch plan, in fact, Clark does not pay much attention.

Success or failure is not to say.

In fact, Clark didn't think it would fail. After all, he sent a lot of people over. Although the riot and the venom combined made him a little surprised, he didn't believe it. The two symbiotes can still compete with one. A modern army composed of a hundred android warriors must know that not all symbiote warriors can be as strong as the previous rage.

The reason why the rage is so strong is not because the host he possesses is a new generation of cyborg warriors, who have a physical quality that is 7 times higher than ordinary people, so he can exert such a powerful strength.

But as for the riot and venom, who is the host of the riot's possession, Clark didn't go to check.

Too lazy to check.

But the host possessed by venom is not an unemployed vagabond who usually keeps fit!You can count on how strong the two of them are, plus Skynet knows that. . . . .Symbiote Weaknesses.

Therefore, if the enemy is only two symbiotes, there will be no accidents at all.

However, it now appears that S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .It seems that he intends to step in.

But Clark will be because of S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .I'm worried, don't be joking!SHIELD.

. . . . .

. . . .It's not enough to rely on. . .that is. . .Just a revenge team.

But the revenge team has it, and so does Clark's cyborg team.

What the revenge squad doesn't have, the android army still has it!SHIELD.

. . . . .

. . . .What are you fighting against him for a sense of justice? So, Clark gave Skynet the responsibility for the Life Foundation's affairs.

As for himself, he would accompany Jessica, and play some shy games when he had time, or just tease Wanda and Daisy. This kind of relaxed and leisurely life, but he had to go to work before and after. Yes, aren't you tired? You really want to do everything yourself. Why does Clark need so many subordinates to make offerings like a bodhisattva!for. .Natasha, Clark didn't let Skynet pierce her disguise directly.

In fact, Natasha could be regarded as someone on his side anyway.

Although he was sent to S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Be an undercover.

But because of this, it was doomed, and she could no longer escape from this quagmire.

Nick Fury wouldn't trust a second rebel.

If it is said, Natasha rebelled from the Red House to S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . . , can also be said to be a reformed man, then from S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .If he rebelled against Hydra again, he was really helpless.

Natasha knew this very well.

But since knowing S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .In fact, after it is not much different from Hydra, she has actually seen a lot about who she works for.

What's more, Clark never forced her to do something she didn't want to do.

This makes Natasha more satisfied with the current job.

After all, who wouldn't like to work one job and get two wages? And for Clark, to turn against a future avenger, and by the way, let her do a little help or something, pay an extra His seemingly insignificant salary, exactly. . .A very good deal.

Why not if others want to.

For example, like Hawkeye Barton, he is also willing to give the other party an extra salary.

Unfortunately, Barton's position is obviously much firmer than that of Natasha at this stage. It doesn't mean that he will rebel, and if there is a Natasha, if there is another Barton, it is actually optional.

. . .Skynet does not dismantle Natasha's disguise, and it is obvious that she cannot be found by the security force of the Life Foundation itself.

It only took less than three hours.

Natasha has already got the information she wants.

Finally, I investigated some other information by the way, and after satisfying my curiosity, Natasha left the building of the Life Foundation directly.

Throughout the life Foundation security forces did not detect her infiltration.

It's really rubbish!But this can't blame them, after all, they are facing the top spy like Natasha, and they are the best at it. . .sneak into.

Apart from. . . . . . . .In a place like the Stark Group that is completely controlled by artificial intelligence, she can't sneak in anywhere, and compared with the Stark Group, a mere life foundation is nothing.

It's not one size after all.

It is incomparable in terms of background.

. . . . .After coming out of the Life Foundation, Natasha did not contact S.H.I.E.L.D. directly.

. . . . .

. . . . , but made contact with Skynet through another encrypted mobile phone.

Of course, Natasha didn't know that the person who contacted her was not a real person, but an artificial intelligence.

She had previously investigated within the Life Foundation that the company was actually controlled by Hydra.

And the Hydra that controls the Life Foundation happens to be the Hydra she works for.

Therefore, Natasha directly contacted her superior and asked whether she should investigate these things. . . . .Report to S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . . .

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Chapter [-]: Nick Fury comes to the door

Soon, Natasha got a reply.

[Don't hide, report it directly] Seeing the information on the phone screen, Natasha was secretly surprised by Hydra's confidence, and then reported the information she found to her immediate boss, Black Braised Egg.

Nick Fury also confirmed his previous guess after receiving the information from Natasha.

Sure enough, what rocket launch, that is. . .a trap.

But this is for them S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .In other words, it is an opportunity to wipe out both sides.

But before that, he still needs to find someone to talk to.

. . . "Nick Fury is looking for me"

Clark, who was sunbathing on the private beach of the beach house, suddenly received a call from his secretary, saying that a guy calling himself Nick Fury had come to the company and wanted to see him by name.

Why is this black marinated egg looking for him now Clark thought to himself.

Then he said, "That's okay, you arrange for him to go to the No. 3 reception room to rest, and say I'll be there in a while."

After speaking, Clark hung up the phone.

"Is someone important looking for you?"

Jessica on the side asked curiously.

"A guy who likes to ask for trouble when he's full, don't worry about him, let him wait a little longer."

This moment, it is. . .Two full hours.

Two hours later, Nick Fury, who was sitting in the reception room of Kent Films No. 3, could not sit still.

'How long is he going to make me wait?' Nick Fury had a dark face, his only eye showing a trace of anger.

Since he got on SHIELD.

. . . . .

. . . .After taking the position of the director, no one has been able to make him wait so long for a long time.

Even the president of a country, he can not give face.

Others had always waited for him, and this was the first time he had waited for others for two full hours.

If it weren't for his patience.

Couldn't sit still.

But even so, two hours was almost close to his limit.

If Superman never comes again.

He really wants to get up and go!Click!At this moment, the door of the reception room opened.

Nick Fury thought it was the staff who brought in the coffee again.

When he looked up, he saw a familiar face.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Clark came in with a smile on his face, said apologetic words, and took the initiative to shake hands with Nick Fury, and then took a seat next to him.

"It's okay, Mr. Superman, you are busy with business, I can understand."

Obviously very angry, but on the surface Nick Fury has to show a look of indifference, but listen to this. . . . .It is. . . . .Point in the irony of Keke's feeling.

Who doesn't know, unless something major happens, or Superman will not shoot, basically it is done by other superheroes of the Justice League.

I don't know if Nick Fury's words are deliberately mocking Clark for making him wait for two hours or what else means anyway. . .An old hermaphrodite like him would definitely not be as simple as the literal meaning of what he said.

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