Secretary Kate came over and brought two new cups of coffee, then turned and exited the parlour.

Shut the door.

also brought.

"Director Fury, try my coffee here, it tastes good."

Clark said politely.

Nick Fury nodded with a smile and said, "I have tasted your company's coffee, and it's really good, but I'm not here today just to taste your company's coffee, there are other important things. , I want to chat with you, Mr. Superman."

Clark took a sip of his coffee and gestured for him to speak.

Seeing this, Nick Fury said bluntly: "That's it, you had a fight with an unknown person a few months ago, I don't know if you still have Mr. Superman... impression"

Clark nodded and said, "That's right, it does happen. What's the matter? Director Fury is also interested in learning about it."

Nick Fury nodded.

"Yes, I would like to know the specific identity of the person who fought with you, Mr. Superman."

"no problem."

Clark said, "But I don't know the specific identity of the other party. These people came to me inexplicably, and then ran away inexplicably. To be honest, I still haven't found out who they are. where."

"Oh! You don't even know Superman first"

Nick Fury was clearly not convinced.

Of course Clark knew.

But he won't tell Nick Fury the truth, he will only pick up what he can say and tell Nick Fury.

As for the complete version, it depends on Nick Fury's own ability, or imagination.

"The other party seems to appear out of thin air. I can't find any information about them in this world. Maybe they are aliens."

Clark casually made an unreliable guess.

But Nick Fury is. . . . .Keep an eye on it.

I don't think it's possible.

After all, he met aliens in 95, and had a lot of intersections with them. . . . . . . . .

So he is very clear that the universe they live in is not only their life planet, there are more life forms in places they have not yet explored by human beings.

Many of their civilizations are far more developed than the civilizations on Earth.

So it can come to the earth unwittingly.

It's not impossible! "I'll give you a description of the general appearance and abilities of those people."

Clark said.

Nick Fury nodded, then listened carefully.

"The strongest among them... is a woman with blond hair, what does she look like... a relatively ordinary, public face, nothing special."

Clark described, "And then there's a guy with a stronger build, an axe, an electrical discharge, and a wilder fighting style."

"There are a few others that I haven't fought against, but I've met them all."

"A man with glasses, looking suave, like a scholar."

"There is a man and a woman who give me the feeling of a detective."

"Finally, there are two men, one is wearing a suit of armor, the can I describe it, the chest muscles are well developed and the figure is very good."

Nick Fury: . . . . . .The previous descriptions are quite normal.

Why did you describe it so strangely when it was the last one, "That girl, how is her strength in your opinion, Mr. Superman?"

Nick Fury thought about it and asked again.


Clark said, "Flying is very fast, it can reach the speed of light, and as for the rest..."

"To be honest, in my opinion, there is not much of a flashpoint, that is... the defense is not bad, and it is more resistant to beatings."

It's more durable, but it's okay!Nick Fury smiled bitterly to himself.

this description. . . . . .never mind!People are superman.

With this qualification, what can he say. . . . .Nick Fury chatted with Clark for half an hour in the parlour.

During the whole process, there were calculations and calculations in his mind. Clark was interested in seeing what was going on in his mind at first, but later found that the mind of this braised egg was so dirty that even he couldn't bear to watch it. .

Through some of Clark's descriptions, Nick Fury has actually locked some goals in his mind.

Such as a very tough woman.

Of course, this is Clark's description.

But his these. . . . .Described, it does make Nick Fury directly think of Carroll.

Even if he had contacted Carroll last time, the other party said that he had not returned to Earth, but Nick Fury was never a person who believed what others said.

Including this conversation with Clark today.

He also didn't fully believe what Clark said, he just linked Clark's description with some information he already knew, and then drew some possible conclusions from it.

Anyway. . . ,in spite of. . . .

What Nick Fury thinks, this tough woman looks like Carol.

Even if it's not Carol herself, it's related to her!in addition. . . . . .And the pair of men and women who look like detectives.

Clark doesn't describe them much, but it makes Nick Fury think of himself.

To be precise - thinking about your own career.

Agent!And then there is. . .A man in armor.

He still thinks of Carroll, but this time he suspects not Carroll himself, but a highly technologically advanced civilization in the interstellar space, such as the Cree.

After all, they have no such technology on earth!As for anything else, a wild stubborn man with an axe that discharges electricity, a Svensman spectacled scholar, a man with a good figure. . . . . .These. . . . . !Nick Fury does. . . . .No clue.

Business is over.

Nick Fury also got up to say goodbye.

Waited for two hours, although the last chat only lasted half an hour.

But Nick Fury has got the answer he wants.

When he was leaving, Nick Fury suddenly said a word out of nowhere.

"San Francisco side, isn't Mr. Superman's Justice League interested?"

Clark shook his head.

"I believe in S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Ability. "

Nick Fury said nothing, got in the car and left.

Clark laughed when Nick Fury's car was far away.

"This guy, even suspected me."

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Hydra blocks the road, attack in rage!

It should be said, worthy of being the head of the secret agent, or that this guy has long been accustomed to speculating on others with the greatest malice. In short, in the absence of any reason and evidence.

Nick Fury is suspicious of superman Clark.

Just made a statement to test him.

can only say. . . . . .This guy is really not afraid of death! " can I doubt it?"

Clark smiled disdainfully, not taking it to heart at all.

. . .In the car, Nick Fury took out an encrypted phone and dialed a number on it.

After a while, the phone went through.

"We need to meet."

He said something thoughtlessly.

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment.

Then he said: "Okay, after three days, I will rest."

After speaking, the two hung up the phone directly.

Putting down the phone, Nick Fury turned to look out the car window.

The only one left eye has a deep gaze.

. . . . .San Francisco.

The time has come to the second day, the day of the rocket launch.

The launch platform is built on the sea, connected by a bridge, at the other end of the bridge is the control room.

There are many Life Foundation technicians busy at this time.

Making final preparations before launch.

Drake was also on the scene, supervising, and it could be seen that he was a little nervous.

From time to time, he looked at the two tall men in suits beside him.

These are two desperate warriors whose mission is to protect and monitor Drake.

And others.

At this time, it has already been ambushed around the launch platform, just waiting for the fish to take the bait!Meanwhile S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

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