. . . .The revenge squad has also arrived.

Also ambush in the dark, ready to attack at any time!On a coast 11 kilometers away from the launch platform, Natasha just stopped the car, got out of the car, took out a pair of high-precision telescopes, and looked over there.

Her mission has been completed and it is now private time.

But she was curious.

Which side would win the battle, so she came to see.

"The time is almost up."

Natasha glanced at the time on her watch.

Then pick up the telescope and look at the launch platform at sea.

at this time!In the telescope, she saw a large figure suddenly rushing out of the dense forest on the sea surface.

On the bridge connecting the launch platform, muzzles were also raised one by one.

next second. . . . . .A barrage of metal enveloped the two symbiotes! "here we go!"

Natasha muttered to herself.

He stared at the picture in the telescope.

on the bridge.

Riot and Venom joined forces and rushed to the launch platform one after the other.

Those ones. .The raised machine gun and bullets hit them, causing them to roar again and again, but it did not cause any substantial damage.

"Just with these toys, you want to stop me from rioting!"

The riot roared, and slammed his arms against the wall!Followed by to see one after another gray thorns from those. .Came out from under the muzzle, accompanied by a loud explosion, these. . . . .The defenses were destroyed almost instantly.

"As expected of rioting you!"

Venom grinned and jumped to a height of dozens of meters in one jump. After falling, he folded his hands and clenched his fists, smashing a fortress heavily.

Boom!Flames rise.

However, Venom had jumped far away and was not hurt by the flames.


Riot ran past him, shouting loudly.

Hearing the words, Venom didn't care to appreciate his masterpiece, and hurried to catch up.

At the same time, several figures jumped under the bridge and landed on the bridge.

Right in front of Riot and Venom.

"It's those... people who get hot!"

The riot roared, his arms turned into knives, and he slashed towards the few desperate warriors in front of him.

clang!Bang!The blade arm slashed heavily on the arms of the two desperate warriors.

It turned out to be a spark!However, the huge force above still blasted the two desperate warriors out, their bodies flew upside down like a cannonball for more than ten meters, and they were heavily hit on the shelf of the launch platform.

Even the metal pipes were smashed and bent!The two despairing soldiers who were blown away landed.

There is no sign of injury at all, just stand up. . .Rush towards the riot.

On the bridge, a total of six desperate warriors appeared.

Everyone was wearing a black battle suit, and the metal-like battle suit was extremely sturdy. Even if a violent attack hit them, they couldn't leave any traces on this battle suit.

"Don't waste it with them!"

The riot blasted two desperate warriors again, turned back and shouted at Venom who was dragged by the three desperate warriors: "These guys are wearing turtle shells, we don't have time to waste with them here, just go!"

Venom nodded, his hands turned into whips, and he directly wrapped the three 3 desperate warriors, and threw them out, and then caught up with the riot. The two symbiotes joined forces and broke through the encirclement of six desperate warriors.


Riot shouted.

Using his body directly, he savagely smashed through the block in front of him.

at this time. . . . . .Swish!Swish!Swish! . . . . . .A series of figures fell from the sky.

It fell directly from the height of the launch platform, in an orderly manner, blocking the riot and the venom.

Twenty figures, fully armed.

Then. . . . . .Bang!Another tall figure fell and landed at the front.

This figure is two meters three or four high, and it looks like it is slightly higher than the venom by half a head.

"It's you who is furious!"

The riot stopped abruptly, and looked at the symbiote in front of him in astonishment.

Then he said angrily: "Damn it! You turned to human beings! You traitor!!!"

Furious opened his mouth and laughed.

"Riot, Venom, with me here, it is impossible for you to pass."

With a wave of his hands, he turned into the shape of two sharp swords.

Although Fury doesn't have the huge arsenal of weapons like Riot, he can still change several weapons, turning his hands into sharp swords, that is. . .His best fighting form.

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Chapter [-]: Crush!Riot, die!

"Damn fury! You actually betrayed the tribe!"

Venom also roared in rage.

But Fury didn't pay attention to Venom at all, just stared at the riot in front of him that was half a head taller than him.

Only this guy is worthy of being his opponent.

But even if it is a riot, the rage at this time is actually not too fearful.

The strength of their symbiont is too dependent on the host.

The stronger the host, the stronger they are.

on the contrary. . . . . .The weaker the host.

The weaker they are, even if the host is too weak, it will cause both their symbiote and the host to die!Such power has not happened before.

And now, the strength of the riot itself is stronger than him.

But in terms of hosts, the furious hosts are much stronger than the riotous hosts. The difference in strength between them has long since been smoothed out and turned over.

So what if there are many weapons? What if the body is strong? My host is stronger than you!more than anything else! ! !Furious was very proud at this time, and even selectively forgot the brutal experiments he had undergone in the previous period.

Sure enough, join this organization called Hydra.

It was an extremely correct decision!Venom is still there: Curse the betrayal of fury, but Riot appears to be much calmer than him.


Riot strode forward.

"You traitor, let me deal with it myself!"

With a wave of his arms, he turned into two huge sharp blades.

After jumping high, the sharp blade reflected a dazzling light in the sun, and with a heavy slash, it slashed violently towards the rage below.

At first, Furious was a little flustered.

It was mainly the psychological shadow left by the riots for a long time that made him a little nervous.

But when he blocked the violent slash of the riot with one hand, he was instantly happy.

"Riot! You can't do it!"

Laughing in rage and smugness, the sharp sword turned into the other hand stabbed directly towards the riot!Pfft!The sharp sword directly penetrated the riot's chest.

Came out from behind.

"Hahaha!!! Laughing furiously, his arms turned into two afterimages, constantly leaving wounds on the riot.

And the riot, who was originally confident that he could crush the rage, was now in a state of embarrassment, like a dog, directly shrugging his head and constantly stepping back.

"Venom, don't come yet, help!"

Riot shouted.

Venom hesitated for a moment, and just as he was about to go up to help, he was stopped by six desperate warriors chasing after him.

"Black monster, your opponent is us!"

The six 66 desperate soldiers rushed up, completely fighting for their lives.

Their hands were red, exuding scorching heat, one by one. . .Throw it on the venom, and you can hit it once.

Venom was held back by the Desperate Soldier, unable to go up to help the riot.

The riots have been completely suppressed by rage.

The disparity in strength between the two sides has made the riot completely lose its ability to resist.

Only passively beaten!On the opposite coast, Natasha looked at the battle over there with a telescope.

When she saw that the two symbiote monsters had been completely suppressed by the Hydra people, she knew that S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .It's almost time for someone to appear.

as predicted. . . . . .The next moment, she saw one wearing S.H.I.E.L.D. in her telescope.

. . . . .

. . . .The squad in battle suits appeared on the periphery of the battlefield.

It was Hawkeye who led the team! "Fire!"

Hawkeye gave a direct order, and at the same time pulled the bow and shot an arrow.

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