The arrow flew over a distance of hundreds of meters, and instantly hit the back of Fury, who had the upper hand.

Boom!A huge explosion, a fireball expands.

He directly flew out the furious and tall body, and fell into the sea with a bang.

Even the closest riot was injured by the explosion.

The gray matter on his body tumbled and howled in pain.

at the same time!The revenge squad starts firing.

Their weapon is a laser weapon, which has a long range and high speed. The only disadvantage is that they cannot fight for a long time.

Blue laser beams hit Venom and Riot.

Even the android team of Hydra and six desperate warriors were shrouded in.

Riots and wailing of Venom being beaten.

The high temperature burns after the laser hits made them very painful.

However, the android squad and the desperate warriors directly blocked these by relying on the battle suits on their bodies. . . . .The attack of the laser beam is just the body carrying the attack, and is constantly being moved backwards.

They can only back to back, with the help of each other's strength, to maintain the center of gravity.

"What about the two Injustice people?"

Natasha didn't see the two people from the Injustice League over there. She believed that Barton must have discovered it long ago, but he still chose to do it at this time, and there must be a way to deal with it.



In the air, a huge dark green poisonous cloud flew over.

Hawkeye discovered her existence for the first time.

"Open the mask!"

He commanded loudly, opening his mask at the same time.

The poisonous cloud shrouded over, and Zizi's voice made a sound. Those plants withered in an instant under the poisonous cloud, and then turned into a pool of liquid as if they had been corroded.

"Don't think I can only poison."

A huge face appeared in the poison cloud.

The evil woman transformed into an arm in the poison cloud, and the arm formed by the poison gas directly punched the revenge team.

Bang!Bang!Bang!Several figures flew out.

The evil woman laughed wildly and continued to attack.

at this time. . . . . .Hawkeye's figure rushed out from under the poisonous cloud, he jumped high, and at the same time turned around and shot an arrow in the direction of his back.

The arrow flew into the poison cloud and exploded with a bang.

"Ahhhh!!! The evil woman howled in pain.

The poison cloud she incarnates is not afraid of physical attacks, but attacks like explosions that will form high-temperature flames will still make her feel pain.

Unless, of course, the explosion is wide enough.

Otherwise, it would just be painful, not fatal.

"Make a plan!"

Hawkeye ordered.

The next moment, the members of the revenge team showed off a new device on their left arm.

The device was aimed at the poisonous cloud and turned on directly!A burst of sound waves shook the air visible to the naked eye, covering all directions of the poisonous cloud.

The sound wave caused the entire poison cloud to be squeezed and torn apart.

The evil girl thought she could turn into a poisonous cloud and was not afraid of physical damage, so she rushed directly to the vengeance team, but she underestimated the means of the vengeance team.

S.H.I.E.L.D. who has seen the evil woman's ability.

. . . . .

. . . . , how could they not develop some weapons against them like this kind of sonic device, which is prepared to deal with evil women and sand people.

Of course, they can also be used against symbionts.

But this is just a coincidence. After all, this device has been developed a long time ago, and it has always been aimed at the Injustice Alliance. The symbiote just hit the muzzle itself.

. . . . .Boom!A burst of flames exploded.

Immediately following, a figure came from behind.


The hot girl glanced at the poisonous cloud that was almost torn apart several times thinner, and cursed inwardly, but the movements of her hands did not stop, and she directly launched fireballs one after another, blasting them at them. .A member of the Revenge Squad.

The exploding fireball sent the revenge team flying.

But the power is not enough to damage their armor.

But this is just the beginning.

With a burst of light and shadow in the air.

More than a dozen sci-fi-shaped fighter planes appeared. The front muzzle of the fighter plane was opened, and the highly compressed energy beam was directly bombarded at these. . . . .On the revenge squad.

One shot, one tore off their armor directly, injuring the inside of the body.

Hawkeye's expression changed when he saw this scene.

A beam of energy blasted towards him.

Fortunately, Hawkeye reacted fast enough to avoid it in advance.

Rao is so.

He was still blown away by this cannon, and his whole mind was buzzing, and it was difficult to even stand up for a while.

Whoa!The water exploded.

A tall figure rushed out of the water and landed on the bridge.

It was the rage that had just been thrown into the sea.

He strode forward, grabbed the mutilated body, and was still there: the riot repaired by wriggling, and just carried him directly. . .Rush over there.

"Give you!"

He flicked his arm.

Throw the riots out.

The hot girl who heard the voice turned her head and looked at it, grinning and rubbing her hands together, rubbing out a large fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters, which directly slammed into the riot that was thrown over.

"Do not!!!"

The riot roared and was swallowed by the fireball.

Boom! ! !The fireball exploded, and under the high temperature of thousands of degrees, the body of the riot was directly melted, and there was nothing left.

The one who got an assist grinned furiously, then turned to look at the venom that had repaired most of his body.

"Venom, I can give you..."

Before the rage was finished, Venom said, "I surrender! In fact, I didn't like the riots for a long time. I was forced by him to come here today!"

fury:. . . . . .I haven't even finished talking on the horse!Anger is also speechless.

He didn't expect Venom to be so shameless.

Turned the pot over to a dead man.

Everyone's riots are dead, and now you say that you were forced by him, who can prove that to read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Mission Failed, Displeased Pierce

Shaking his head in anger and speechless, with a wave of his hand, an android warrior came out from behind.

This android warrior looks no different from other android warriors, but in fact, the internal difference between the two is very big.

"This is your new host."

Angrily pointed.

"Also, welcome to join Hydra!"

The black venom wriggled away from Eddie's body, and then quickly submerged into the android's body.

Eddie, who had lost the venom, was lying on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Alive... surviving."

Just now, Eddie thought he was dead.

But did not expect.

He finally survived.

On the other hand, after getting the venom of the new body, he also communicated with his new host.

The two sides quickly reached a consensus.

The main reason is that Venom has already recognized it, so the communication is very smooth.

Black matter emerged, and the venom grew from the new host's body. It was half a head taller than before, and it became the same as the rage in front of him.

He clenched his fists, very satisfied with his new host.

"Strong body, no wonder you can crush the riot with rage."

Venom said.

Furious grinned, just as he was about to say something, he heard a huge explosion coming from behind him, followed by an air wave.

They turned to look.

I saw the rocket launch main control building in the distance, which had turned into a huge fireball at this time.

A mushroom cloud is slowly rising! "what happened"

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