At least he's still alive.

And, with Drake's death, no one will continue to suppress him. With his journalism talent, I believe that he will soon find a new job and start a new life.

As for Venom, it has nothing to do with him from now on!The change in the plot also allowed Clark to gain a decent amount of damage points from thousands of kilometers away.

Mainly from a shift in Venom's fate.

As for the others.

It is. . . . .not much.

But it's not over yet.

When the new generation of android warriors is almost produced, Clark will also go to the symbiote planet and bring back a batch of symbiotes from there. By the way, let's see if there is the legendary god of symbiotes on that planet. Clark also asked about Fury before about the God of Symbiosis.

But the furious answer was yes. . . . . .do not know!He is a post-born symbiote, born much later than the god of the symbiote is still alive: the era when the universe was all-powerful.

But Fury told Clark that there was indeed a symbiote god in their symbiote group.

That's the creator of all their symbioses!The name is Nal!But as to whether this...the god of the symbiote is still alive.

Fury is not clear.

Anyway. . .When he was on the symbiote planet, he never saw any symbiote god at all, and he just heard some seniors talk about this existence, and it felt like those myths and legends on the earth.

You've heard of them, but you don't know if they actually exist.

However, Clark did. . . . .Believe in the existence of a god of symbiotes.

He has also browsed some information about this... the god of symbiosis. Although he doesn't know much, he does know something.

It is said that this...the god of symbiotes once put his consciousness into the body of a certain evil dragon.

Then the dragon was beheaded by Thor, the god of thunder in Asgard.

Since then his consciousness has been trapped in it.

There was also a time when he was at his peak, who had killed members of the Tianshen group.

That is a single universe-level existence.

Gnar, the god of symbiosis, can kill them, which shows the strength he had at the beginning.

Although, it seems to be done with a magic weapon.

what is it call. . . . . .The Black Death Sword Clark seems to remember this name.

Anyway, it is a very powerful artifact that can kill gods, and every time a god is killed, the power of this sword will become stronger.

It is an artifact with a strong initial and high growth potential!However, this sword seems to have disappeared with Gnar's demise.

Anyway. . .Clark didn't know where the sword was.

Maybe you can look for it on the symbiote planet. If you can find Gnar's body, maybe you can find this sword.

for. .This... weapon that can kill God.

Clark was still very interested.

. . .half a month later.

The follow-up on the Life Foundation has been done.

The company also managed to become one of the properties of Hydra.

On the other side, a new generation of android warriors is also in production.

On average, about a hundred android warriors can be produced every day.

In this case, there are more than [-] a year.

Just less than three years.

This number can exceed [-].

Although there are millions of symbiotes on the symbiote planet, it is impossible for Clark to bring them all back to Earth at one time.

Be sure to pick and choose and bring them back in batches.

In the first batch, Clark planned to bring back only [-] symbiotes.

Test the water first.

Anyway. . .This symbiote planet is not particularly far from the earth. At Clark's speed, it doesn't take too long to go back and forth.

not to mention. . . . . .Clark also wanted to try to see if his teleportation ability could return directly to Earth from the symbiote planet.

if you can.

Then don't waste time on the road next time.

. . . . .a month later.

A new generation of [-] android warriors has been built.

Clark also set off for the symbiote planet.

Skynet marked the interstellar coordinates of the symbiote planet on Clark's phone, provided by Rampage and Venom, and can't go wrong.

It took six days.

Clark finally arrived at the coordinates.

But there are no celestial bodies here.

It is. . . . .In the extreme distance, Clark used his eyesight to find a moving celestial body.

This celestial body, you say it is a planet.

It is not even the size of Pluto.

To say that it is a dwarf planet is an exaggeration.

It looks almost like a comet 1 and moves.

Apart from. . . . . . . .Apart from the lack of a tail like a comet, Clark really has a hard time distinguishing it from a comet.

After catching up to the moving symbiote planet, Clark landed on the planet's surface.

The environment of the whole planet is very bad.

There is definitely no atmosphere.

It's too small after all.

Upon landing on the planet, Clark was greeted with great enthusiasm.

Almost as soon as he landed, those around him. .Countless shadows ran out from behind the strangely-shaped rock, and these shadows rushed towards him in a dense manner, scrambling to be the first.

There are some strange creatures coming in the distance, and there are even flying birds in the air.

It is incredible that a celestial body without an atmosphere has flying bird creatures living on it.

But all these creatures have one thing in common!That is. . . . . .They were all possessed by the symbiote! "This is treating me as food."

Clark shook his head, and the biofield unfolded.

Boom!The silent roar crushed and smashed all kinds of strange rocks around.

The entire symbiote planet was instantly shrouded by Clark's biological standpoint. At this moment, he sensed the depths of the planet's underground, and there was an extremely huge energy reaction, which caught his attention.

"Is that Naal?"

Clark guessed in his heart.

He ignored the surrounding symbiotes who were rushing to the streets, and soared into the sky, and after a few seconds, he came to the top of the energy reaction.

In front of you is a huge canyon.

A crack extends almost straight, looking down from a height, it almost seems to have cut the entire planet with a knife.

And that high-energy reaction is at the bottom of the canyon.

After a few seconds.

Clark came to the bottom of the canyon.

He stomped.

The underground rock formations, which are dozens of times harder than the steel on the earth, were directly smashed by him.

As the body fell, in just a moment - Clark's feet touched the ground again.

This is an underground cave hidden deep in the bottom of the canyon.

Clark saw at a glance the figure sitting on a dark throne in the deepest part of the cave.


Clark instantly moved to the throne.

Look at this body on the throne.

The body in front of him looked like a mummified corpse, the skin was holding the bones, the eye sockets were deeply sunken, and even the eyeballs were gone, only two holes were there.

He looked as if he had been dead for many years.

But Clark sensed a very huge energy reaction from the body of this mummy.

roughly has. . . . . .His [-]%%%!Don't underestimate this one percent, you must know that this is just a mummified corpse.

If it is in front of him, it must be more than that.

It is estimated that there is about ten times: .

Although it is still far from the power that Clark has now, it is still very powerful.

after all. . . . . .This... the god of symbiosis relies more on the divine weapon called the Black Death Sword.

There are obviously two levels of the god of the symbiote holding the artifact and the god of the symbiote without the artifact.

Otherwise, the evil dragon possessed by his consciousness would not have been killed by Thor.

What kind of strength was Saul? He was not even at the level of a father.

Even the current Thor.

Nor has it really touched the sub-heavenly fatherly level.

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