Thor, the fourth stage of the Avengers, can reach the sub-tianfather level, and with the storm tomahawk, his combat power can even be comparable to the powerhouses in the heavenly father level.

But that's it.

It's not that Clark looks down on Heavenly Fathers!It's not that Thor, who held the Storm Axe last time, never fought him.

A completely unstoppable attack.

How did you make Clark look up to him to read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Killing the God of Symbiosis, Killing God's Black Death Sword!

The corpse of Gnar in front of him made Clark stop for a long time before he looked away from it.

"Since Gnar's corpse is here, is the Black Death Sword also nearby?"

Clark began to look around the cave.

But after looking around, nothing was found.

Not to mention the Black Death Sword.

Not even a broken sword was found.

Back in front of Gnar's corpse again, Clark looked at it and suddenly reached out and grabbed its head.

"Consciousness is trapped, what's the use of keeping this body."

While speaking, the power of the red phoenix emerged from Clark's hand.

It was suddenly poured into Gnar's mummified corpse in front of him.

Bang!A burst of fireworks exploded.

Gnar's mummy was directly disintegrated into its molecular state.

The pure energy in the body exploded, like a black flame, sweeping towards all directions.

Clark was the first to be enveloped in this black flame.

But he didn't feel any pain.

The flames beat on his body, and then slowly dissipated, leaving no traces.

at the same time!On the symbiote planet, Clark destroyed Gnar's mummy at the same time.

Deep in the bottom of the ocean in Earth's Atlantic Ocean.

Below the pile of silt, a headless dragon corpse that showed no signs of decay at all, suddenly let out a roar full of unwillingness and resentment.

The surrounding deep-sea fish were frightened and fled.

Boom!With a loud noise, the water flowed inward, and the dragon corpse that had not been corrupted for thousands of years was directly turned into ashes.

After a while. . . . . .Everything is at peace.

Some deep-sea fish are back here again.

As if nothing had happened before.

The only difference is. . . , The bulge that was originally taken out has turned into a deep pit.

. . . [Kill the god of symbiotes Gnar, destruction points +30.

! 】Eh Clark has a question mark on his face.

"I killed Gnar"

He looked at the empty throne in front of him.

Isn't this a mummified corpse, isn't it dead yet!Clark looked puzzled.

Still, that's not a bad thing.

At least he also got [-] destruction points.

It's just like picking up white.

After all, he didn't expect it at all.

"Your master is gone, you don't need to exist anymore."

With a wave of Clark's hand, the power of the phoenix directly decomposed the black throne in front of him.

Just as the Black Throne disintegrated, a force that made his heart palpitate suddenly erupted.

Frightened Clark quickly stepped back.

Looking ahead with a look of surprise!in front of you. . . . . .At the bottom of the dismantled throne, a black sword hilt was inserted straight into the ground, that power that made him feel heart palpitations, that is. . .emanated from this hilt.

"Black Death Sword!"

Unexpected joy!Clark had previously thought that the Black Death Sword was not on this planet.

It turned out that it was hidden under the throne.

Click!The hard ground cracked open after cracks.

Clark pulled out the Black Death Sword with one hand.

The whole body of the dark sword exudes an aura that makes his soul tremble.

As expected of a weapon capable of killing gods!Even the existence of the single cosmos level of the Tianshen group was decapitated by it.

The god who died under this sword, how many Clarks looked at this sword carefully.

The black blade is entangled with a substance similar to a symbiote, making it look even more ferocious.

This substance seems to be wriggling with life, extending from the blade to the jaw, to the hilt, and then wrapping around Clark's wrist.

At that moment, Clark felt as if he had completed some kind of connection with the... Black Death Sword in his hand.

A destructive force poured into his body.

Clark shuddered all over!This power far exceeds his own power, even more than a lot!Yin sword blade contends.

Clark slashed forward with a sword.

In an instant, the black sword qi cut straight through the planet, flew dozens of kilometers away, split the surface of the planet, and flew deeper into the universe.

"Is this the Black Death Sword?"

Clark couldn't help but indulge in it, his eyes became a little blurry.

"and many more...!"

Clark shook his head sharply.

His eyes became clear again.

"What's the matter, how can this sword still affect my mind?"

Clark looked at the sword in his hand with a look of surprise.

It seems to be exuding some kind of black light, guiding Clark's mind to a certain abyss. . . . . .at this time! 【Ding! ] [Get a new item "Black Death Sword"

! ] Swish. . . . . .The black substance that was originally wrapped around Clark's wrist quickly retreated.

The same is true for the black substance on the sword body, which keeps shrinking, and soon disappears into the interior of the sword body and disappears.

That feeling of... bewildering the mind has completely disappeared.

All that was left was a strong sense of power, which made Clark feel like he could split the universe with a single sword.

Clark blinked.

The system boss is bullshit!There is definitely something wrong with this Black Death Sword!Clark has experienced this just now.

If it wasn't for his firmness of mind, he might have been deceived early in the morning.

But even if he regained consciousness temporarily, as long as he used this... Black Death Sword again, Clark's mind would be dragged into the unknown abyss sooner or later.

But it's fine now.

The Black Death Sword was directly converted into an item by the system.

Just like the Phoenix Force before.

That kind of ability to confuse the mind, was directly erased.

This time, when Clark uses it again, he will have no worries!Swish!Swish!Two black sword qi flew out.

Chop the stars and fly into the deep space of the universe.

"Not bad!"

Clark smiled and put the Black Death Sword into the system space, then bent his knees and jumped, instantly breaking through the surface and returning to the surface of the planet.

At this time, a large number of symbiotes have gathered here.

They seem to be very afraid of Clark.

Some symbiotes with hosts worship him directly, even those. .The symbiote without a host is afraid to lie on the ground, as if it is: kneeling and bowing to him.

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Chapter [-]: Strengthen the teleportation ability, [-] symbiote legions!

"I'm going to take three thousand of your compatriots and go to another planet to work for me, who would you like to go?"

Clark exclaimed.

As soon as he finished speaking, almost all the symbiotes expressed their willingness to go.

Seeing this, Clark directly selected [-] relatively powerful individuals among them, and then took out a ready-made device from the system space and let them temporarily stay in this device.

Three thousand symbiotes were crowded into one, and it looked like they were packed with a lot of colorful plasticine.

Holding the device in one hand, Clark's image of Zesky's base came to mind, and he used his teleportation ability to prepare for teleportation.

But after a while, he remained where he was, without any movement.

"Sure enough, it's just an ordinary teleportation ability, and it can't transmit such a long distance."

Although he had expected this possibility from the beginning, Clark was still somewhat disappointed at the moment.

If you can't use the teleportation ability to go back, you can only fly back.

Moreover, this symbiont planet is still a moving planet, and the ghost knows where it has gone when it comes back next time.

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