That is to say. . . . . .The next time Clark comes, it is very likely that he will not be able to find this symbiont planet.

"Or take the entire symbiote planet back with you"

An idea popped into Clark's mind.

But he was soon abandoned.

Although the size of the symbiotic planet is not large, even much smaller than the moon, if it is really brought into the earth's orbit, it will still have a certain impact on the earth.

"By the way, why don't I strengthen my teleportation ability?"

Clark suddenly thought of something, and suddenly slapped his forehead, looking like he couldn't laugh or cry.

Over the years, he has devoted himself to improving the unlocking degree of the Kryptonian template, and has never used destruction points to strengthen those abilities, so even he himself almost ignored it.

Just now, he thought that it would be better if the teleportation ability was stronger, which made him suddenly remember that his destruction points can not only be used to improve the unlocking degree of the template.

[Ability: Teleportation +] Calling out the character panel, Clark directly found the teleportation ability, and his mind tapped on the plus sign at the back.

Immediately, his destruction points were directly deducted by 500 points.

at the same time.

Instinctively, Clark realized that his teleportation abilities had been enhanced.

However, he tried it and still couldn't directly teleport back to Earth from the symbiote planet, the distance was still too far.

"Continue to improve."

Anyway. . .It doesn't cost many points, plus he just got [-] extra money, Clark doesn't care about the cost of points.

For the second promotion, another 100 points were deducted.

But the distance is not enough.

Come again!The third promotion, directly deducted 500 points.

Clark tried it.

The scene in front of him changed, and he had already returned to the Zesky base on Earth with the device that was loaded with three thousand symbiotes.

"Sure enough!"

Clark smiled contentedly.

Looking at the [Teleportation 3+ logo] displayed on the panel, Clark tapped the plus sign again.

Destruction points decreased by 1.

0!Teleportation 3 and Teleportation 4 strengthened the teleportation ability four times. Clark felt that he could even teleport directly to a place a few light years away without any difficulty.

Moreover, the objects that can be carried have also been raised to an extremely exaggerated level.

He can even take most of the symbiote planet directly and send it directly outside the atmosphere of the earth.

Clark certainly wouldn't do that, though.

. . .On the spacious base square, three thousand symbiote warriors were already in place.

Three thousand android warriors combined three thousand living bodies to form this incomparably powerful army.

Apart from. . . . . . . .Obvious flames and weak points such as sound waves.

It can almost swept the globe!Clark stood in front of the symbiote army with a look of relief.

This time, I went to the symbiote planet, and it can be said to be very huge.

Not only earned [-] extra cash.

He even got an artifact that could kill a god.

Clark, who holds the Black Death Sword, is more than a hundred times stronger than normal!but. . . . . .As Clark's own strength becomes stronger and stronger, this increase will become smaller and smaller in the future.

Although the Black Death Sword is very strong, its upper limit is destined to only show off its might at the single universe level. If it really reaches the multiverse level, then it is just a younger brother.

Not to mention the omnipotent cosmos level above.

The hierarchy of the Marvel universe is quite interesting.

Earth level, Heavenly Father level these. . . . .Not to mention.

Although the gap is not small, it has not reached the level of natural moat.

But after the Heavenly Father level, starting from the single cosmos level, the gap between each level is really more difficult to bridge than the sky.

However, there are artifacts like the Black Death Sword in the Marvel Universe.

If it is weaker, ordinary people can directly kill the gods.

Stronger, as long as you can control it, it is not a problem to kill the almighty cosmos-level powerhouse.

for example. . . . . .Heart of the universe!In the comics, Thanos who got the Heart of the Universe is not even an opponent of the Life Court.

It can be said to be an invincible existence.

In contrast, the Black Death Sword is a younger brother compared to the Heart of the Universe.

But not everyone can grasp the heart of the universe.

As strong as Thanos, in the comics it can also be said to be due to luck, otherwise there is not enough luck, trying to use the power of the heart of the universe. . .court death.

Don't you see, in the movie, you don't even snap your fingers and put your half-life in it.

The Hulk snapped his fingers, and one arm was almost crippled.

So, these. . . . .Artifacts are not so easy to control.

Even the Black Death Sword would have the side effect of bewitching the mind.

If you are not careful, you will change from a person controlling the sword to a sword controlling the person. You said it is not scary. . . . . .Clark has the system, but is not afraid of the side effects of this consciousness.

The system will shoot directly and erase them.

But if it is the kind of side effect of killing one thousand enemies and self-destructing eight hundred, if it does not involve the spiritual level, the system will not interfere.

So, snap your fingers or something.

Let's talk about it later!At this stage, what Clarke most covets is the power of the Phoenix.

As an almighty cosmic power.

Saying you don't want it is absolutely false!But the power of the phoenix can be met but not sought after, Clark was lucky and got a small part.

But other Phoenix powers. . . . . .Then just wait for the opportunity to come!He remembered that there was a movie in his last life, that is. . .The power of the phoenix came to earth.

Clark has investigated before, and nothing like that has happened in the mutant world, that is to say, the power of the phoenix is ​​probably still there: on the way to Earth.

All Clark had to do was wait.

Waiting for the arrival of the Phoenix Force!At that time, you can directly use this part of the Phoenix power in yourself as bait to catch the other party.

Just don't know.

Is this phoenix power wandering in the universe the incomplete part or just a part of it? . .The mind returns to reality.

Clark looked at the symbiote army in front of him again.

"Skynet, how's the quantum device research going?"

Clark asked suddenly.

In front of him, a beam of light fell, forming a huge human face in mid-air.

"Currently still: In the research, the quantum field involves my knowledge blind spot, and I need more time."

Clark nodded.

There was no intention of urging Skynet either.

After all, this thing is the black technology of the Marvel world. Don't look at Tony's seemingly easy way to get it done, but people are cursed by knowledge. Skynet is just an artificial intelligence. It's better for Clark to compare with him. Not urgent.

Although the [-] Symbiote Legion is very strong, if they really want to send them to other parallel universes, they may still be a little too strong.

so. . . . . .It's okay to be a little slower.

Clark can wait! "It's okay, take your time, and be sure to ensure the success rate."

Clark said, "By the way, that...Did Dr. Pym find it?"

Skynet: "I have found it, and I have sent someone to invite him here."

Clark nodded.

"Just find it. Pym particles are also a black technology. When so many civilizations with highly advanced technology in the universe can't do it, it was completed by a Dr. Pym with such backward technology. …”

Some of the black technologies in the Marvel world are really irrespective of the level of technological development of the civilization.

Like the Pym particle.

During the Cold War, the technology was so backward that there were no mobile phones!As a result, this sky-defying Pym particle was researched by Dr. Pym.

It's more exaggerated than bragging!But this is also a major feature of the Marvel universe.

The Marvel world without black technology is obviously incomplete.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Apocalypse Awakens

It's like a strong artificial intelligence like Skynet, in terms of intelligence, and Ultron are five to five.

But can it be compared to people like Tony and Dr. Pym in terms of creativity?Can Skynet independently study something like the Pym particle?Therefore, even if Clark has provided Skynet with quantum equipment, including Pym particles, it will still take a long time for Skynet to reverse deduce from these equipment.

It's not that it's not smart enough. . . .

On memory, logical reasoning ability. . . . . , no matter how smart humans are, they can't compare with artificial intelligence.

But in terms of creativity, that kind of... a sudden flash of inspiration!that is. . .Artificial intelligence is no longer comparable to humans.

. . .In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

In the middle, Clark went to the symbiote planet again, brought back [-] symbiotes, combined them with a new batch of android warriors, and gave birth to a [-] symbiote army.

this day.

The main world of Marvel is calm and nothing major happens.

And in Egypt in the mutant world.

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