At this time, something big happened!Apocalypse, his real name is En.


Noor!He was an overlord in the period 300 BC, who ruled an era, was the king of mutants at that time, and the king of all human beings in Egypt.

During the reign of Apocalypse, the entire age was incomparably dark.

Apocalypse is an uncompromising tyrant.

So he was rebelled by the people in the later period, and the forces of the rebel army used the opportunity of his body transformation to launch a mutiny.

The majestic pyramid collapsed, and a huge rockfall tumbled.

Bury the king who once ruled an era under a piece of yellow sand.

But Apocalypse is not completely dead.

He just fell into a long slumber, and even he himself didn't know how much time had passed.

Today, a residential area in Cairo.

The long cordon was pulled away, and some people in protective suits got out of the car and walked behind the cordon.

"Sir, is it necessary to be so serious? It's like finding some nuclear radiation."

An adjutant watched those. .The archaeologists who went in couldn't help but complain to the officer beside him.

Obviously just discovered an ancient underground site.

As for doing it like finding an unexploded nuclear bomb, and wearing such a thick protective suit.

Aren't you hot? The officer next to him glared at the adjutant.

"Where does all that nonsense come from? People are called cautious, you know the fart!"

The adjutant pouted.

Don't think that I don't know, you don't know it yourself, and tell me!Inside the cordon, below a piece of collapsed ground.

A path has been cleared for people to walk here.

The road has been extended diagonally down to the depth of several dozen meters underground.

Those ones. .Archaeologists in protective suits came down cautiously.

Many searchlights have been installed here to provide enough light.

Some archaeologists who have arrived one step ahead are cleaning up the site with tools, and after discovering something from time to time, there is a sound of exclamation and admiration.

"Hurry up!"

"There's a new discovery over there!"

Under a piece of yellow sand, archaeologists found a small pyramid after cleaning up the yellow sand and some gravel layers above.

The entire surface of the pyramid is painted with many textures that they cannot understand, and the whole body of the small pyramid is made of gold, which is obviously a cultural relic with research value! "Wait...! See if it's glowing!"

An archaeologist suddenly froze for a moment, pulled his companion on the side, pointed to the small pyramid in front of him, and looked surprised and excited.

"It seems to be really glowing!"

"I see, it must be the sun! Before the sun was not seen here, but now the top has been dug through, and the sun shines in, so there is a reaction!"

"Look! It's brighter!"

The light of the small pyramid is getting brighter and brighter. . . . . .These. . . . .The light seemed to flow along the texture above, and the surrounding archaeologists were mesmerized.

No one wants to blink, if they miss something, they have to. .Sorry to death! "You say, how did this light form?"

"It should be absorbed external light, but how does it move by itself?"

"I saw a movie before, and there was a similar scene in it. You said... Will we release a big devil?"

After a young archaeologist finished speaking, he found that everyone present, including his teacher, was looking at him with a strange look, and suddenly he blushed and lowered his head, not daring to speak again.

"Great Demon King, hehe! Young people today."

An old archaeologist shook his head.

The people next to him also had similar expressions.

This made the... young archaeologist's teacher feel shameless, and immediately glared at his student fiercely.

At this moment. . . . . .The light on the small pyramid has also filled the entire surface of the pyramid.

With a burst of dazzling light released!These are present. . . . .None of the archaeologists found that a strange force was spreading deeper into the ground.

Just a hundred meters below their feet.

In the gaps between several huge rocks, two still intact stone beds are lying on two uncorrupted bodies.

Accompanied by the power from above.

The conversion ceremony, thousands of years late, has finally completed its final step.

The figure lying on one of the stone beds suddenly changed its appearance, while the figure on the other stone bed rotted and turned into a pile of ashes in just a few seconds.

Woohoo!It was obviously a closed underground, but at this moment, a breeze suddenly blew up.

sudden!The figure lying on the stone bed opened his eyes.

A pair of white eyes shone with breathtaking light! "Um......"

The newly awakened Apocalypse looked around, and it seemed that his consciousness had not woken up from thousands of years of slumber.

It's been quite a while.

He just stood up from the stone bed and looked up.

"Damn traitor!!!"

He roared, and a terrifying force soared into the sky, directly blasting the rock layer above and piercing a passage to the surface.

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Chapter [-]: Charles' stubbornness, Ruiwen's shaken belief!

Rumble. . . . . .The sudden earthquake shocked everyone.

Those ones. .The archaeologists threw themselves to the ground in panic, or they were holding on to the things around them that they felt reliable, and looked at the smoke-filled area one by one in a panic.

"what happened"

" this an earthquake?"

"What the hell is that...! What did I see... ah ah ah!!!"

Someone saw a figure appearing in the smoke, but before they could see what the figure looked like, a flower appeared in front of him. When he reacted again, a big cyan hand had already grabbed his face.

Before he could make two or three screams, the man was decomposed into a pile of sand.

"Tell me what year it is"

Apocalypse looked at the people around him fiercely. Through the clothes of these people, he guessed that he should have been trapped underground for some years, otherwise there would not be such a big change in the clothes.

pity. . . . . .Apocalypse speaks ancient Egyptian.

Although there are some old pedantic and senior archaeological experts in front of these people, they are not very knowledgeable about language: they are proficient in language, let alone the ancient Egyptian language of the third millennium BC.

I don't understand it at all!but. . . . . .Although they couldn't understand what Apocalypse was saying.

But he understood his eyes.

That kind of... vicious eyes, obviously not a kind person.

Not to mention, they just saw with their own eyes that Apocalypse turned one of their companions into a pile of sand.

"Mutant! This man is a mutant!"

The young student who had previously said whether the Great Demon King would be released shouted in panic, while stepping back, he suddenly tripped over himself and sat on the ground, his face turning pale with fright.

They can't understand the words of Apocalypse, and Apocalypse also can't understand the language of these people.

What a gibberish.

He didn't understand at all.

This made Apocalypse realize that his sleeping time may be longer than he just imagined.

otherwise. . . . . .Why even the language has changed! "How long have I slept?"

Apocalypse has a gloomy expression on his face, thinking of himself because of those. .A traitor and slept for so long, and thus missed so many things, even the dynasty once ruled by him may have already fallen apart now.

Otherwise, why even if the language has changed, only the race will change the language, and even if the race is changed, there will still be apocalypse in the mere dynasty. Not a fool!Although he had just woken up not long ago, his mind was not very clear.

But that doesn't mean he ignores even this basic common sense.

The more I think about this, the more angry Apocalypse becomes.

And once Tianqi is angry, he will want to kill!Exactly!Someone killed him right in front of him! "Damn aliens, go to hell!"

With those of those days. .The traitor's anger is full of anger, and Apocalypse stretches out his hand to hold it.

In an instant!Those ones. .The people who were about to escape screamed and watched with horror as their bodies turned into yellow sand!Sandification!This is an ability that Apocalypse once got from a mutant.

He loves this ability as much as he loves pyramids.

At the same time, he can also manipulate his own molecules, so that he can arbitrarily change the size, density, and even regenerate from severed limbs. . . . . , is not a problem.

He can also transform any part of his body into a weapon.

But he usually doesn't do that.

Because he doesn't like this very much, at most, he uses his own molecules to create a burly armor for himself, which makes him look more majestic.

After all, as a ruler, you don't have to be handsome, but you must be strict enough.

Otherwise, with a smiley face, who will listen to you and kill these people in front of you.

for. .Apocalypse just did a trivial little thing.

"It seems that even after so many years, these ordinary people are still so weak."

After sneering, Apocalypse walked to the ground step by step.

At this time, the vibration just now had already attracted the attention of those on the ground.

When Tian Qi came out of the ground, he happened to meet these people.

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