In an instant, all the muzzles were aimed at Apocalypse.

"Stop! Who are you?"

A sergeant shouted loudly.

Apocalypse glanced at these people indifferently, and paused for a moment on the firearms in their hands.

"Is this the weapon of your age?"

Apocalypse sneered.

With a wave of his hand, the few people in front of him were decomposed into yellow sand.

"Not good! It's a mutant, shoot!"

When the soldiers in the distance saw this scene, they immediately realized Apocalypse's identity and pulled the trigger of the firearm without hesitation.

For a while, gunshots rang out.

But when the bullet hit Tian Qi's body, it was just like hitting on extremely hard metal, except. . . . . . . .A spark burst out.

No other effect at all!Seeing this scene, the faces of these soldiers changed.

"Oh! That's how this device is used."

Apocalypse glanced at these firearms curiously.

In his day, there was no such weapon, in terms of power, for. .For some mutants who are weak or weak in defense, it is indeed deadly enough.

but. . . . . .It means nothing to him! "Ridiculous reptiles, apart from....with the help of these...poor foreign objects, what other abilities do you have?"

Apocalypse walked forward arrogantly, completely ignoring the firepower of these soldiers.

As he walked, the surrounding ground was. . .Turned into bursts of yellow sand. . . . .when he got close to those soldiers.

The soldiers were horrified to find that the weapons in their hands, along with their arms, were turning into yellow sand.

They screamed in horror and tried to escape.

But Apocalypse laughed wildly and instantly enveloped all of them with the scope of his abilities.

Boom! ! !In an instant, dozens of soldiers, including the surrounding houses and vehicles parked outside, all turned into yellow sand.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Apocalypse stood in the dust and laughed wildly.

After killing these people, the anger in his heart was also vented.

Now, he just wants to take a good look at this familiar and unfamiliar world in front of him, and then. . . . . .Rule it again! . . .mutant school.

In the past few months, it has become much quieter than before.

It was rare to see children playing in the yard, but a few occasionally passed by in a hurry, all of them looking preoccupied.

In the office on the second floor of the school.

Charles has just finished teaching a few students.

After assigning some simple homework, he let the students go.

At this time, he took off his glasses, looked a little tired, reached out and rubbed his brows.

dong dong dong!Ruiwen stood at the door and knocked on the door.

Seeing Charles looking up, she walked over and sat down: .

"You're still there: worry about the military's side"

Raven asked.

Charles sighed and said, "Today their people are here again, and this time it's even closer than last time. I'm really worried that one day they'll really do it."

"Then why don't you stop them"

Raven asked him, "You can do it."

"Ruiwen, you know, I wouldn't do that."

Charles shook his head and said, "The situation outside is very tense now, there are mutants clashing with ordinary people every day, and many people have died because of these... things that shouldn't have happened, I can't be here anymore. Put a fire on it!"

"But if you keep holding on, they will only push harder, Charles, this is not your business, I have to think about my students."

Ruiwen said with a serious expression: "I can't keep my students living in such an unsafe environment..."

"Sometimes I think..."

"Has the times changed? Maybe we have another way to fight for—"


Charles interrupted Ruiwen's words and said with a displeased expression: "Ruiwen, your idea is very dangerous! You know, how much we have paid for this peace... hard work, are you going to give up halfway now?"


"No buts!"

Charles interrupted rudely: "Okay, I don't want to continue this topic. I'm a little tired and want to be alone."

Ruiwen frowned and stood up, looking at Charles with his head bowed over there, suddenly there was an urge to leave.

All along, she was convinced that what Charles was doing was right.

It is for the entire mutant race to better survive in this world, so even though she knows that the big men above are just using them as tools, she is still willing.

Because she feels that she is doing the right thing, sacrificing the ego to achieve the big ego, a great dedication!But. . . . . .Now she suddenly realized that things might not be what she thought.

Granted, it might have been no different than she had imagined a few months ago.

But now it is clear that their mutants have occupied a great advantage.

It is clear that as long as they are united, they will be able to fight for a good life for the ethnic group.

But Charles is still stubborn and unwilling to compromise, insisting on his set of peace theory, he knows that it is impossible to achieve!Why is the idea of ​​the individual more important than the survival of the ethnic group? For the first time, Rui Wen felt that she could not understand this partner who grew up together!To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Cyclops goes up, Cyclops hangs

"Charles, I don't know what you are insisting on, but if you continue like this, no one will want to follow you!"

Ruiwen shook her head in disappointment, turned and left the office.

in the office.

Charles raised his head and glanced at Rui Wen's leaving back, and sighed, his face even more tired.

at this time! "Um"

The expression on Charles' face changed.

Just in front of him a blue, turbulent gray fog door opened.

Immediately after, a mutant he had never seen, came out from the other side of the door.

"This is your ability"

Feeling this spiritual power from the outside world, a smile appeared on Tian Qi's face.

The man in the strange chair in front of him was the perfect choice for the new body he needed.

Such a huge psychic.

Even thousands of years ago, when Apocalypse ruled the entire world, it had never been encountered.

Apocalypse's spiritual power is also extremely huge, but he is not. .The use of his own spiritual power is very rough, and it can even be said that he has no talent in this regard.

But this person in front of me is different!He possesses both enormous spiritual power and extremely outstanding innate ability.

Apocalypse can already imagine the scene: once he seizes this body, a single thought can control everyone in the world.

That way. . . . . .His rule should be more stable than it was thousands of years ago. "Who are you?"

Charles looked vigilantly at the blue-skinned guy in front of him.

He had never seen this man.

But from this person, he felt a strong aura of death! "Are you afraid"

Apocalypse said with a sneer: "My poor junior, you know nothing about my power."

As soon as he waved his hand, a stream of yellow sand immediately poured out from the ground, covering Charles.

Realizing that something was wrong, Charles immediately tried to control Apocalypse to stop him, but his mental power poured into Apocalypse's brain, just like a stream merged into a big river.

Didn't whip up much at all. . .The waves were suppressed!The yellow sand flew and wrapped half of Charles' body.

Apocalypse stepped forward, grabbed Charles' head, and let the other party look into his eyes.

"I want your ability."

Tian Qi said lightly.

Although Charles didn't understand what the other party was going to do to him, he knew that he couldn't just let it go.

His mental power spread out, wanting to inform the rest of the school.

"A ridiculous struggle."

The apocalypse didn't stop Charles from doing so.

Let him send the signal for help, and then control Huang Sha to lift the whole thing from the strange chair.

At this time, the policemen who received the distress signal from Charles rushed over.

"Who are you, put down the professor!"

The laser eye was the first to bear the brunt, and a hand was placed on the edge of the glasses, releasing a laser beam with a powerful impact, slamming into the apocalypse in front of him.

"Not bad ability, but unfortunately the power is too small."

Apocalypse directly resisted a Cyclops attack, but was unscathed, and laughed contemptuously.

This made Cyclops feel humiliated, and suddenly roared and increased the power of the laser beam.

The entire laser beam thickened a few times.

But. . . . . .Still useless!As a fifth-level mutant, Apocalypse has developed almost all his abilities to the extreme.

What's more, he also has the ability to strengthen his ability.

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