Makes those abilities even more powerful.

A mere Cyclops.

Not even a layer of his oily skin can be hurt!Boom!The laser beam pushed Apocalypse out of the office, smashed through the wall, and landed in the yard outside.

Apocalypse waved, and Huang Sha took Charles into the air.

He jumped and appeared in front of Cyclops, grabbing his glasses with one hand.

Cyclops roared and tried to resist.

But it didn't work at all, Apocalypse grabbed his face and crushed his glasses.

"Ridiculous guy, he needs to use foreign objects to use his abilities. People like you are not even qualified to be my knight."

Apocalypse waved his hand and threw Cyclops out.

Bang bang bang. . . . . .Cyclops flew upside down and smashed through the wall, and then broke several trees in the yard, and then stopped.

But at this time, he didn't know how many bones were broken. . . .

The internal organs have been split by the violent impact.

He fell to the ground spraying blood, staring round his eyes and releasing a huge laser beam that shot straight into the sky, and then within a few seconds, the beam dimmed and he lost his breath. . . . . .Cyclops, pawn! "Scott!!!"

In disbelief, Cyclops died.

Everything happened too fast.

So much so that they didn't have time to stop it.


The beast roared and completed the transformation.

He rushed forward with open teeth and claws.

Bang!The claws slapped Apocalypse's face fiercely.

Apocalypse didn't even move his neck, just looked at him coldly.

"Ridiculous! A mere beast dares to challenge me"

Apocalypse reached out and grabbed one of the beast's hands, and with force on his hand, the sound of cracking bones sounded, and the beast screamed in pain.

"Let go...Hank!"

Raven rushed up.

But he was kicked in the abdomen by Apocalypse, and the whole person flew out, head. . .It knocked down a wall and was buried in the dust.


Storm's hands flickered with lightning, and with a wave of her arm, a bolt of lightning shot straight into the apocalypse.

Boom!Lightning bombed Apocalypse's chest.

Apocalypse stepped back slightly.

"You're pretty good!"

Apocalypse looked at Storm with admiration in his eyes.

"Bastard! Let go...Hank!"

Storm's eyes turned white, and a gust of wind carried her to the sky.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and lightning flashed.

Lightning, thicker than a thigh, kept hitting the ground.

She is warning the apocalypse.

Apocalypse sneered, flicked his hand, and threw the beast out of his hand.

Ignoring the beast screaming in pain on the ground, he flew into the air and looked at Storm.

"Your ability is excellent and you are qualified to be my knight."

Tianqi said.

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Chapter [-]: Flashing to grab people, Magneto visits Hellfire

What a shit rider!Storm didn't understand the meaning of the apocalypse at all.

Even if she understood, she would not agree.

Be the subordinate of someone who kills her comrade, Storm can't! "This is not a place for you to be wild!"

Boom! ! !There was thunder in the sky.

A thick lightning, with a dazzling blue light, slammed on Tian Qi's body.

The thunder continued to explode, splashing out countless blue arcs.

The expression on Tian Qi's face did not change, and he forcibly took a lightning attack from Storm with all his strength, which was nothing to him at all.

"You're going to reject me"

Tian Qi's eyes became cold.

Storm Girl gritted her teeth, and unbelieving in evil, she once again displayed a more powerful lightning, constantly blasting towards the apocalypse.

The huge thunder continued to sound!Some of the remaining students in the school were also looking at the scene outside through the window at this time, all of them were so frightened that their faces turned pale, some were timid, and they were already scared to tears.


A beast whose arm was almost abolished raised its head and watched the battle in the sky.

"You must win!"

Hank gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his body, and tried to get up.

Boom!The last bolt of lightning struck Tian Qi's body.

Storm Girl was panting heavily, her whole body was extremely exhausted, and it was a little difficult to even keep flying in the air.

She looked opposite.

When the arc dissipated, her face instantly paled.

Apocalypse. . . . . .Still unscathed.

It's just that his face is much more gloomy than before.

With so many lightning strikes on his body, even with Apocalypse's defensive ability, he felt a tingling sensation all over his body at this time.

The reason why he didn't avoid it was because of this numbness, which affected his actions.

That's why he couldn't dodge Storm's lightning attack.

"I take back what I said before, you are no longer qualified to be my knight."

Apocalypse, who had never had a lot of energy, was completely angry at this time, and there was a slight chill in his white eyes.

He opened his hands and let out a roar.

In an instant, the green grass turned into yellow sand, and the buildings were crushed into yellow sand.

Some little mutants wailed, and their bodies were transformed into yellow sand! "Do not!!!"

Storm was howling with red eyes.

But Apocalypse ignored it.

He stretched out his hand towards the Storm Girl and shook it, and in an instant, a stream of yellow sand rolled around, involving the Storm Girl.


Apocalypse roared.

Boom!The next moment, the yellow sand closed.

But there was no picture of blood splattering.


Apocalypse looked over there, and there was a flash of purple in his sight.

At the same time, the same purple light flashed in several other places, and quickly disappeared.

Also disappeared, and some mutants who survived.

Apocalypse realized something was wrong.

Immediately want to grab back his spare body.

Other mutants can be rescued.

Only his spare body can't do it!That was one of the reliances on which he ruled the world!pity. . . . . .Apocalypse was still a step behind.

A purple portal opened.

A hand came out of it, grabbed the unconscious Charles, and dragged it into it.

When the apocalypse came to stop it, the portal was already closed.

"Do not!!!!"

Apocalypse roared, his eyes were full of anger!Boom!Everything in a radius of dozens of miles was transformed into yellow sand in just a few seconds of violent apocalypse. Even an army stationed ten kilometers away could not escape bad luck.

"Damn thief! I want you to die! Die!!!"

. . .The Garden of Eden, in the center of the island, in a building with a huge area.

The purple portal closes.

With a lingering look on his face, he reached out and patted his chest.

"It's scary!"

"That blue-skinned guy is scary!"

Following that, her little face showed a smug look.

"However, fortunately, I saved them!"

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