On the ground in front of you, several mutants, either unconscious or awake, were sitting or lying on the ground.

On the side, Magneto's eyes were always on Charles who was in a coma.

"What kind of enemy did you provoke?"

Blink asked curiously.

Hank and Storm, who were still awake, looked at each other and shook their heads with a wry smile.

"do not know!"

Flickering speechless.

He didn't even know who the enemy was, so he was made like this.

Really. . . . . .Don't know what to say.

"Let's arrange treatment for Charles and the others first."

Magneto said at this time: "You are very safe here, and your enemies will not come here to trouble you."

Storm nodded.

And Hank looked a little embarrassed.

After all, they were enemies before, but now they need Magneto to save them, which made Hank feel a little hot on his face.

Arranged Charles and the others properly.

It was Magneto who came to Blink and asked her about the situation at the time.

"Actually, I didn't see it too clearly."

Blink said.

"That's a guy with blue skin. He looks very strong and can control sand. If it wasn't for my speed, these guys would definitely die."

Manipulating the memories of Magneto Sand, but I can't remember that there is such a character in the mutants I know.

Moreover, the other party was able to subdue Charles.

Or have a helmet like his.

Either it has such an ability itself, if it is the former, it is fine, but if it is the latter. . . . . .Magneto frowned, lost in thought.

The flicker didn't bother him either.

After a while, Magneto said, "I need to find a few old friends to ask. For the time being, you are in charge of this. If Charles wakes up, contact me as soon as possible."

Blink nodded.

. . .New York, Fire Club.

Magneto came here with an expressionless mutant subordinate.

At the door, the two were stopped.

"We haven't started business yet."

The bodyguard in black suit watching the door had an indifferent expression on his face.

Only the next moment, the expression on his face changed, and he respectfully stepped aside.

"You two, please come in."

Magneto nodded.

for. .He was not surprised at the change in this moment.

He knew that the old friend already knew he was coming.

Go inside the club.

Immediately, a woman in a black leather jacket greeted her.

"The visit of the famous Magneto is really surprising!"

The woman smiled and introduced herself: "Get to know me, I'm a black car, you can call me the thorn girl."

Magneto glanced at the thorn girl, nodded slightly, and the two were led by the thorn girl and walked into the depths of the club.

Go through several corridors and come to a box.

The woman of thorns twisted the mechanism in the dark and opened a hidden door.

"Two, please!"

The two entered the door.

The door behind him also closed quickly.

The thorn woman leads the way.

It didn't take long for them to come to a room with a slightly retro style.

At this time, there were already many people in the room.

A man in a top hat with a hand of cards is entertaining himself.

A woman sitting in front of the bar, sexy and enchanting, with long black hair in a shawl, only showed her side face to them.

There is also the man pouring drinks in the bar, with a pleasing smile on his face.

On the sofa, a woman in white, holding a goblet, smiled and nodded at Magneto who walked in.

Then. . . . . .Magneto saw a tall figure.

Almost three meters tall.

The whole body is full of large muscles, wearing a red, specially made suit, standing in front of the bookshelf, holding a book in his hand.

It's just that the book is a normal size in an ordinary person's hand, but in this person's hand, it looks a little miniature.

It looks kind of funny.

But Magneto couldn't smile.

He knew this man.

Know how terrifying this man's power is.

"Magneto, long time no see."

The giant in front of the bookshelf put down the book in his hand, turned around and walked over.

Even if he was careful enough with every step, there would still be a slight vibration on the ground he stepped on.

The cold-faced mutant standing behind Magneto looked at him curiously.

This man is Magneto's sidekick.

Can also be said to be the heart.

The ability is a long-distance teleport, and it can teleport to a place hundreds of kilometers away at one time.

Although not as good as the famous Red Devil.

But in the absence of the Red Devil, it can also be used for a while.

"Cain, long time no see."


Marco, nicknamed the tank!He's not exactly a mutant.

Because there is no cause in his body.

The ability of the red tank comes from the evil god Cytorak.

Setorak is the master of the crimson universe. He once made a ruby. As long as he touches this ruby, he will have the ability of a red tank.


It was also because of his exposure to the power of this... Crimson Lord that Marco became the fearsome Red Tank today.

And now. . . . . .Red Tank is the Black King of Hellfire!in Sebastian.

After Xiao, for a long time, the Black King was held by Magneto, but after Magneto left the Hellfire Club, Red Tank joined Hellfire and became the next Black King.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Hellfire Club

In the impression of many people, the red tank is. . .The kind of guy who has muscles all over his head.

But in fact it is not.


Marco himself is a very normal human being, but after obtaining the gift of the Crimson Lord, his emotions are sometimes affected by this power, and he becomes more easily angry.

Plus he's usually taciturn.

So it is easy to be misunderstood. . . . . .Brainless!In some timelines, Red Tank also joined Magneto's Brotherhood and was one of Magneto's right-hand men.

But the current mutant world is obviously not such a background.

Red Tank had some contact with Magneto years ago.

But at best the two had a relationship.

does not belong to the upper and lower layers.

After all, they are old friends.

"Eric, sit down."

At this time, the woman in white on the sofa over there smiled and invited.

Magneto nodded, walked over and sat down: .

His... subordinate is standing behind him.

"Emma, ​​Cain, it seems that you have had a good time during this time."

Magneto looked at the two old friends.

Emma, ​​full name Emma.

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