
Forrest!She is also the White Queen and White Queen of the Hellfire Club. The White Queen actually means the same thing, but the translation is different.

Emma is an old member of the Hellfire Club.

After all, when the previous black king was there, she was already a white queen.

And now the black king has changed three times.

She is still in the club.

"Isn't this relying on your Hydra."

Emma smiled and said, "Why, you came here today, shouldn't you want to win us over to join Hydra, your leader, don't you come in person?"

Hearing this, other people in the room looked over.

Staring at Magneto with some unkind eyes.

Magneto didn't care about that at all.

"No, I came here today mainly to ask about one person from you."

Magneto said, "Of course, Hydra welcomes you at any time if you wish."


At this time, there was a cold hum from the other side.

"Hydra, what a majesty!"

Magneto turned to look at the man who was speaking.

With a questioning look in his eyes, he looked at Emma again.

"Black bishop, Gambit."

Emma introduced.

Magneto nodded, then looked at the... Gambit.

"You seem to have any opinion on our Hydra, Gambit said with a sneer, "How dare I!You Hydra mutant army of hundreds of thousands, if I dare to have any opinion, I will not be torn apart. "

He speaks yin and yang in a strange way, clearly it is. . .There are great opinions.

"Okay, Gambit, don't say a few words."

Red Tank glanced at him lightly, and that warning look made Gambit shut up.

"Sorry, this guy had some conflicts with your Hydra people some time ago."

Red Tank explained.

Magneto nodded understandingly.

However, looking at the Gambit King, there is still a bit of disdain in his eyes.

This made Gambit extremely angry, but he did not dare to attack.

After all, the Red Tank had just warned him.

If he said anything else, it would be to give the Red Tank no face.

With Red Tank's violent temper, even if he didn't screw his head off, he would have to lie in the hospital for at least ten days and a half months.

Gambit dare not offend the Red Tank.

As for Magneto, he is the hellfire that Magneto joined after he quit.

Therefore, there is absolutely no sense of respect for Magneto, the former black king.

Not to mention, he was so miserable by the mutants of Hydra last time, the resentment in his heart, coupled with the support of hellfire behind him.

This is how dare to anger Magneto.

Otherwise. . . . . .He also didn't dare to provoke such an old-fashioned fourth-level mutant.

"You just said you wanted to find out who was who"

Emma asked at this time.

Magneto didn't take the small role of Gambit seriously, and he didn't plan to hold on to this matter, but this was already his greatest tolerance, and it was to save the face of Red Tank and Emma.

If this guy doesn't anymore. . . . . .If he is provocative at his own power, he doesn't mind letting the other party understand what the power of an old-fashioned fourth-level mutant is! "Just now, the mutant school was attacked. Charles is still in a coma, and many people have died. The attacker is a blue-skinned mutant who can manipulate sand. I don't know this guy, so come and ask , to see if you recognize each other."

Magneto explained the situation roughly.

"We also heard about this."

Emma said, "It's just... I didn't expect things to be so serious, I didn't expect even Charles to lose."

"That guy turned the whole town into a desert, and it's in the news right now."

Red Tank squeezed his fist, "Listen to what you said, this guy should be very strong, but I want to fight him!"

"You don't know either"

Magneto was a little disappointed.

At this time, Emma smiled and said, "No, I actually know who he is."

"who is it"

Several pairs of eyes looked at her in unison.

Even the red tanks are the same.

"Emma, ​​you know who that guy is"

Emma nodded.

"I also read from some ancient documents that the king of mutants, the first mutant in the world, came from the Egyptian ruler of the third millennium BC - Apocalypse!"

"The third millennium BC!!!"

"Impossible! Even mutants can live so long!!!"

"The first mutant is amazing!"

Everyone was amazed, and some people didn't believe what Emma said.

After all, the third millennium BC is five thousand years away from now.

Who can live for five thousand years and why have never heard of "in the literature, this guy is actually dead, died of a betrayal."

Emma chuckled and said: "As for the current one, is it the former king of the mutant family, then I don't know, but from Eric's description, it does fit the image of that guy."

"Moreover, the abilities are also very consistent."

"The king of mutants five thousand years ago!"

Red tanks are. . . . .Unlike others, he did not doubt what Emma said, but instead looked very interested.

"Emma, ​​are you sure"

Magneto looked at her.

Emma nodded.

"No surprise, it should be him."

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Chapter [-]: Apocalypse is ready to pretend!Apocalypse was slapped in the face!

In the room, since Emma revealed Apocalypse's identity, the atmosphere has become a lot more dignified.

Even if they haven't really seen the strength of Apocalypse.

But just the fact that the other party has lived from five thousand years ago to the present is enough to explain a lot of problems!This is definitely a pretty scary guy! ! ! " Hydra are going to deal with him"

Emma asked Magneto.

Magneto glanced at her, shook his head and said, "I'm not sure yet, he didn't provoke our Hydra, but..."

"However, the king of a family of mutants thousands of years ago, how could he be willing to become someone else's younger brother, right?"

Emma said with a smile on her face: "Cooperation, Magneto."


Magneto looked at her suspiciously.

"You are sure to cooperate"

Emma nodded.

She glanced at the red tank beside her, and the other party nodded.

At this time, the black-haired woman at the bar also said, "I have no problem with cooperation. After all, I have always been interested in... that Superman."

Magneto glanced at her, then at Emma, ​​with a questioning look in his eyes.

As if to say.

Who is she "The queen, an annoying guy."

Emma said lightly.

It seems that the two of them don't have a good relationship.

Magneto didn't look into it either.

He's not the kind of person who likes to...gossip.

"It's okay to cooperate, but in what way do you want to cooperate?"

Magneto asked.

Their Hydra family has a great career, and it is only a matter of time before they are targeted by Apocalypse.


The same goes for the Hellfire Club.

They can't surrender to the apocalypse, and the apocalypse won't make others equal to them.

It's doomed.

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