The Hellfire Club may take refuge in Apocalypse.

After all, the white king and the black king are equal. If Tianqi is allowed to join the Hellfire Club, then what position should be arranged for him even if it is the white king who is still vacant.

But would Apocalypse be willing to be on an equal footing with Red Tank for a proud king like him?

Unless you crush him with strength, he will never give in.

Obviously, they are not confident that the strength of the red tank can crush this... the king of thousands of years ago! "Find Apocalypse and kill him!"

Emma spoke her mind.

Passive beating has never been their hellfire style.

Again, this isn't Hydra's style.

It's just that Clark, the leader of the Hydra, is not on the side of the mutant world for the time being. Although Magneto was appointed by Clark as the deputy leader, he cannot directly make decisions on behalf of Clark for some important matters.

Before, Magneto wanted to find this apocalypse first.

Find out his strength.

Then decide what to do.

Of course, it would be best if Clark could come back before then, so he wouldn't have to be in a dilemma.

Hearing Emma's proposal, Magneto fell into contemplation.

He is hesitating.

The main reason is that they still can't figure out the strength of Apocalypse.

If the opponent's strength is too strong and causes too many casualties, he won't be able to explain it when Clark returns.

"I heard that there is a fifth-level mutant inside your Hydra"

Emma said suddenly at this time.


Magneto looked at her with a frown.

"what do you want to say"

he asked.

Qin's news is not a secret. When Ma mentioned it at this time, it was obviously not just a casual question.


Grey, right?

Emma said with a smile, "A fifth-level mutant, plus our Black King, and many other fourth-level mutants joined forces. Even if that... Apocalypse is also a fifth-level mutant, there will only be one result of defeat in the end."

Hearing this, Magneto subconsciously glanced at the red tank.

The latter grinned at him.

Looking a little scary.

Shen Ning for a moment, Magneto finally nodded and agreed to Emma's proposal.

"Yes, we can cooperate."

Emma smiled and nodded.

"Very wise decision, even if your leader comes back, he will agree with your decision."

Magneto sneered in his heart.

If they really have to wait until their leader comes back, it will not be cooperation, but will directly force you to dissolve Hellfire and merge into Hydra.

I really don't know if you will be able to laugh at that time. Magneto is not a kind person.

Even old friends.

He is also completely without the slightest psychological burden.

What's more, what Emma's idea was, thinking that he couldn't see it was nothing more than coveting the power and status that Hydra now possesses.

After all, although the Hellfire Club has a long history, in the final analysis, it has always been an underground organization lurking under the light. . .Can't see light.

Even the current Hydra.

Who in the world does not know the strength of their Hydra, who has mastered the army of hundreds of thousands of mutants with the power to reverse the situation in the entire world.

Powerful level [-] mutants!There are more than twenty level [-] mutants!This force is enough to compete with any military developed country in the world.

Plus their invincible leader!Even if they are enemies of the whole world, they are not afraid of Hydra!Emma wants to use the power of Hydra to strengthen Hellfire. I have to say that she has a very bold idea!But in the eyes of Magneto.

Hellfire these people are really too self-aware.

Maybe they haven't seen Clark's strength with their own eyes, so there will be some illusions in their hearts.

Even a smart woman like Emma can't help but come up with some stupid idea in Magneto's eyes.

However, Magneto was under no obligation to remind her.

What's more, even if he reminded him, people wouldn't believe it.

"When I join Hydra, I will be my own person in the future. I am not trying to harm you. At most, I will find a better place for you."

Thinking of this, the eyes of Magneto looking at Emma and Red Tank suddenly became softer.

just like. . . . . .Look like your own family!It made Emma feel inexplicable, and even a little panicked! . . .Just when Magneto and the Hellfire Club reached a cooperation deal.

On the other side of the world, in a small country.

Apocalypse, who left the school of mutants, came here through the ability to teleport.

Although he lost the new body he liked, Apocalypse was not discouraged.

Just a new body.

The number of mutants in this era is obviously much more than in his era, and he has a better choice.

Even if there is no better, the big deal is to keep it first, and then wait: when you change your body once, just think about that body again.

And now, Apocalypse has come to this small country.

It is also because he has set his sights on a mutant with good abilities and intends to cultivate him into one of his four knights of the apocalypse!Looking at the man in the restaurant in front of him who was chopping pig feet with a kitchen knife, Tian Qi walked up with admiration.

"My confused child, come back to God's embrace!"

Apocalypse comes up. . .The old one, he was. . .With this set of rhetoric, he fooled those mutants and became his subordinates.

In his opinion, a mutant with great strength, but he lives among ordinary people and lives an ordinary life. This is obviously because he is deeply confused about his future.

Therefore, as long as he can give the other party a direction to move forward, the other party will be grateful to join his camp and become one of his four knights of the apocalypse!With his eyes closed, Apocalypse can even imagine that the mutant descendant in front of him has asked him "where is the future of mutants" with a bewildered face.

Or "I have this ability, why can't I find the meaning of life"

, and so on.

But after waiting for a long time, Apocalypse did not wait for this. . . . .respond.

Can't help it.

He opened his eyes and looked at the mutant in front of him.

What caught my eye was a look of disgust, and that kind of... full of boredom.

"I said, if you want to pretend to be a god, please find someone else, I still have business here."

Apocalypse: . . . . . .What's going on? Why didn't he ask me where my life was going? Why didn't he show a confused expression? Could it be that I just said the wrong line, but it's not right!I'm obviously right, the lines are exactly the same as before, there's nothing wrong!Tian Qi had a confused expression.

It wasn't until the man in front of him started impatiently preparing to chase him away that he realized that his rhetoric seemed to be invalid for the mutant in front of him.

This made Tian Qi's face a little bit unbearable!Not to mention, there are many people around who are looking at him like a fool.

This made Tian Qi even more embarrassed! . . . . . : Explain the last update yesterday. It wasn't because I was late in typing or something was delayed, but because I forgot. . . . .Yes, it is. . .forget!I had already copied and pasted it before, and I was going to click to upload it, but because there is now a setting for the time interval for uploading chapters in the background, the time has not yet come, so I thought to wait a few minutes and then wait. . . . .Just forget it!I feel that I am getting older and my memory is not good. I always go east to west, especially short-term memory, which is always like this.

Why!Let everyone see a joke, sorry!To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Charles wakes up

"Come on, mutants are not welcome here."

The man in front of him had already guessed that Apocalypse was a mutant. After all, it was the undisguised honor of Apocalypse, and this was not a comic exhibition site, no one would dress up like this.

However, the man is tired of running around, eating the last meal but not the next day.

He is very satisfied with his current life.

So about what Apocalypse said, what kind of confusion?

He didn't feel anything.

"What's the matter with this man?"

"Is he a mutant?"

"You look so ugly!"

"Why is it that the blue body is not an alien?"

"Idiot, that's a mutant!"


The surrounding discussions made Tianqi furious.

He turned his head sharply and glared at the ants.

"Lowly reptiles, you have angered the gods!"

He shot in anger and turned all the ordinary people around him into yellow sand.

Inside the store, the man holding a kitchen knife suddenly changed his face.

"Damn! You're crazy!"

He cursed angrily.

"You! Die together!!!"

Apocalypse no longer wants him to be his knight.

He just wants to kill now!To vent the hatred in my heart! ! !Boom!The entire restaurant was instantly turned into yellow sand.

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