The man with the kitchen knife escaped in time, and he looked at Tian Qi with a frightened face in panic.

"Don't! Don't kill me!"

He begged for mercy.


Apocalypse grabbed the man's neck angrily and lifted him up.

clang!The man's kitchen knife looked at Tian Qi's head.

Sparks burst out.

The blades are all rolled up!At this time, the man's body turned black, and a black flame rose from him.

Apocalypse's eyes were cold, and he didn't care that the black flame slammed on him.

His hands are hard!Click! ! !The man's neck was directly pinched by him! ! !The flame disappeared. . . . . .The dark skin also returned to normal. . . . . .Apocalypse let go.

Discard the body on the ground.

After a cold snort, he turned around and walked into the portal behind him and disappeared! . . .three days later.

Charles wakes up.

Magneto visited him for the first time and asked about the day.

Knowing that it was Hydra saved him, which made Charles feel very ashamed. He rejected Hydra like that before, but it was the thorn in his heart who finally saved his life.

And his best friend. . . . . .No, it's my good friend Magneto.

Nor did he blame him for his long-standing stubbornness.

Do your best to help him.

Only let him wake up in such a short time.

Charles felt that his soul was being tortured, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

but. . . . . .Now is not the time for him to think about the meaning of these lives.

Telling Magneto about the Apocalypse, Charles went to see the other living cops.

This time, their mutant school really lost a lot.

A lot of students died without saying anything.

Even the members of the police have one.

Scott's sacrifice made Charles feel deeply guilty.

Because he felt that it was all his fault!If it wasn't for him being so stubborn, maybe they would have joined forces with Hydra long ago to fight for a better future for mutants. If that's the case, that... Would Tianqi dare to provoke them? It's also because Apocalypse had set his sights on him. .

Only the mutant school will be found, and the disaster will be brought to the school!Charles felt himself simply. . .Like a calamity.

After visiting other people, Charles shut himself in the room, no one came, and thought about life quietly.

On the other hand, Magneto also learned about the Apocalypse from Charles and informed their allies, the people of the Hellfire Club.

While sharing the information, Magneto also asked if they had anything there. . . . . .clues about the apocalypse.

As a result, the answers they got were already known on their side.

Obviously, this apocalypse also knows that now is not his era.

Although it was arrogant at the beginning, it directly attacked the mutant school and turned a small town into a desert.

But after learning some information about the present, he also kept a low profile for a while.

The latest information.

It was just a small country in the south where mutants suspected of Apocalypse appeared, and many ordinary people were killed.

Then. . . . . .Gone! . . .Sahara Desert.

A dead place in the depths, where there is no human beings all year round.

But today, in the depths of this desert, there is a strangely tall pyramid.

At this point, inside the pyramid.

A conversion ceremony is drawing to a close.

Outside the pyramid, four figures stood in a corner, guarding the pyramid!They are the four knights that Apocalypse has recruited in these days.

Each of them was originally a mutant whose strength had reached the third level. After being strengthened by the ability of Apocalypse, the strength had reached the fourth level.

These four people, bewitched by Apocalypse's words and the temptation of power, joined Apocalypse's camp.

At this time, the four of them were facing the scorching sun, and looked back to the pyramid behind them from time to time, looking forward to the rebirth of their king.

In terms of brainwashing ability, Apocalypse is actually not bad at all.

The previous time, he just found the wrong target.

As long as he finds the right target, he can still be fooled by his speaking ability. . . . .Young people who are not very firm in mind.

After a few minutes. . . . . .The transformation ceremony within the pyramid has been completed.

Apocalypse with a new body got up from a stone bed.

"This power... It's been a long time!"

Feeling the power in his body at his peak, he couldn't help laughing wildly with excitement.

As for the body that had turned into dust on the stone bed on the other side, Tian Qi didn't even look at it.

Having performed this conversion ceremony countless times, he has long been accustomed to it.

body or something.

for. .As far as he has the ability to manipulate his own molecules, that is. . .Just a tool.

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Chapter [-]: Hydra, Hellfire vs Apocalypse!

Anyway. . .As long as Apocalypse wants.

He can knead them at will. . . . .body, let them become the way they want.

The only shackles are just the life limit of each body.

Five thousand years, if not all the time: spent in slumber.

Apocalypse's original body has long since died.

Even so, after he wakes up, it is difficult to exert [-]% of his [-]% power.

And now. . . . . .He finally returned to his peak state!And, also got a new ability! ! !Although this new ability is not what Apocalypse wants most, it can also improve his combat power, which is not completely optional.

Swish!The shadows are scattered.

Apocalypse has long since disappeared within the pyramid.

Almost like teleportation, the figure of Apocalypse appeared at the entrance of the pyramid.

Speeding!This is the original ability of the body he converted, and it is also the nickname of the other party.

As long as you run on the ground, you can have super fast speed.

At the fastest time, it can even reach a hundred times the speed of sound!Apocalypse's strength is very strong and defensive ability is also very strong, but in terms of movement speed, it is relatively average.

Now this speeding ability can be regarded as making up for one of his shortcomings.

Moreover, under his enhanced ability, this superspeed ability can explode in him far beyond the ability of the original owner.

The speed can even exceed a thousand times the speed of sound.

This is for Apocalypse.

It can indeed improve a lot of combat power! "Come on, let's go to Cairo and take back everything I've lost!"

Having obtained a new body and regaining his strength at his peak, Apocalypse is now bursting with self-confidence.

Even that... Hydra organization with hundreds of thousands of mutant armies, he is not afraid now.

The strength has reached his level, and it has long been impossible for people to pile up to death.

What's more, he is an apocalypse who has gathered countless mutant abilities!There are no obvious weaknesses at all.

Just those. .Three or four mutants, he is not afraid of more!It is. . . . .That... the fifth-level mutant, and that... the hydra leader whose body is rumored to be able to resist nuclear explosions, makes Apocalypse somewhat pay attention.

But that's all!He is Apocalypse!The king of mutants! ! !Now, the king is back!He wants to get back everything he has lost!No one wants to stop him! ! ! . . . "So, the apocalypse has appeared!"

Hearing Magneto's question, he nodded and said, "Yes, there is news from Hellfire, and at the same time our people have also discovered the trace of Apocalypse."

"Where is he"

Magneto asked.


Blink replied: "Now all of Cairo has lost contact with the outside world, and there are more than [-] million people trapped there."

"It's not too late, we'll go right away."

Magneto said, "Go and call everyone else, this time we are facing a powerful enemy from thousands of years ago, and we must give him enough attention!"

Blink nodded, turned and walked away quickly.

After ten minutes, all the combatants had gathered.

The people who will participate in this battle this time include six fourth-level mutants and Qin, the only fifth-level mutant.

As for the other three-level changes.

Going is also a gift for Tianqi, so don't go over and join in the fun.

Including Storm who wants revenge and Hank the Beast.

All were rejected by Magneto to participate in this battle.

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