Although they are not reconciled, they can say that their strength is really not enough. . .Eligibility to participate in such a battle, most of them will cause trouble for them, so even if they are not in their hearts. . . . . .I wish, I can only stay here obediently and wait for news.

In addition, there are people from Hellfire. It is estimated that there will only be some mutants who have reached the fourth level in the past.

For those below level [-], it's free if you go! "Let's go, blink."

Magneto looked at the flicker ahead and nodded.

Hearing the words, she waved her hand to open a portal. Of course, the other side of the door was not Cairo. After all, she couldn't teleport to that far in one go.

A group of people entered the portal, and Blink was the last to follow.

"Don't worry, they will win!"

Rui Wen patted Storm on the shoulder and comforted.

Storm shook her head and forced a smile.

"I'm going to see the professor."

After speaking, she turned to leave.

"Come on, Hank."

Ruiwen greeted Hank, and the two also left.

. . . . .On the other side, after a few teleports.

Flicker finally sent the group to Cairo, to the designated location they had agreed to in advance.

The people of Hellfire were obviously here earlier than they were.

"Red Devil, long time no see."

Magneto glanced at the red-skinned guy on the opposite side who looked like a devil, and said hello.

The Red Devil is also one of the trump cards of the Hellfire Club.

He is said to have lived for thousands of years.

Unlike the kind of Apocalypse who lived for thousands of years in deep sleep, the red devil has lived for thousands of years.

However, living for a long time does not mean that the strength of the Red Devil is very strong.

On the contrary, this guy is not someone who is willing to learn new things, not enough. . .Hard work, no hardship, so he has relied on his teleportation ability for thousands of years.

In terms of combat skills, it may not even be as powerful as Rui Wen.

But anyway, it's an old monster that has lived for thousands of years, so the Red Devil is very concerned about it. .The use of his own abilities is still very superb. He is also a fourth-level mutant, and the use of his abilities has reached the ultimate level of fourth-level.

If it weren't for the lack of potential at the fifth level, thousands of years would be enough for him to reach the stronger level of the fifth level.

The strength of mutants is divided from four to five levels, which is a huge watershed.

But after reaching the fifth level, it is actually just another new beginning.

It is also a fifth-level mutant, and the strength gap between the two may be very large, even larger than the gap between a first-level mutant and a fifth-level mutant!Similar to the mutants like Iceman, who have the potential of level [-].

If it can live for thousands of years, the strength can definitely kill those people easily. .A mutant who entered the fifth level.

pity. . . . . .The vast majority of mutants with fifth-level potential have no way to reach the fifth-level level during their lifetime.

for example. . . . . .Still an ice man!Before reaching the fifth level, he died in the hands of the sentinel robot.

Of course, this world is a world after the reversal of the future, and the sentinel robot will not appear again, but this does not mean that the iceman can reach the fifth level in his lifetime.

After all, potential is potential.

Whether you can put in the appropriate effort is another matter.

Just like the red devil in front of him, it took him thousands of years to develop his teleportation ability to the fourth-level limit.

Potential without effort will always be potential, and will never become usable strength.

The red devil is lazy.

Coupled with the ability to live long, his personality is a bit salty.

And other mutants with enough potential. . . . . .They also have their own shortcomings.

. . . . .In the face of Magneto, the Red Devil also nodded and said hello, and then walked aside, obviously not wanting to reminisce.

In fact, he and Magneto have nothing to reminisce about.

"This... is... your level five mutants from Hydra, Jyn.

Miss Grey. "

As soon as Emma came up, she stared at Qin Ge Lei, who was wearing a red trench coat. .This... fifth-level mutant, Emma is very interested.

Qin glanced at her coldly.

I didn't mean to talk to her at all.

"It's really cold."

Emma smiled and didn't care.

"Okay, now is not the time for you to chat."

Magneto said: "You came early, is the location of Apocalypse determined?"

When it comes to business, Emma also put away the smile on her face.

She nodded.

"It has been found, this guy didn't want to hide at all."

Apocalypse, whose mentality was already inflated, didn't plan to hide his whereabouts at all, but this time, he couldn't use Charles' ability to destroy the nuclear bombs around the world, so he came up with another way.

that is. . .Ordinary people in Cairo were besieged, and their lives were threatened.

let those. .Countries with nuclear weapons do not dare to use nuclear weapons lightly!Of course, this is just a stopgap measure.

When he re-establishes his kingdom, he will clean up those so-called world powers one by one.

Nuclear weapons are powerful.

But those high-level executives can't sleep with nuclear weapons directly, so Apocalypse doesn't worry about ordinary people at all.

All he really cares about is that... Hydra organization! "Now that you know where he is, let's go directly."

Magneto said.

"We're fine here."

Emma said, "However, hasn't your leader returned yet?"

Magneto shook his head.

"The leader has more important things, just an apocalypse, it's enough to have people like us."

"What's more important?"

Emma smiled and didn't ask any further.

In fact, even Magneto himself didn't know what Clark was doing.

The so-called more important things are just an excuse made by Magneto.

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Chapter [-]: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Block the Road

The yellow sand is all over the sky, and the tall pyramids that can be seen in the distance are standing in this desert like rolling mountains.

"My God...! How can this guy named Kai like to live in the desert?"

In the team, someone complained at birth, looking at the surrounding sandy environment with disgust.

Few people like deserts.

Occasionally go to the desert to play and taste the freshness, some people are willing.

But if you were to live in the desert, out of a hundred people, ninety-nine would not be willing.

And Apocalypse. . . . . .It is the only one!He was born in such an environment, grew up in such an environment, and has long been accustomed to the scenery of yellow sand.

Compared to drafting Chang Yingfei or the steel jungle, he prefers deserts.

and. . . . . .People still live in pyramids.

"Pyramids aren't those in Egypt. Pharaohs or something, where are they buried after death? This apocalypse actually likes to live in tombs!"

Another person in the team complained, spitting out the sand that flew in from their mouths.


"someone is coming!"

In the air, a black spot grew rapidly.

Bang!With a loud bang, a tall figure fell in front of their group.

Whoa!The sand on the left parted, and another figure emerged from under the sand.

"Sorry! This way is dead."

The two stopped in front of everyone, and one of them... the tall figure grinned and squeezed his fists.

Magneto glanced at the two of them, and then asked, "Who are you?"

Behind him, two people stood up immediately.

"Lord Magneto, leave these two guys to us."

The two who came out looked almost exactly the same, and what was even more interesting was that they both wore the same clothes. If they weren't slightly different in body shape, they would have thought they were clones.

These two are two mutant brothers who joined Hydra a few months ago.

Interestingly, the two of them are not only twin brothers, but the abilities they acquired after awakening are actually the same.

Both of them are Alpha-level mutants, and their ability development has now reached the fourth level.

Although they are not the top group among the fourth-level, but the two teamed up, with the special coordination ability between the twins, even the top-level fourth-level mutants could not win against them.

"Then they'll leave it to you."

Magneto nodded, clearly reassuring to hand over the two enemies to them.

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