The two brothers grinned.

"Don't worry, we'll get rid of them soon."

Saying that, the two brothers looked at each other, and then rushed up together in a very tacit understanding.

These two brothers have the ability to strengthen the body, and their defense and strength are extremely large.

It just so happened that the two knights on the opposite side of Apocalypse were similar.

Fist-to-meat fight, it's true. . . . .Full of visual effects.

"Let's go."

Magneto looked at the battle between the four 44 rooms, and after confirming that the two brothers could handle it, he led people to bypass them and continued to move forward.

After walking for a while, they had reached a tall pyramid.

At this time, a cyan blade light suddenly struck from the top of the pyramid.

The people walking in front immediately avoided it.

Boom!The knife light slashed on the desert, leaving a trace more than ten meters long.

Swish!A figure jumped down from the top of the pyramid and landed in front of them.

"If you want to see Lord Tianqi, you must pass me!"

Dark green windbreaker, holding a samurai sword, the mutant in front of him has sharp eyes, and the blade in his hand is even more cyan energy.

"Let me do it."

At this time, Gambit took the initiative to come out and face the enemy in front of him.

"just you"

The samurai looked at the Gambit contemptuously, and suddenly moved his feet, rushing towards the Gambit in front of him in a strange glyph.

And the card king directly shoots one card after another.

When the cards hit the ground, they exploded in huge blasts, blasting bunkers one after another.

Swish!The blue sword light flew.

Gambit was holding a black cane and smashed directly at the knife light.

Boom!An explosion.

The fire is soaring into the sky!Gambit flew upside down, turned over in the air, and landed steadily.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem."

Magneto nodded and continued to lead people forward.


The samurai tried to stop it.

However, he saw a few cards flying over and falling in front of him, causing an explosion.

"Damn it! I'm going to cut you into eighteen pieces!"

He angrily attacked the emperor.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them were fighting.

. . . . .ten minutes later.

Magneto and his party came to the second pyramid.

Someone was already waiting for them here.

A black man was sitting on the steps in front of the pyramid, and when he saw them coming, he raised his head to reveal a pair of strange red eyes and looked at them.

"It seems that the three idiots in front really failed to stop you."

He stood up, patted the sand on his body, and walked down the steps step by step.

"However, you should stop here!"

Magneto turned to look at Emma and Red Tank, his eyes seemed to ask, "This arrogant guy, do you know each other?"

The two shook their heads.

Said it wasn't this guy.

"Let me come."

The black queen who hadn't spoken along the way walked over, she licked the corner of her mouth and looked at the man in front of her with a smile.

"I can feel the exuberant vitality in you, and soon, they will be mine."

A strange blue light flashed in the dark eyes.

The black man in front of her was very uncomfortable to see, and she immediately stared back with red eyes.

"Woman, can I take what you just said as a challenge to me?"

The black queen sneered and said nothing.

Magneto turned his head at this time and pointed to his head.

"This guy, is there something wrong here?"

Emma glanced at him with a smile, and said, "Eric, you are out of date, this is a new thing for young people, called the second disease."

Magneto: . . . . . .Am I outdated? Magneto is a little unhappy. He always felt that he was still very young, but he didn't even understand what the young man said until now.

Is it. . . . . .I am really old

Chapter [-]: Magneto: "Eat me a railgun!"

Just when Magneto was a little suspicious of life.

The black queen in front of the pyramid has already fought with each other.

The Black Queen is not only a mutant, she also has some witch magic, which makes her attack methods extremely diverse.

The ability of the black man on the opposite side is also very strange. He can transform himself into a black fluid substance, and can also extend many black long whips to attack.

The black queen attacked the opponent several times, although the opponent was directly hit in four parts, but in a blink of an eye, the opponent gathered together again.

It didn't look like he was injured at all.

"This person is not easy to deal with."

Magneto said with a frown.

Emma next to him smiled after hearing the words, and said, "Although I don't like the black queen very much, I have to admit that her witchcraft is really weird. Although the guy in front of him is also weird, he It will definitely not be the opponent of the black queen, so you can rest assured."

Magneto glanced at her.

"I hope you're right."

Leave the black queen behind to deal with the black man, and the rest of them continue towards the third and largest pyramid.

Along the way, they disliked the desert environment very much.

Something like Magneto that can fly, floats and moves directly in the air, but has no flying ability, especially one with a relatively large tonnage like the Red Tank, which has one foot deep and one shallow foot, and it is quite uncomfortable to walk!finally!The group arrived in front of the third pyramid.

The top of this huge pyramid is nearly three or four hundred meters above the ground.

It can be called a behemoth.

At this time, at the entrance in front of this pyramid, a dark blue figure was standing there, as if it had been waiting for them for a long time.

"I knew that my knights couldn't stop you all."

Apocalypse didn't seem surprised to see them, instead, there was a smile on his face.

"Apocalypse! Your era has long since ended, and the old antique should be buried in the ground!"

Magneto stepped forward and said loudly.

Apocalypse looked at him.

"What do you know! My comeback this time is to get back everything that once belonged to me!"

"In my time, we mutants were high above the ground and were like gods, but look at you now! Don't you feel ashamed that you were trampled under your feet by a group of ordinary people?"

Apocalypse's voice was deafening, "This world has never belonged to those ordinary people!"

"Only us mutants are the real God who should rule this world!!!"

"Those... weak ants, what qualifications do they have to be high above!!!"

"Go past, you bow down!"

"Now my apocalypse is back! I'm going to make the whole world crawl under my feet!!!"

"Once I could rule them! Now I still can!!!"

Apocalypse's rhetoric speaks loud and clear.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the people in front of him again.

He held out his hand. "Come, my children! Come into the arms of God!"

"Only me can save you!!!"

One second, two seconds, three seconds 3. . . . . .The scene suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere gradually became a little embarrassing.

Magneto smiled at this time and said, "I know, it's called the second disease!"

Emma glanced at him, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she shook her head.

The eyes of other people are also indescribably strange.

They looked at the apocalypse in front of them, and their eyes seemed to be looking at one. . . . . .If you are mentally retarded, the words of Apocalypse in front of you sound normal, although they are a little arrogant and arrogant, but at most they are. . .It makes him feel like he's just a little bit arrogant.

But the last two sentences are true. . . . . .Put it this way.

Their goosebumps just popped out.

He also stepped into the arms of God!Are you pretending to be a magician, children!That's right, you're old, but we're not kids when we ride a horse! ! !Who rides a horse and promises you!Tianqi stretched out his hand and found that the eyes of the group of people opposite were inexplicably familiar.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Then he slowly retracted his hand.

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