follow. . . . . . "Give it all out to me!"

He shouted in anger.

Swish!Swish!Swish! . . . . . .One after another figure came out of the pyramid, the speed was fast or slow, the gender was male and female, the height was high and the low, and the character. . . . . .Well, the character can't be seen for the time being.

But these. . . . .The people who suddenly appeared really startled Magneto and the others.

There are too many people!When the last one came out, there were actually 100 people!Magneto turned his head and asked, "Why did this guy still recruit so many people? Didn't he say there are only four 44 knights?"

Emma: . . . . . .You ask me, I ask who the hell knows how Apocalypse has recruited so many subordinates all at once!Although the documents she found showed that Apocalypse would only recruit four subordinates to form the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.

Think carefully.

It doesn't seem to be stipulated, others Apocalypse can't recruit more subordinates! "Are we being tricked"

asked a female mutant behind Magneto.

Everyone looked at her.

"Be confident and remove the appearance."

Blink said.

All together, everyone looked at her again.

The flickering is a little embarrassing.

It was good that she was just skinned, and it was about to be liquidated immediately. Everyone just glanced at her and let her go.

Probably because of the enemy in front of him, it is not suitable for infighting.

As for the aftermath. . . . . .never mind!Or make sure you can leave alive first! "You are so disappointed in me!"

Apocalypse stood on the steps and looked at them condescendingly, "I thought you could see more clearly, but unfortunately..."

He shook his head, a look of regret.

"Cut! Pretend!"

Blink whispered softly.

However, although her voice is small, she can't stand the apocalypse of others.

Suddenly, Apocalypse's face couldn't be hung up.

He waved his hand with a sullen face and shouted: "Go! Kill them!!!"

After the order was given, the hundred mutants rushed up in an instant.

All of these people were recruited by Apocalypse in the past few days. Some of them were only the first to enter the third level, some had reached the third level of the middle level, and only a few had reached the third level peak.

However, under the strengthening ability of Apocalypse.

Even the weakest among them has now reached the third-level limit!And the vast majority of them have already raised their abilities to the fourth-level mutant level.

What a scene of being surrounded by dozens of fourth-level mutants is right in front of you! "These people are handed over to you, and I will deal with Apocalypse!"

Red Tank sneered, he didn't take the group of mutants rushing up in front of him at all, even if it was a fourth-level mutant, even if there were a large number of them, he still didn't take them seriously.

"I'll go as well."

Qin said, and the figure turned into an afterimage, swept forward.

Bang bang bang. . . . . .those along the way. .All the mutants who tried to stop were blasted out by her mind power.

A similar scene was also staged over the Red Tank.

The red tank charged directly at Tianqi. With a height of nearly three meters, he, like a fast-moving train, directly knocked all the mutants out in front of him.

Even a fourth-level mutant with power-enhancing abilities stood in his way.

It is also directly headed. . .hit fly.

Can't stop him at all!Swish!With a flash of red mist, the figure of the red devil appeared behind a third-level mutant, and slashed the opponent's neck with the dagger in his hand.

This mutant, who had not even had time to show his abilities, was directly cut off half of his neck, and fell to the ground with a dead expression on his face.

Swish!A purple portal opens.

The flicker stepped back in directly, then appeared further away.

She patted her chest, looking terrified.

"It scared me to death, I can't participate in such a battle, I'd better be a support."

hum. . . . .A burst of invisible spiritual power spread out.

The five 55 mutants who rushed to the front on the spot were directly controlled by Emma with psychic abilities.

She controlled the five 55 mutants, leaving two guards by her side to protect herself, while the other three 3 rushed to their original companions and launched a ruthless killing.

At this time, the figure of Magneto also appeared in the air of [-] meters.

An arc flashed on one of his hands, and a metal projectile whirled wildly in the palm of his hand.

"go with!"

There was a loud bang, and an electric arc burst out, and the projectile was instantly ejected from Magneto's hand, and was accelerated to an incredible speed in an instant.

Boom! ! !The explosion sounded.

A huge sand pit appeared in the desert, and several mutants who had no time to escape and were not very good at defense were bombarded by Magneto's electromagnetic cannon on the spot, and even a complete corpse was not left behind.

All the blood stains were mixed with yellow sand, and most of them were buried when the wind blew.

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Chapter [-]: Superman has arrived on the battlefield!


People who have never seen Magneto use this trick, raised their heads subconsciously and looked at him, with a strong look of dread in their eyes.

"Humph! Knowledge is... Quantity."

Magneto looked down at them condescendingly, and said in a light tone.

People: . . . . . .So coercive!I want to beat him up!Even Tian Qi, who was fighting with the Red Tank, couldn't help but glance over there.

"Nice power!"

"But isn't this Magneto's ability to control the magnetic force? Just those.. What's the matter with lightning?"

"Does he have a second ability?"

Apocalypse, who had never been to school, said that he couldn't understand Magneto's operation at all.

In fact, most mutants are indeed relatively lacking in terms of knowledge reserves.

In theory, adolescence is the main period of genetic awakening.

That is to say, some children are still there: when they are in middle school, the cause in their body may suddenly awaken.

Usually, at this time, it is difficult for them to control the mutant abilities that they suddenly awakened, so basically one awakens and exposes one.

It's still good!Some were awakened directly in elementary school.

That's even worse!So, if you come into contact with the mutant circle, it is not difficult to find that most of them are semi-literate.

There are only very few.

Like studying at a school for mutants.

Or maybe you are lucky enough to be born into a family whose parents are very accommodating to you.

only these. . . . . , will learn more knowledge.

Magneto, originally belonged to the former, and did not have much knowledge reserves in his mind.

After all, the environment in which he grew up did not allow him to learn any cultural knowledge.

And when he grows up, he is busy with revenge and realizing his ideals and ambitions.

I don't have time to read books at all.

That is, after the failed assassination of the president that year, during the time he was in custody, he only had time to read some books, and only then did he learn some things about him. .means of using one's own abilities.

Such as the previous magnetic shield!Another example is the electromagnetic gun just now!They are all electromagnetic theories that Magneto has learned from books, and then developed moves through practice.

Boom! ! !Another electromagnetic gun.

The mutants on the side of the apocalypse were killed and injured again.

This made Apocalypse extremely angry.

It's not that he feels bad for the deaths of his subordinates.

The main reason is that too many people die, which is not good for the current battle situation! "I can fly and rush up to melee him!"

Apocalypse roared.

Hearing this, it was immediately. . .A dozen or so flying mutants soared into the sky.

Bang!With a heavy punch, the tall body of the red tank took a few steps back.

He grinned, looking not only not angry, but excited.

This gave Tianqi a headache.

Little brother, what's the matter, have you awakened some strange attribute! ! !Apocalypse, who was entangled by the red tank, couldn't get away at all.

Not only that, but there is a fifth-level mutant Qin who is constantly harassing him. If it weren't for his strong defensive ability, Qin's thought power would have caused him to be bruised and bruised long ago.

But now. . . . . .Qin's attack didn't seem to break the defense at all.

This is a little embarrassing! . . .Eden Island.

In a secret room underground.

Clark returned to the mutant world through a door.

He turned around and closed the door behind him.

Soon, he came to the surface.

"Hey! Chief, you're here!"

The phantom cat who happened to pass by saw Ke coming out of the elevator, and suddenly had a surprised expression.

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