Clark nodded and asked, "Where's Eric?"

"Magneto and a few fourth-level mutants went to deal with a guy named Apocalypse, and Blink went to help."

The Phantom Cat said, "That... Apocalypse seems to be very powerful. He also occupied the whole of Cairo. Now the TV news is all about him."


Clark was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that he just didn't come for a few days, and now even Tianqi has run out.

"Okay, I see, I'll go take a look."

Clark said.

The Phantom Cat nodded and said with a smile: "If there is a leader, it will be no problem, I will go to work first!"

"Well, let's go."

Watching the phantom cat go away, Clark also disappeared directly in place.

Once again, people have arrived in Cairo.

. . . . .The scorching sun and yellow sand, the scorching sun is like fire!Clark appeared in a desert and looked at several pyramids in the distance.

"It's kind of interesting that you have recruited so many mutants."

Clark's mental power has long enveloped the entire Cairo, so he is completely clear about the battle situation in the distance.

Apocalypse's strength is relatively strong among the fifth-level mutants.

He had just woken up and was in poor physical condition, so he couldn't show much of his strength. . . , but the current Apocalypse has obviously been replaced with a new body, which can exert ten percent of the combat effectiveness.

Clark saw him fighting Red Tank and Jyn over there.

Red Tank, this rough-skinned guy, is almost completely passively beaten, but who calls Red Tank's thick-skinned!Even if Tianqi tried his best, he couldn't really hurt this big guy!Instead, it's the piano.

Because of the loss of the power of the phoenix, although she can exert her fifth-level psychic power, her combat power is currently only a beginner among the fifth-level mutants.

for. .For Apocalypse, who has almost no shortcomings, her attack was like tickling him.

No threat at all! "It doesn't seem like a good situation."

Clark smiled, not paying too much attention.

next moment. . . . . .Leaving a bunker in place, Clark's figure appeared directly on the battlefield a few kilometers away.

Emma, ​​who was covered in diamonds, was a little embarrassed at this time.

The mutants controlled by her mind were either abolished or destroyed. . .was killed.

And there are two mutants with the same ability in the distance, who are using their ability to interfere with her. If the other party is singled out, their ability is naturally far inferior to her, but the two joined forces, but Emma is temporarily unable to use it. Psychic ability to control these mutants again.

Having lost the greatest support, just being able to use diamonds all over her body would not allow Emma to deal with the people in front of her.

Several times, she was in danger.

It's been lucky to be able to hold on until now!But now, she seems to have exhausted all her luck.

In front of him, a large group of flames hit.

Emma could almost predict her end in the next second.

Involuntarily, a miserable smile appeared on her face.

really!Still underestimating the enemy! ! !And right now. . . . . .Bang!The figure in front of him was directly smashed into the sand.

Skulls burst and a pile of mosaics splattered everywhere. . . . . .Emma was taken aback!Looking up, he saw a black figure in front of him, his back turned to him.

The silver-grey cloak rattled in the wind and sand, and the tall back in the sunlight showed a faint sense of sanctity.

Emma froze for a moment.

It took a while to react.

"You are superman!!!"

Clark looked back at her.

Bang!A level [-] mutant who rushed up was grabbed by him with one hand.

Squeeze the head!Pfft!The headless body fell on the sand.

"The White Queen"

Emma nodded.

"Go and rest for a while, it will be over soon."

Clark said.

Emma opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but found that Superman had lost her face.

Whoosh! ! !Boom! ! !The figure that fell from the sky directly smashed into the mutant crowd.

A huge, crystallized sand pit was blasted directly.

The mutants around, whether they were third-level or fourth-level, whoever got close, were directly torn to pieces and turned into a large piece of flesh and blood.

Boom!Crimson heat swept across.

More than a dozen mutants turned into ashes!The remaining mutants who were lucky enough to survive looked at the man... who came out of the bunker with a look of horror.

"'s Superman!!!"

Someone shouted in horror.

Then screamed to run away.

"It's over to you."

Clark glanced at them lightly. . . . .The remaining mutants said to Magneto.

Magneto, who was used to it for a long time, nodded calmly, unlike those from Hellfire, who were all in a daze and had never seen anything in the world.

Just when Clark shot and killed a large number of mutants.

Apocalypse on the other side also changed suddenly.

"It's that... Superman!"

Tian Qi's face was gloomy.

A red tank already gave him some headaches.

Now comes another Superman who looks stronger.

He can't deal with such two enemies at once! "no solution anymore."

The next moment, Apocalypse grabbed his right hand.

A blue, smoking portal opened behind him.

He grabbed the red tank in front of him.

The two fell directly into the portal.

Swish!In the next second, another portal opened on the other side.

Apocalypse came out of it and quickly closed the portal.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Use some force!Did not eat!

An isolated island thousands of kilometers away.

The red tank looked at the surrounding environment in a daze, and it took a while for him to react.

"Damn the Apocalypse! You coward! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The furious red tank destroyed everything around it, venting the anger in his heart.

at the same time.

on the battlefield in Cairo.

Apocalypse was also relieved after sending the red tank away.

Although doing so is a bit contrived, it is not his style.

But no way.

In order to win, a little shameless, Apocalypse also recognized it!Swish!The red figure fell to the ground.

Qin tilted her head and looked at Tian Qi on the opposite side, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Why don't you fight"

"I almost forgot that there was a woman like you."

Apocalypse looked at her and sneered: "But, forget it."

"Although your abilities are good, you can't hurt me at all. It doesn't matter if you stay."

for. .In terms of Apocalypse, Red Tank is an extremely difficult guy. He can feel it. The strength of that guy is constantly improving. Maybe he can still deal with it now, but if he fights for a while. . .If so, Apocalypse is not sure whether he can suppress the other party.

But this woman in front of her.

Apocalypse doesn't care at all!Although Qin has lost her memory, some of her speech and behaviors are somewhat naive like a child.

But this doesn't mean that she can't hear the disdain in Tian Qi's words.

"You make me angry!"

A look of anger appeared on Qin's face.

Since losing her memory, she has rarely been angry.

Everyone around her was kind to her, those. .The cartoons on TV are also very nice, and she is very happy every day.

But today!She is angry! ! !Because the blue-skinned guy in front of him actually laughed at her ability! "Ah!"

Apocalypse sneered.

I don't care about Qin's angry look.

His contempt made Qin couldn't help but want to do it.

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