at this time. . . . . .A hand rested lightly on Qin's shoulder.

"give it to me."

Clark walked to Jean's side and said.

Seeing Clark, the anger on Jyn's face calmed down a little.

But she still said angrily: "This man, he laughs at me!"

She looked aggrieved!Clark put a hand on her head and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll beat him hard for you to vent your anger."

"Well, be sure to punch him a few more times!"

Qin squeezed her small fist and said viciously.

Clark nodded at her.

Immediately, he turned to look at the opposite Apocalypse.

This is also the first time Clark has been named an ancient mutant from thousands of years ago.

"You just teleported the red tank away, you're scared"

Clark smiled and said.

Apocalypse's face changed after hearing this, and he said stubbornly: "Huh! Don't be kidding! I'm Apocalypse! I'll be afraid of you guys"

This guy is clearly lying and his acting isn't that great.

Even the piano can be seen.

"Cut! Stubborn."

Qin pouted in disdain.

This made Tian Qi feel humiliated, and immediately glared at her fiercely.

"Woman, believe it or not, I will crush you!!!"

Jyn rolled her eyes and stepped back behind Clark.

"Come on! Come and pinch me!!!"

Apocalypse: . . . . . .You have a kind of horse: stand up!What's the point of running and hiding behind people's houses! ! !At this time, Clark lightly patted the back of Qin's hand and said, "Go and watch, it will be over soon."

Qin nodded obediently, sticking out her tongue at Tianqi before leaving, like a child.

Clark: . . . . . .He thought to himself, maybe next time he should have a good chat with Qin, and let her know that he is no longer a child, the behavior of such a child is really a bit. . . . . .never mind!Just go with her.

Clark shook his head secretly.


How can Tianqi bear this kind of bullying, and roaring, he will rush up and crush this hateful woman to death.

But he just moved his front and back feet.

Clark stood in front of him.

"Sorry! This way is dead."

Clark said lightly.

"Then I'll kill you first!"

Apocalypse didn't lose his mind with anger, he knew that... the hateful woman just had a more vicious mouth, and the real tricky thing was the superman in front of him.

"go to hell!!!"

Apocalypse roars.

A gust of wind blew past, blowing up a piece of yellow sand.

Clark blinked and asked suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

in front of him.

Apocalypse stretched out a hand and made a fist.

He has been in this position for more than ten seconds.

It hasn't moved.

Clark was a little puzzled, not sure what he meant by that.

"Why didn't you respond"

Apocalypse looked at his hand and waved behind him suspiciously. With a bang, the corner of the pyramid turned into yellow sand.

"No! My ability has not failed!"

He looked at Superman in front of him.

"But why are you okay?"

Clark got it.

It turned out that Apocalypse had just made a move, but his ability to... desertification had absolutely no effect on Clark.

After all, intermediate-level rule resistance can even block the incomplete Phoenix power.

Not to mention the desertification ability of a mere Apocalypse.

Clark didn't even feel the slightest bit.

I thought Apocalypse suddenly had a brain pump!There he was posing still.

It was he who misunderstood! " try again"

Clark said with a smile.

Apocalypse: . . . . . .I feel like you're kidding me!Apocalypse, who realizes that he has been tricked, doesn't need any desertification ability. Facts have proved that his ability is useless to Superman at all.

That being the case. . . . . .A real man should fight to the flesh!Apocalypse instantly turned into an afterimage, rushing up. . .A punch with tens of millions of tons of power!Boom! ! !The air burst, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye set off a cloud of sand and dust that swept in all directions.

Clark caught Apocalypse's punch with one hand.


He said lightly: "A soft fist like this can't hurt me."

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Chapter [-]: Kill the Apocalypse!A gigaton nuclear bomb is coming!

When the soft fist Apocalypse heard this, he was immediately furious.

"Don't underestimate people!!!"

He roared and threw a punch, and the air was instantly squeezed out under this punch, forming a huge sonic boom, a layer of punching energy visible to the naked eye, coming straight to Clark's face.

Boom! ! !Clark once again caught the punch of Apocalypse with one hand.

Still an understatement.

He even yawned.

The look of wanting to sleep makes Tian Qiqi's gums almost shatter! "Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The furious Apocalypse kept attacking.

The power of each punch exceeds tens of millions of tons!To outsiders, the battle over there is nothing short of nothing. . .Asura's purgatory-like terror, any random aftermath could make those. .The mutants with poor physical defenses were directly shocked to death.

But for. .For Clark at the center of the battle, it was a bit boring.

Originally, he also wanted to tease this guy Apocalypse.

How to say it is a celebrity anyway, right?This guy is surprisingly weak!It really made Clark a little uninterested.

"Really, everyone is so weak, there is no way to show my strength."

Clark yawned again.

This made the eyelids of the opposite Apocalypse jump, and his heart was both angry and frightened.

Not to mention anger.

Anyone who is treated like this will be angry.

And frightened. . . . . .It was because he had realized the horror of the superman in front of him.

His attack with all his strength was actually blocked by the other party's understatement with one hand, and he even yawned leisurely. It really made people feel deep fear and despair!otherwise. . . . . .Run away, Apocalypse couldn't help but have the idea of ​​running away.

Subconsciously, the speed of his punches also slowed down.

Clark, who noticed this situation, lifted his eyelids and guessed his inner thoughts in an instant.

"Sure enough, he's a coward."

Clark shook his head in disappointment.

Immediately, his empty hand 'lightly' threw a punch forward. . . . . .Rumble boom! ! !A terrifying fist flew out.

The first to bear the brunt is the apocalypse at close range.

His proud body defense is not even a fart in front of this punch, and there is no room for resistance at all, and it is directly smashed to pieces!The fist strength that smashed Tian Qi did not weaken in the slightest. What remained unabated was that he shattered most of the pyramid hundreds of meters high behind, and the missing upper half was directly turned into powder under the fist strength.

Rumble rumble. . . . . .In the distant sky, the roar continued to come.

Mighty!Incessantly!After a while. . . . . .The clouds in the distant sky straightened a moat with no end in sight!It looks like. . . . . .The sky is torn in half! ! !At this time, Clark withdrew his hand.

Hearing the reminder that the destruction points had arrived in his mind, he turned around and walked slowly to Emma in the distance, pausing for a moment.

"From today, your hellfire merges into Hydra, no problem, right?"

Emma shook her head subconsciously.

It wasn't until Clark walked away that she realized what she had promised, and a wry smile appeared on her face.

It's a shame that she wanted to use Hydra to expand the Hellfire Club!The result is now. . . . . .never mind!Must be strong.

With such a terrifying superman, Hydra is destined to dominate the world.

If you think about it this way, it seems that joining Hydra is not a disadvantage.

. . . . . "You go back first, I have something to deal with."

Clark passed by Magneto and said something.

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