Magneto nodded, then looked at Emma over there with pity.

Why do you say that Emma alone can't represent the entire Hellfire Club? Then you go and ask other people to see if they agree or not!It is. . . . .The red tank that was teleported away by the apocalypse before.

It seems to be forgotten by everyone.

It wasn't until they left Cairo and returned to Eden Island that no one remembered Red Tank.

"Damn, we forgot the black king!"

Gambit patted his forehead and said.

The black queen next to him gave him a white look, and said as he walked: "What's the hurry, that guy won't die, just look for it when he's free."

Gambit: . . . . . .Why do I feel that the black king of Red Tank is still pitiful. . . . . .Forget it.

Now even the Hellfire Club has disbanded.

Where is the black king!Gambit shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

. . . . .in the desert of Cairo.

Clark sat on the collapsed pyramid, looking up at a few black dots flying in the distance.

He grinned.

"Give me energy again."

At the same time, in a conference room of the World Security Council, a block of electronic screens rose up, with faces with solemn expressions on them.

These people, just pull out one of them, are all big figures who have a pivotal position in the world.

At this time, the eyes of these people all fell on a large screen in the middle.

The picture on the screen is in the desert in Cairo.

Must be successful!Everyone was sweating in their hearts.

If it doesn't work this time.

After that, they will definitely usher in each other's crazy revenge!But they have no choice.

Or take a gamble!Kill this biggest threat directly!Or wait in peace.

Wait for those mutants to grow stronger, and then eat away at their country little by little!The former, they still have a certain possibility to win this war!And the latter. . . . . .Nothing more than that. . .It's just too late to die.

They are not reconciled!They have been accustomed to being superior all their lives, how could they willingly hand over all this "come here!"

In the picture on the big screen, the figures of those nuclear bombs have already appeared.

This time they fired a total of six nuclear bombs, all of which were above the ten million equivalent level!Among them, the most powerful one is a full 1 million tons equivalent level!That is also the most powerful nuclear bomb in the world!If such explosions don't kill this Superman. . . . .Then they will die.

Anyway. . .Can't resist either.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Destroy Heaven and Earth!Evolve again!

"It's finally here!"

On the broken pyramid, Clark stood up and stretched.

Although I only waited for a few minutes, I have to say that these guys are really slow enough.

Not afraid of him running away or so. . . . . .It's because I see myself sitting here, so I have no fear, no matter what.

Clark didn't care what those people were thinking anyway, all he was expecting was the six nuclear bombs that were attacking in front of him.

"However, it sounds really cruel!"

Clark was already in the air at this time, not very high, only five or six hundred meters above the ground.

From him, he could clearly see the half-buried city in a desert in the distance, as well as those in the city. .A figure running away.

Dense, it seems. . . . . .Ant! "As soon as you succeed, your bones will die. This sentence is true and true."

Just as Clark sighed in his heart, the six nuclear bombs flying in front of him finally approached him.

The largest nuclear bomb to date caught Clark's attention.

"Tsar! The [-] million-ton big guy is amazing."

Clark had a smile in his eyes.

He even took the initiative to open his arms to welcome these. . . . .The stance of the nuclear bomb.

This made those who saw this scene through the satellite speechless.

Then, the next second. . . . . .First, a dazzling light erupted. As long as people in this hemisphere range, almost everyone can see the light coming from the distant horizon.

Then—within a radius of nearly [-] kilometers, the air was squeezed, shattering everything along the way!Immediately after that, there was a thunderous explosion!An incomparably huge fireball swelled like a small sun, followed by the smoke rising on the surface, and the mushroom cloud formed soared to a height of tens of thousands of meters, even if it was far away on the other side of the hemisphere, it could be seen!within ten seconds of the explosion.

Within a radius of nearly three thousand kilometers, all existence was destroyed.

Buildings collapsed, the earth's crust shattered, and countless people were swallowed up under the hot flames. Even cities far enough away were shattered by the shock wave caused by the explosion.

Ten seconds later!The shock wave from the explosion rewinds.

Atmospheric pressure begins to squeeze this vacuum!Originally, creatures that survived by chance in some areas died directly under such secondary damage!Just a few minutes.

The flames in the core area of ​​the explosion rose completely into the air, and the huge mushroom cloud in the sky could not be dissipated for a long time! ! !in the meeting room of the World Security Council.

Pairs of eyes stared at the big screen that turned into snowflakes.

On the screen, the picture gradually began to stabilize.

Finally, after a while, they could see the scene again.

"Did you make it"

Everyone's eyes widened in anticipation.

This time, in order to eliminate Superman, they really paid a very painful price!even!Their actions are in complete violation of the humanitarian spirit.

How much did they sacrifice to destroy an enemy. . .Innocent people think about it!The explosion radius of the six nuclear bombs reached [-] kilometers! ! !That's three thousand kilometers!Otherwise, how could Clark think that these people are really cruel!Even he has never killed so many lives at one time, so cruel that he has no bottom line!but. . . . . .They also have to convince themselves.

After all, if Superman is not solved, their ordinary people will be replaced by mutants a little later, and more people will die by then!What they are doing now is just sacrificing some of the people who will die in the future and saving the rest of the humans!Cruel though!But they still do.

Because they have no choice! ! !At this time, under the rising flames in the picture, a large piece of lightning was disappearing.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of many people changed.

But there are still a small group of people with one last hope. . . . . .Result——In the picture, a figure flew high in the sky.

The silver-gray cloak and the big logo on the chest are so dazzling!A sense of despair filled the conference room.

"Everyone, we... lost!"

Someone laughed miserably.

Some people shook their heads in despair.

"It's over! Humanity is over, hahahaha!!!"

Some people couldn't stand this blow, and laughed like crazy, but there were tears of pain lying on their faces.

"Wait to death, there is no second way."

. . .In the air, Clark punched the sky with a punch.

Directly blast away the mushroom cloud above your head.

He also grinned and seemed satisfied with the result.

"My strength is at least four times stronger than before!"

Clark felt it carefully.

Before that, his strength had almost reached the level of nearly [-] trillion tons.

And now. . . . . .At least this power. . . . .quadrupled.

That is [-] trillion tons! ! !It's just pure physical power.

In terms of defense, even if the previous six nuclear bombs exploded in front of Clark, the terrifying power and the ultra-high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius did not leave any traces on him.

With such defensive power, what other weapons on earth can hurt him? "Although I am very grateful for the gifts you have sent, there is still a response that should be given."

Clark looked up at the sky, his eyes locked directly on the satellite in the earth's orbit, ,, smiled at that, and then broke through the air.

. . . . .On that day, several superpowers in the world received gifts from Clark.

He did not favor one over another, every superpower is the same gift - a mountain with a diameter of nearly one kilometer!certainly. . . . .He didn't just fly out of the atmosphere and throw it down.

That would not be a gift, but a direct extermination of the country!Rao is so, the superpowers that received Clark's return gift also lost several important cities overnight, and there is basically no possibility of rebuilding.

And after doing all this, he gained a Clark who destroyed the points.

It clapped his hands and returned to Eden Island.

The mutants on the island have long known the madness of their leader.

Directly resist nuclear bombs with a total yield of more than [-] million tons!Not to mention unscathed.

Afterwards, he also gave a 'gift' to several superpowers.

This made the mutants who met Clark on the island all cast awe and admiration at him.

Clark!that is. . .God of their mutants! ! !But they don't know.

The gods in their hearts are not mutants at all.

And they are still using them as tool people, working for themselves! . . . . .In the lounge, Clark crossed Erlang's legs, held a glass of champagne in his hand, and looked at the people in front of him.

These people in front of them are all elites selected from the Hellfire Club.

Including the white queen and the black queen, as well as the black king who has just been retrieved.

"In the future, you will help Eric manage Hydra, you should be good at Emma."

Clark's eyes fell on Emma.

It has to be said that this woman is quite tasteful.

Although a little older.

But this did not reduce her charm, but added a mature charm.

but. . . . . .For the time being, Clark didn't want to talk to her about it.

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