"Okay, I will help Eric well."

Emma nodded, acting obedient enough.

Clark has no other requirements for these people, only one requirement, that is to be obedient!Obedient person, he will reuse and assign more work.

rather than obedient. . . . . .Well, the apocalypse is. . .Good example for them! "Red Tank, your words..."

Although this big man is not an idiot, his mind is easily influenced by power, and it is obviously not suitable for him to be a management.

"Just be in charge of the special operations team."

Clark thought for a while, and then arranged for the Red Tank a job that was more suitable for him.

The special operations team is a combat team composed of elite mutants established by Clark. The entire team has a total of [-] members, all of which are top third-level, and even two fourth-level mutants as team leaders.

The combat capability of the red tank is beyond doubt.

Arranging him to the special operations team is simply perfect.

"Special operations team, I agreed."

Red Tank nodded, not rejecting Clark's arrangement.

"As for you guys..."

"Just help Emma, ​​you assign their duties."

Clark simply handed over the remaining few people to Emma to deal with, anyway. . .She is also professional in this regard.

As for whether they would be convinced by Emma's arrangement, it was none of Clark's business.

If Emma can't handle even this little thing, she is not qualified to assist Magneto to manage the entire Hydra organization. Since she does not have this ability, it is better to resign as soon as possible.

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Chapter [-]: New Year's Eve, quantum shuttle bracelet

It also avoids doing wrong things in the future and making Clark unhappy.

Clark doesn't care if you are a woman or not, and if you are beautiful or not, they should know very well what the consequences will be if you make him angry.

After giving these people their duties, Clark waved them off.

Sitting alone on the sofa, drinking champagne and watching the sunset outside the window, Clark fell into thought.

According to the law of intermittent plots, since the apocalypse recovery event has just ended, then there will be no plot-related events in the short term in the mutant world.

The power of the phoenix that he has been looking forward to for a long time is afraid that it will not come to Earth in the near future.

"It seems that I don't need to come here frequently recently."

Clark thought.

"But more or less... less, I still need to take some insurance measures, lest the power of the phoenix comes later, but I miss it."

Thinking of this, Clark called the phantom cat Hello.

Because of her age, the little girl's usual job is either to exercise her ability, or to do some clerical work on the island.

Clark thought for a while, and felt that Katie was a good-natured girl, and she seemed to admire herself, so she could be trusted.

After a while, Katie ran in.

"Boss, you find me"

Katie looked a little out of breath.

Clark first let her sit down and rest, and poured her a glass of water.

Let her slow down.

It was almost time before he explained what he wanted to tell her.

"I'm in the... lounge on the fifth basement floor. In the future, you will be allowed to enter when there is a major situation. After entering, you will see a door inside. You don't need to worry about the rest, just knock on the door."

Katie listened carefully and nodded from time to time. Although she didn't quite understand, she completely believed in Clark, and even if she had doubts in her heart, she would tell herself that Clark must have his reasons for doing so.

Turn the matter over to Katie.

Clark can also be regarded as letting go of one thing on his mind.

That way, it won't be the same as this time.

If he hadn't happened to come here, he might have missed the apocalypse of recovery.

and. . . . . .Without their own shot, Magneto and the others really can't handle the apocalypse.

After all, the reason why Apocalypse was originally able to be dealt with was entirely because of the sudden outbreak of Qin's phoenix power.

And now Qin has no Phoenix power.

She, who has just stepped into the fifth-level mutant level, is obviously not an opponent of an old-fashioned fifth-level mutant like Apocalypse.

As for the red tank. . . . . .Apocalypse has proved that as long as he pulls a red tank, it is still easy to deal with.

. . .The last few months of the year were quiet.

Not only the main world of Marvel, nothing big is happening.

Even the mutants, calmly makes Clark feel a little bored. Every day is not accompanied by two little girls to play around, that is. . .Accompany Jessica to punch cards all over the world.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to 07.

new Year's Eve.

In a beach house.

The villa, which had been playing all night, was quiet at this time.

The courtyard of the villa was still a mess.

However, everyone is tired and went to rest, and these things can only be cleaned tomorrow.

At this time, the only one who has not rested is Clark.

He was wearing pajamas, sitting on the balcony of the room on the second floor, blowing the sea breeze, and took out a small golden box.

This little box, that is. . . 07 annual gift package.

Clark opened it with ease, and a faint light was released from the box.

After two or three seconds, the light dimmed.

Clark looked at the contents of the box.

At the bottom of the box, a white and red bracelet-like thing lay there quietly.

Clark took it out, and at the same time, the golden box disappeared in bits and pieces.

Clark didn't care, but seriously looked at the bracelet-like thing in his hand while checking its information.

[Item: Quantum Shuttle Bracelet] [Introduction: A technological item that connects to the quantum field. Three 3-parallel space-time coordinates are bound inside. When the energy is sufficient, it can be used unlimited times! ] Note: The item itself is made of vibrating metal, which is strong enough, but the internal precision parts are easily damaged, please keep it carefully!Seeing the item information given by the system, Clark couldn't help but light up! "It turned out to be a technological item connecting the quantum field!"

Clark couldn't help but laugh.

"It's interesting now. I don't know the three 3-parallel space-time coordinates bound above. Are there any... coordinates of the main timeline?"

Clark still remembers that the last time the avengers in the main timeline came to trouble him. Although he was almost wiped out in the end, he still ran away from an Iron Man, and he kept guessing that the other party had a means of resurrection. Once they were found to deal with it My own way, I will definitely come back to trouble him next time.

Clark isn't... the kind... who likes to be passively beaten.

Since the other party can come to trouble him!Then he can naturally take the initiative to run to find their trouble!Unfortunately. . . . . .The quantum time device is really too black technology, even Skynet, after using it for half a year, still has not been able to completely crack it.

Follow the progress of the last Skynet.

It will take at least three or four years to complete a complete crack.

Before that, Clark had no way to go to those. .Parallel space-time.

But now. . . . . .With this quantum shuttle bracelet.

Although Clark can't go to which parallel space-time he wants, but at least three parallel space-times with quantum coordinates are bound to it, he can enter and leave at will!here. . . . .A small card slot on the bracelet was opened by Clark.

Inside are three Pym particles neatly juxtaposed.

"There are only three, depending on the size, one is only enough for two times. If there are three, it is three 3 rounds."

After looking at it, Clark closed the card slot again.

He wasn't worried about the Pym particle.

Skynet has found Dr. Pym, and with Clark's approval, it has taken Dr. Pym to a Hydra base.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Parallel time and space, how can there be zombies in the battle of New York? !

Even, by Clark himself.

With psychic ability, Dr. Pym's thoughts were directly distorted.

Let him be willing to work for Clark.

So, the Pym particle thing.

How could Clark be missing. . .After New Year's Eve, Clark did not immediately use the quantum shuttle bracelet to go to other parallel time and space to see.

until a week has passed.

Clark took it out and put it on his wrist.

"Well, first record the coordinates here, so as not to come back."

in the office.

Clark operated the touch panel on the wristband and recorded the coordinates of the current time and space first, so that there would be no oolong incidents such as being unable to find the way home after the past.

After recording the coordinates, Clark called up the three 3-quantum coordinates that had been recorded above.

"Just come one by one."

Clark didn't choose carefully, he directly selected the top coordinate, and then pressed a button on the side of the wristband.

Swish!In an instant, Clark's figure seemed to disappear.

In fact, he has shrunk to a volume smaller than an atom, and then entered the quantum realm.

This is also Clark's first foray into the quantum realm.

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