He saw countless things constantly magnifying in front of his eyes, and the whole process was only a fraction of a second.



If it weren't for his superb reaction ability, he might not even notice it.

In the quantum realm, Clark's figure flew by quickly.

He saw a huge creature wandering in the distance.

It has an incomparably majestic body, with six legs that are relatively short compared to its body, with sharp and narrow claws on the legs.

The behemoth turned around, and Clark saw its front.

As expected of a monster!With such a terrifying face!A round mouth with a saw-toothed inside, constantly sucking in the strange creatures around it, round or long! ! !Clark's eyes widened.

Watch this beast!This guy. . . . . .It's a water bear, a water bear with a body length of about 50 microns, but in Clark's eyes at this moment, it is like a sky, it is like a cosmic beast that covers the sky!Swish Clark's figure flew directly under the water bear.

He even saw that the water bear seemed to look towards him, if it wasn't for his speed at this time, he might have followed those. .Like a strangely shaped creature, it was swallowed by it.

"The quantum realm is still quite dangerous."

Clark thought.

Next, Clark saw a lot of wonders.

His size is still shrinking.

until. . . . . .He entered a strange space!Everything here is so abstract, it can even be said that there is no concept of form.

In the distance, a mass of matter like the Milky Way was slowly rotating, and some strange chain-like matter was thrown out from time to time.

Clark's body passed through the middle of a web-like substance, and the surrounding scene was rapidly receding.

He seemed to see the picture of the birth of the universe in the middle.

It's so weird.

It even made him a little addicted to it.

Then. . . . . .He was thrown out!When he regained his sight again, he himself had appeared in a small room.

It seems to be. . . . . .The locker room creaks. . !Open the locker room door.

Clark looked outside.

This is a clothing store in a mall.

It's just strange that there is no one in the store, not even a waiter.

But downstairs outside, there was a very noisy movement.

Clark came out of the clothing store, walked to the outside aisle, and looked down.

In the lobby downstairs, a lot of people had already gathered at this time.

It seems that the whole mall is gathered there.

Outside the mall, there was also the sound of an explosion.

After Clark glanced downstairs, it was. . .Go to the window not far away and look towards the city outside the mall.

At this time, the whole city has fallen into chaos.

The road outside is littered with crashed vehicles.

Others were trapped in their cars and could not get out.

But at this time, no one will save them.

In the city, some aliens driving airships are raging. The energy weapons in their hands are far more powerful than the gunpowder weapons on the earth, those. .The police force, and even the army, who came to the rescue, were suppressed.

Completely incapable of resisting! "This is... the Battle of New York"

Clark blinked.

Unexpectedly, the first parallel time and space he traveled through, the timeline happened to be in the heavy scene of Avengers One.

Clark knew that New York was being attacked by the Chitauri at this time, and that... huge hole in the sky in the distance, that is. . .A space channel opened by space gems.

It is precisely by using this space channel that the Qitarui people can directly descend on the earth.

At this time, the newly established Avengers Alliance is also doing its best to resist the attack from these aliens.

If nothing else.

This fight will end with Tony the Iron Man.

Stark rushed into the other end of the space channel with a nuclear bomb, and blew up a Chitauri mothership to end the game.

"In this way, this parallel space-time should not be the space-time where the main timeline is located."

The time and space of the main timeline, at this time, the time has reached the time point after Avengers III, and a little before Avengers IV.

Otherwise, they would not be able to develop a device to travel through time.

There will be no Captain Marvel to join.

Not to mention, Thor has already got the Storm Tomahawk.

speak up. . . . . .The last time I killed the group of... Avengers, the things they left behind have all become Clark's collection.

Like Captain America's shield, Thor's axe.

These. . . . .All were placed on the display case by Clark as his own collection.

"Otherwise, take another Thor's hammer this time."

Clark thought.

After all, in the current timeline, Thor's weapon is still Thor's Hammer.

Although that thing is not as strong as the Storm Axe.

But I have to say that when it comes to Thor's weapon, the first thing you think of is Thor's Hammer, not the Storm Axe.

Anyway, it is a very memorable collectible.

Decided!This time, I will bring the Quake back as a souvenir!After all, when you go out for a trip, don't you have to buy some souvenirs in those scenic spots to go back!The same goes for Clark.

He came to this parallel time and space, just like ordinary people traveling.

Of course you have to take home some souvenirs! . . . . . "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!!!"

"What's the matter, this guy is crazy!"

"Wait...! Why don't you come here--ah!"

"Crazy, these people are crazy!"

"Everyone, run away!!!"

The sudden noise downstairs caught Clark's attention.

He walked to the edge of the aisle and looked down.

In the lobby, it was completely chaotic at this time.

Some people seemed to be crazy, threw themselves into the crowd, grabbed one and bit them randomly.

Those ones. .The people who were lucky not to be caught ran out of the mall in panic at this time, but before they were happy, some Chitarui people riding airships found them.

"No! It's those aliens!"

The people who had just escaped from the mall were beaten into sieves by a few Chitarians.

In the lobby on the first floor of the shopping mall, hundreds of people who were like crazy rushed the remaining people, biting frantically, and blood and flesh were splashed all over the place.

Standing on the edge of the corridor on the third floor, Clark couldn't help frowning as he watched what was happening in the lobby below.

"This is... a zombie!"

These are in the lobby downstairs. . . . . , I don't know if they can still be called human, they look like a kind of creature that Clark has seen in various movies before - zombies! ! !Zombies are alienated creatures formed by humans after being infected with a certain type of virus.

They have no intelligence and simply retain a strong need for food.

These people in the lobby downstairs were the same at this time.

They frantically gnawed at other living beings.

A pair of eyes even turned blood red, and there was a faint blue-gray spreading under the skin.

Clark watched for a while and found that some of the people who had been bitten, after about a minute or so, began to twitch violently and foamed at the mouth.

Then after about half a minute. . . . . .They got up again.

Initially, these. . . . .The zombie looks a little stiff, just standing, it is a little crooked.

But after two or three minutes.

Their movements began to be as agile as before, running no slower than those of the living, and they didn't even seem to be tired.

Clark saw a dozen zombies chasing a few people and ran up to the second floor.

Someone fell.

Several zombies rushed up to bite.

The rest of the zombies continued to chase the rest.

Those ones. .The people who escaped ran out of breath and had no energy, but the zombies chasing behind them still kept their speed unabated.

In the end, all the escaped people were thrown to the ground by the zombies.

Screaming in agony, pieces of flesh were torn off!The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: Zombies and Avengers




In the mall, hundreds of zombies roared. Some rushed out of the mall and ran to the city outside to look for prey. Some of them targeted the only living person in the entire mall and went straight to the third floor.

see these. . . . .The zombies even stared at him, and Clark couldn't help but feel amused.

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