Sure enough, a bunch of beasts without intelligence.

Apart from. . . . . . . .Except for the strong need for food, I don't know what it is to be afraid.

Clark stayed where he was, watching those. .The zombies rushed up frantically.

Several of the zombies were much faster than the others, which caught Clark's attention.

"Is it evolution or the physical fitness of human beings is relatively strong"

Clark thought to himself.

At this time, a zombie had already rushed in front of him.

Although it wasn't long before these people became zombies, they didn't look like humans anymore.

Not to mention the red eyes, just the bluish-gray skin, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a living person.

Rather like those. .dead body.

Otherwise, why call it a zombie?Clark thought to himself, a sideways avoided the zombie that rushed up in front of him.

With a thud, the zombie fell directly to the ground.

Clark stomped on him.

Keep him from getting up.

At the same time, the power of the phoenix in his hand gathered and blasted directly at those. .Zombies rushing over.

Boom!Dozens of zombies were swallowed up by the power of the phoenix in an instant. . .broken down into molecules.

Do it all.

It was Clark who looked down at the zombie he had stepped on under his feet.

Faced with the killing of so many of his kind, he didn't seem to have any emotional change at all, and was still struggling desperately, roaring and wanting to bite Clark.

"Is there really no wisdom?"

Clark slammed hard on his feet.

Click!This zombie's spine was directly stepped on by him.

He moved his feet away.

Watching the zombies with their vertebrae trampled on the ground squirming, but they couldn't get up.

He didn't seem to feel pain.

Still screaming.

It's still crazy! "Next, try your head."

Clark put his foot on the zombie's head.

Step down!Click! !Broken skull.

The whole head was crushed.

At this time, the zombies on the ground did not move.

Clark gave him a light kick, making sure he was dead, that's all.

"Like zombies in movies, the head is the weak point."

Clark observed the zombie's corpse with a clairvoyant.

First of all, his internal organs have been rotten, but only the stomach has become a little different from human beings. The entire stomach bag occupies more space inside the body, and the other internal organs that are squeezed are all squeezed together.

Zombies don't need to breathe.

So their lungs are useless.

Others, liver these. . . . . .

are also being eliminated.

Even the heart was dyed with a layer of black substance.

It looks disgusting.

Clark watched for a while. . . , then turned around and jumped directly from the corridor on the third floor, landing in the lobby on the first floor.

The ground was full of blood.

But those. .The zombies have long since disappeared.

As he walked out of the mall, there were many bodies outside that had been shot by the Chitauri.

Not sure why, those. .Zombies don't seem to be interested in these corpses.

It was in the mall before.

After those people were bitten to death, the excited zombies who were still biting suddenly seemed to be no longer interested in them.

That's why, those. .After being bitten, people can also become zombies.

Otherwise. . . . . .It was directly eaten into a skeleton frame.

Turned into a fart zombie! "Not interested in corpses, only interested in living people?"

Clark muttered to himself.

At this moment!There was a huge roar from the city center in the distance.

Clark looked up over there.

In the sight are several huge monsters, coming out of the... space channel in the sky.

Chitauri dragon!The name popped into Clark's mind.

The so-called Qitarui dragon is named after it by humans. In fact, this is a biological weapon of the Qitarui people, similar to the Kryptonian's Doomsday.

Of course.

Not as scary as Doomsday.

The Qitarui dragon itself has enormous strength, and there is a thick layer of armor on the outside of the body, which can resist most of the attacks.

They also carry a large number of Chitauri warriors on them.

It's like a transport plane on Earth.

It's just that compared to the transport planes that have no combat power in themselves, the Qitarui dragon itself is also one of the high-end combat weapons of the Qitarui people!Swish!In the middle of the distant buildings, an iron man flew quickly.

Clark found the other party, and then teleported to the outside of the top floor of a high-rise building.

At the same time, in the internal communication channel of the Avengers.

Tony is also asking others for support.

He had just hit one end with a ton of small missiles. . .The Chitauri dragon didn't even shatter the opponent's outer armor, but angered the big guy, making it bite Tony now.

"Guys! There's a big guy on my side, what's going on on your side? Is Dr. Banner here?"

Tony avoided the pursuit behind him while contacting others.

This Chitauri dragon looks cumbersome, but in fact its speed is not slow at all.

Of course, if Tony really wanted to escape.

Directly flying at full speed, several times the speed of sound, you can fly out of New York in a blink of an eye, and the other party can't catch up with him at all.

But he can't do it now!on a road.

Captain America Steve gets together with Black Widow Natasha and Hawkeye Patton.

The main task of the three of them is to clean up those aliens on the ground.

But up to now, the three of them all looked a little disgraced. Although they were not injured, they were already a little tired.

Captain is fine.

He is a super soldier with more physical strength than ordinary people.

Just a little breathless.

But like Natasha and Patton, it's a bit difficult.

They are all just ordinary people, even if they are already the top few among ordinary people, they still feel powerless in the face of this steady stream of aliens.

At this time, three people 3 received a message from Tony and were about to reply.

There was a motorcycle in front of me.

The person driving the motorcycle is Dr. Banner.

"I'm not too late"

Dr. Banner got out of the car, wearing tattered clothes, not even socks on his feet, but a pair of shoes that were obviously a few sizes too large, looking a little funny.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The Avengers are in action, zombies that will evolve!

"No, you came on time."

Steve breathed a sigh of relief, followed by contacting Tony and said: "Tony, Dr. Banner has arrived, what did you just say about the big guy?"

Tony: "Dr. Banner has arrived, that's good, I'll bring the big guy over right away!"

Tony didn't explain what the big guy was.

But Steve had a bad hunch.

"That's right, Doctor."

He hurriedly asked, "Can you transform now, just... become that... green big guy."

Banner smiled, shrugged and said, "Actually, I've always been able to."

"that would be great."

Steve breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Tony will bring a big guy over soon, and I need your help from Dr. Banner."

"no problem."

Banner nodded.

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