At this time, he found that Natasha in front of him was looking at him strangely, and he couldn't help subconsciously want to push his glasses, but when he raised his hand, he realized that his glasses had long gone.

" there something dirty on my face?"

Banner asked suspiciously.

Natasha shook her head and said, "No, I was just thinking of some horrible guy."

Banner: . . . . . .have been offended.

but. . . . . .Forget it!Banner smirked a few times.

At this moment, Tony also came over with his big guy.

Behind a building, Tony made a sharp turn and flew here.

Behind him, bursts of huge roars came, and immediately after everyone saw a behemoth appearing in sight.

"My God! This place is too big!"

Patton opened his mouth wide.

"And... how did he fly the anti-gravity device?"

No one answered his question.

Tony accelerated and landed in front of them, opened the mask and said, "Dr. Banner, you can get angry now."

Banner smiled and walked towards the flying Chitauri dragon.

As he walked forward, the clothes on his body were also torn apart, and his body was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, Banner turned into a Hulk with a height of [-] meters and an extremely strong figure! "Roar!!!"

The transformed Hulk roared.

He ran a few steps, and with one jump, he jumped dozens of meters high! "Hulk! Smash!!!"

The green fist slammed heavily on the head of the Chitauri dragon.

Hearing a loud roar, the armor wrapped around the body of the Qitarui dragon was directly smashed by the Hulk with a punch, and the remaining punches slammed into its body, which directly caused the flesh and blood to explode. .

Whoa! ! !A large piece of flesh and blood sprinkled the sky.

Splashes everywhere!Rumble boom! ! !The Qitarui giant dragon, which lost its head, fell directly, and its huge body smashed into a building next to it, collapsing most of the building.

In a burst of dust, a green figure descended from the sky and landed on the road.


Raising his arms and roaring, the Hulk looked excited.

"Cough cough!"

Stephen coughed and shouted, "Dr. Banner, are you still there?"

ho!The Hulk turned back suddenly, a pair of green eyes staring at him.

He didn't grin until the hairs on Steve's eyes stood up.

Seeing this smile, Steve finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it seems that the enemy and me can be clearly distinguished."

It's not just Steve, actually.

The hearts of several other people just now were also mentioned in their throats.

Now that the Hulk can still distinguish who is the enemy and who is his own, they are relieved.

"Man! Your punch is so cool!"

Tony said with a smile.

The Hulk grinned at him.

"Hulk, like it, smash it!"

Tony nodded.

"Very good, there are many enemies for you today, you can smash as much as you like!"

The Hulk laughed even happier.

At this time, a thunder light flew from the sky.

After landing, Thor stumbled a few steps and reached out to wipe his abdomen. The wound just stabbed by Loki has healed, but it still hurts a little.

"It was made by the green hunk"

Sol looked at the Qitarui giant dragon who had lost his head over there, holding his beloved hammer in his hand, and looked at the Hulk over there vigilantly.

He didn't forget that he was beaten several times by this guy on the aerospace carrier.

The ghost knows if he will suddenly go crazy and rush up to go now. It's always right to be careful! "Hulk!"

The Hulk roared angrily.

"Yes, yes, his name is Hulk, don't give people nicknames."

Tony said.

"Ha ha."

Sol glanced at Tony.

When it comes to nicknames, who can talk to Tony.

Compared to Thor, Stark has not forgotten the nickname this guy gave himself.

And his brother Loki.

Also got a nickname.

correct!And the captain.

Big boobs. . . . . .Ha ha! "Saul, how are you doing?"

Steve doesn't have the heart to talk about nicknames now, he cares about whether the... big hole on the top of his head can be closed.

"No, Loki won't listen to me."

Sol shook his head.

The younger brother is disobedient, and he is helpless as a brother.

"Then there's no way."

Steve said, "Fight, kill this one that has come over first, and then find a way to close the hole in the top of the head."

"Actually it wasn't a hole..."

Tony wanted to explain, but when he saw that everyone was staring at him, he shrugged helplessly.

"Okay, just treat it as a hole."

"Assign a task."

Steve said seriously, "Natasha and I are in charge of rescuing those... trapped civilians, Barton, find a favorable position."

Patton nodded.

"Then, the ones in the sky... leave it to Sol, you and Tony."

Sol and Tony also nodded nonchalantly.


Steve looked at the Hulk, and after thinking about it, he said, "You can play freely."

The Hulk grinned.



Swish!Tony closed his mask directly, but soared into the sky.

"Can you take me for a ride?"

Barton looked at Sol.

He originally wanted Tony to bring it, but Tony walked too fast, and he didn't have time to speak.

No choice but to change to another flying Sol.

"no problem."

Sol grabbed Patton's shoulders and swung the hammer with one hand.

Swish!The two flew to the opposite tall building.

Bang!The ground cracked.

The figure of the Hulk also disappeared in place.

The remaining Steve and Natasha looked at each other and acted.

at this time!Whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh! . . . . . .In the nearby alley, several fast figures ran past.

Steve heard the movement and turned to look over there.

I vaguely saw what seemed to be a few people running into a corner over there.

"Be a Survivor"

Steve thought.

However, the other party had already run away, and he did not chase after him to check.

The most important thing now is to rescue those. .Civilians trapped in buildings.

. . .The top of a building.

Clark stood on the edge, overlooking a road below.

On the road, a zombie was biting the corpse of a Qitarui, and there were more than a dozen zombie corpses next to it, all lying down.

"Strange, these... don't zombies like to eat dead people?"

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