Clark looked puzzled.

At this time, the zombie below had eaten the corpse of the Qitarui.

at this time. . . . . .The zombie suddenly bent down and roared, as if in pain.

Clark couldn't help thinking when he saw this scene.

"Isn't this about to evolve?"

as predicted!After just roaring for a few seconds, the zombie on the road changed significantly.

The first is his size.

Originally, this zombie was a fat man, about [-] meters tall, but it weighed nearly [-] pounds.

but now. . . . . .However, his height has grown to over two meters in a short period of time, and the fat on his body has disappeared, instead he has become a little thin.

What caught Clarke's attention in particular.

His hands were obviously deformed, and the bones under the skin on his forearms directly pierced the flesh and grew to the outside, turning into a sickle-like exoskeleton weapon.

And all these changes just happened in just five or six seconds.

When all the changes were over, the zombie stopped roaring.

Whoosh!He moved quickly to the other side of the road.

The speed of running is three or four times faster than before the evolution.

"Interesting! These... Zombies can really evolve!"

"Speaking of which, the reason why these people turned into zombies should be related to these... Chitauri people, right?"

After all, there was definitely no zombie virus in this world before this.

Otherwise, humans would have discovered it long ago and would definitely take it. . . . .some countermeasures.


that is. . .When the Chitauri invaded Earth.

This zombie virus appeared.

If you insist that it has nothing to do with them, who will believe it! . . . . . : The background of the zombie universe in this book has nothing to do with the content of the comics, it doesn't matter whether you have read the comics or not.

The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: Natasha's discovery, is this a zombie? !

only. . . . . .Why did the Chitauri do this and more!Where did they come from in the original plot of the zombie virus, it was not mentioned at all! "Is this parallel time and space the kind of... zombie universe background"

Clark remembered that among the many systems of Marvel, it seems that there was indeed a background where the world was full of zombies.

However, he did not have a deep understanding of Marvel comics in his previous life.

Just know that there is such a background.

But what is the specific situation.

He didn't know.

"Come and have a look."

Clark's figure instantly disappeared from the outside of the building.

I followed the zombie that had completed an evolution all the way.

. . . . . "Boom rumble!!"

Countless thunders smashed those wantonly in the sky. .Through the space channel, came to the Qitarui people on the earth.

Sol, who was standing on top of a building, looked at the enemy who hadn't decreased much in the sky with an ugly face, gritted his teeth and continued to increase the power of the thunder.

"Damn Loki, he'll get me in trouble!"

Sol cursed inwardly.

for. .He loves and hates this brother of his own.

Although Loki tried to kill him several times before, and now he brought the Chitauri to Earth, the two have been in a relationship for thousands of years after all.

It doesn't mean that it can be broken.

But this time, if Loki is caught, Thor swears that he must be locked up in Asgard's prison to reflect on himself!At least one hundred should be closed. . . . . .Close for ten years!right!He must be locked up for ten years.

Let him reflect on what he has done! . . .Outside a cinema, Natasha's figure ran quickly.

She skillfully flipped through several cars that crashed on the side of the road, her eyes swept across the blood in one of the cars, and then she ran into the movie theater non-stop.

The first floor stairs of the cinema.

Two Chitauris are guarding here, communicating in their language.

Sudden!A dark shadow flew in front of them, attracting their attention.

What was that? Two Chitauri men looked at the shadow with guns.

at this time!Natasha's vigorous figure quickly rushed behind a Chitauri.

Click!Bang!Just under two seconds.

The Chitauri had his neck twisted and his body fell to the ground.

The sound of the body falling to the ground caught the attention of another Chitauri.

But as soon as he turned his head, he was greeted. . .A blue energy ray.

Boom!The ray slammed into the face of the Qitarui, and flew him upside down. His face was charred and his head was missing a small part. The dead can't die anymore!Having solved both enemies, Natasha continued deep inside the cinema.

After a few minutes. . . . . .Several more Chitauris were killed by Natasha one after another.

At this time, she had come to the outside of the largest projection hall on the second floor.

A Chitauri corpse was slowly put down without making any movement.

Then Natasha quietly opened the door of the projection hall and looked into the projection hall.

It's just that as soon as she looked in - she saw a group of screaming and fleeing figures rushing towards the door.

Natasha stepped back quickly.

With a bang, the door was slammed open.

A figure fell to the ground in embarrassment, screaming and reaching out to grab the ground.

Swish!The figure was dragged back directly by a huge force behind him.

Bang!The theater door snapped back shut.

Standing in front of the door, Natasha was stunned for a full two seconds before she reacted, and hurriedly rushed up to open the door of the screening hall and looked inside.

At this time, the theater had turned into a Shura battlefield.

There were people everywhere screaming and trying to escape.

But more of them were 'people' who were roaring and chasing after others as if they were going crazy.

These people are agile and come in groups.

Often four or five people are together, and it is after one person is knocked down. . .A frantic bite.

The shrill screams, even Natasha, were a little creepy.

"What exactly is going on"

Natasha couldn't understand what was going on here.

Aren't these people imprisoned here by the Chitauri? Why did they fight their own people? "Could it be that the Chitauri released some crazy virus?"

Natasha guessed in her heart.

at this time. . . . . .Several 'madmen' with red eyes stared at Natasha who was standing at the door.

They rushed up screaming.

Natasha frowned and backed out the door.

When they slammed into the door and came out, they shot one directly at their heads and directly solved three of them.

The last one left was also easily thrown down by Natasha.

"do not move!"

Natasha scolded.

But this 'madman' who was subdued on the ground didn't listen at all.

Still struggling frantically, making bursts of creepy roars.

Natasha had no choice but to break his hands and feet.

But even so.

The man was still squirming, mouth open, trying to bite her calf.

Natasha looked at this scene, panicked a little, and quickly took a few steps back.

"What's the matter, doesn't he feel pain?"

The limbs were twisted off, and there was not even the slightest cry of pain, and it didn't look like he was forcibly enduring, but rather. . . . .No feeling at all! ! ! "What the hell happened to these people"

"Why does he look so much like..."

Natasha's face darkened.

The person in front of her reminded her of a movie she watched during her vacation two years ago.

Zombies out!but. . . . .It shouldn't be possible, zombies or something, aren't they all made up in film and television dramas? How can they appear in reality! ! !At this time, Steve's voice sounded in Natasha's ear.

"Everyone! Something strange happened on my side, Natasha, are you there? How's your situation on your side?"

It's Steve!Natasha frowned upon hearing this. Listening to Steve's words, did this happen to him too? To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The virus spreads!Three evolved zombies

if it is like this. . . . . .The situation was definitely worse than what Natasha had guessed before!This is not an isolated case anywhere.

If it was really some kind of virus dropped by the Chitauris. . . . . .It is very likely that the scope has spread all over New York! ! !Thinking of this, Natasha hurriedly contacted Steve and told him the situation on her side.

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