"It can't be closed by the Chitarians themselves. To be precise, this channel can only be closed from us."

Tony turned around and flew to the Stark Building.

"I gonna go see."

At the same time, in the classified conference room inside the aerospace carrier.

Nick Fury is reporting the current situation to several ministers across the council.

"The zombie virus was not released by the Qitarui people. They are also afraid of poison, and they have evacuated now, obviously because of the existence of the zombie virus."

"who did it"

"This needs to be investigated, but I will find out as soon as possible."

"The most important thing now is to lock down several infected states and take samples of the virus to develop an antidote."

"We have the strongest team."

"Those... powerful zombie individuals, I will let the Avengers deal with them!"

"They're not freaks, they're heroes!!!"

Ten minutes later, several ministers were speechless by what Nick Fury said, and could only agree that he would assist the U.S. government in handling the incident.

Come out of the conference room.

Nick Fury met and had been waiting at the door for a while. . .Hill.

"The access to space on New York is closed."

Hill said.

"This is good news."

Nick Fury nodded and said, "Now we just need to focus on those... zombies."

"By the way, that... Loki, have you caught it?"

Hill shook his head.

"He's gone."

Hearing this, Nick Fury is not so disappointed.

After all, even if they were able to catch this guy, they would have to hand it over to Asgard to deal with it. Just like international relations, criminals before powerful countries need to be extradited.

So in dealing with criminals like Loki, they can only compromise with the stronger.

Nick Fury is used to this kind of thing.

No one has caught it now.

Actually it doesn't matter.

Anyway. . .The Chitauri have solved it, and that's enough! "What's the situation over there now?"

Nick Fury asked Hill as he walked.

Hill replied: "The situation is very bad, a very powerful giant zombie has appeared in New York, and the Avengers seem to have no way at present."

Nick Fury's footsteps stopped: .

He turned around and said, "It's so strong!"

Hill nodded.

"The size of this zombie has reached [-] meters. It is suspected that it has swallowed a large number of Chitarians and their giant biological weapons. The body has high-strength armor, and Thor's lightning can't hurt him."

"What about the Hulk?"

Nick Fury asked.

Hill shook his head and said: "The size gap is too big, the Hulk's attack was blocked several times in advance, and the only one hit was only a small part of the armor that was broken, and it was quickly repaired. "

Hearing this, Nick Fury's face became a lot more solemn.

Before, he promised those ministers that his Avengers would definitely be able to solve the zombie problem this time.

In the end, it took so long before I was slapped in the face! "Go to the command room first."

The two quickened their pace.

. . .New York.

The giant zombie had crossed the coast at this time, left the Manhattan Peninsula, and entered the inland area.

Although the Avengers have tried their best to stop it.

But the effect is not obvious.

The U.S. Air Force also came.

Several missiles were dropped.

But the power of these missiles can only make the giant zombie take a few steps back, and can't really hurt him.

On the other side of the Hexagon Building, all the bigwigs are already very busy.

It's not just New York that they have to deal with, but also several states close to New York, where there are also outbreaks of zombie virus, although not as severe as New York.

But it is already moving in this direction.

Also, the virus appears to be airborne and is now spreading farther to state capitals.

Even if the U.S. government has done its best to stop this situation, and sent a large number of personnel to control and try to prevent the spread of the virus, the effect is not obvious.

Zombie virus. . . . . .It has gradually spread across the country!To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Captain America: "Can we really win?"

Stark Building, on the exterior platform.

Tony came from a distance and landed on this platform.

He saw Dr. Selvig passed out there.

"The Cube of the Universe is gone."

Tony saw the cosmic Rubik's Cube in the device in front of him, and it had disappeared at this time.

Obviously, it is precisely because of the loss of the continuous function of the universe cube that this space channel in the sky will be closed.

"It's Loki"

Tony thought.

They had come to a conclusion before that energy of the same nature could break the pure energy shield on the outside of this device.

And the energy of the same nature as the universe Rubik's cube is only the scepter in Loki's hand.

Therefore, if anyone can break this pure energy shield and take away the cosmic Rubik's Cube, then this person must be Loki.

But. . . . . .Why would he do "Guys! Bad news on my side."

Tony contacted the other teammates and told them about the situation here.

"The device has been shut down, but the Cosmic Cube is gone. I suspect Loki did it."

"Rocky! It's you again!!!"

Thor roared angrily.

"Tony, you come back first, Loki's affairs will be discussed later, and the immediate trouble will be solved first."

Steve said.

In fact, if that... device was really destroyed by Loki, and the Cube was also taken away by Loki, then they would not be able to find Loki at all now, and there would be no way to bring back the Cube.

with it. . . . . .To find a Loki who has escaped, it is better to solve the big trouble in front of him first. . . . . .after all. . . . . .This is the most practical! "Understood, I'll be right here."

Tony nodded, then glanced at Dr. Selvig who was still in a coma over there, and after thinking about it, he still picked him up: and then took him into the air.

After a while. . . . . . "This person is handed over to you."

Tony drops a comatose Dr. Selvig on a Quinjet.

Commanded the S.H.I.E.L.D. who piloted the fighter.

. . . . .

. . . .After the agent, he flew towards the distant battlefield.

. . . "Whoa!!!"

The terrifying roar was earth-shattering, and the sound waves that were set off made even powerful avengers like Steve, Natasha, and Barton dare not get close at all.

their strength. . . . . .I can't participate in the battle in front of me at all!Only Thor and the Hulk.

Still fighting against this giant zombie!But even so, it is difficult for the two of them to cause any substantial damage to this giant zombie.

Swish!In the sky, a red phantom flew over.

next moment. . . . . .A beam of blue energy beams slammed into the face of the giant zombie.

The head of the giant zombie was thrown back, and a layer of flesh was broken at the corner of the mouth, and a yellow-green disgusting liquid flowed out.

"Be careful to attack where he doesn't have armor!"

Tony's voice rang in the others' headsets.

"I've been: Doing this."

Sol's face was ugly. After reaching out and recalling his hammer, he waved the hammer again and shot into the sky, rushing towards the giant zombie in front of him.

After a few seconds. . . . . .Boom! ! !A figure smashed to the ground.

He blasted out a deep pit more than ten meters deep.

Sol spit out the mud in his mouth, and crawled out of the deep pit with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

"Bah! This zombie is too powerful!"

Yes, the strength of this zombie far exceeds the giant zombie they encountered before.

Although there is indeed a difference in body type between the two.

But there shouldn't be such a huge difference in strength. . . . . .Isn't it a long time for this zombie virus? Why did zombies with such terrifying strength appear in such a short period of time, who will tell them what the situation is!After a few minutes. . . . . .Brooklyn has been largely destroyed by this giant zombie.

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