He started heading towards Queens.

The Avengers, including the U.S. Air Force, couldn't stop him from moving forward.

The high-level officials of the United States have even been discussing whether to launch a nuclear bomb directly to destroy this terrifying zombie!But the problem is that there are still many civilians in New York who have not been evacuated, and the number may exceed millions.

Once a nuclear bomb is fired. . . . . .The consequences are probably not something they can afford.

The president's resignation is light.

even. . . . . .A large number of high-level executives may step down because of this!Therefore, these people are unable to make up their minds whether to do it or not.

If such an order is really issued, even if several people are found to be blamed in advance, it will inevitably have a considerable impact on themselves and their future careers. . . . . .I'm afraid it's over!Especially the president. . . . . .He can't even find a scapegoat.

If people scold him, they will definitely scold him for being the president first.

Who made him the boss! "Otherwise... just wait"

The president looked at these in front of him. . . . .staff.

In the end, no one made a sound.

Seeing this scene, the president's face couldn't help but turn dark, and he decided to follow the decision: "Wait a minute! We have to believe in our army!!!"

When everyone heard this, they sneered in their hearts.

I believe that it is true that the army is afraid that it will be forced to step down!But of course they couldn't say such words directly, they just thought about it in their hearts.

and. . . . . .This time, something as serious as a zombie virus happened.

Even if he doesn't order the launch of a nuclear bomb, it's uncertain whether the... President will be able to hold this position after the fact.

after all. . . . . .As far as the data they have obtained so far, in several states where the zombie virus broke out, the current death toll has exceeded [-] million.

You must know that the total population of the United States is only more than [-] million!All of a sudden, nearly one-thirtieth died! ! !And most of them turned into zombies.

Maybe tomorrow, this number will expand several times.

Many people are even thinking in despair.

Is their country over? The airborne zombie virus is so scary!If it is biologically transmitted, they can also carry out effective control, limiting the scope of the virus outbreak to one area.

Airborne. . . . . .They can't just put a huge hood over those places where the virus is going to break out, not to mention they don't have that kind of... gigantic hood at all.

Even if there is. . . . . .What to do with those who haven't escaped, just cover them up, and of course how to solve the oxygen problem. . . . . .Anyway. . .They also don't have that kind of... huge cover, so they don't need to think about the latter issues at all.

. . .The Queen.

The giant zombie with a height of [-] meters finally stepped into this area.

As soon as he entered Queens, this giant zombie waved his left hand that turned into a long whip and swept violently. . . . .Rumble rumble. . . . . .In an instant, within the range of six or seven kilometers, all buildings with a height of more than thirty meters were completely destroyed! ! !Those ones. .Before they could escape, the people hiding in the building.

Either killed on the spot, or buried in the rubble.

Worse yet!Those who were wandering around the city. .Zombies, by these. . . . .The loud noise attracts the past.

Some people who managed to get out of trouble with great difficulty, before they had time to be happy, were drowned by the large group of zombies attracted, and some even had no chance to become zombies, and were directly gnawed into skeletons by countless mouths!Boom! ! !Countless thunders fell in the sky.

Bombed and killed hordes of zombies.

Sol looked at this scene with a livid face, even if he killed hundreds of zombies in one shot, he was not happy at all.

Roar! ! !The Hulk roared and rushed into a group of zombies, swinging his arms, smashing the zombies into a bloody fog.

He roared, suddenly jumped high, raised his fists with both hands, and smashed to the ground like a falling meteorite!Boom! ! !The ground cracked, and buildings within a radius of several hundred meters collapsed with the collapsed ground, crushing countless zombies to death!certainly. . . . . .And some living people!But the Hulk doesn't care about that. . . . . .

He roared and rushed out of the ruins, leaping a few hundred meters away, and punching the giant zombie that was raging.

Boom!The Hulk punched the giant zombie's forehead.

The black armor was directly cracked by the punch!The giant zombie roared in pain, and still grabbed it: the Hulk who smashed his head with his fists, just grabbed him. . .Hit the ground hard!Rumble boom! ! ! ! !The ground in the kilometer range collapses directly!Countless smoke and dust billowed in the air!Amidst the earth-shattering roar, half of the Queens district disappeared!Gum!Through the satellite, the people who saw this scene were all pale and speechless.

In the ruins in the distance.

Steve got up from below in embarrassment, flipped over the slate to find his shield, and looked into the distance.

"This level of destruction..."

"Can we really win?"

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Chapter [-]: One punch, destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

"This zombie is mutated, right?"

In a fairly well-preserved building.

Clark looked at the invincible giant zombie in the distance, and couldn't help but guess.

If it is a normal evolution zombie, similar to the previous speed-type zombie, even if it evolves three times, the speed is only infinitely close to the speed of sound.

Even if it is assumed that this giant zombie is the product of four evolutions.

But it shouldn't be so strong!Even the Hulk is no match!Just horrible! ! !After a while. . . . . . "almost."

Clark jumped down and landed on the ground.

Walk in the direction where the giant zombies are rampant.

. . .The edge of a ruin.

Boom!Boom!Boom! . . . . . .The earth trembled.

The giant zombie in front is walking step by step.

The Avengers are gathered here at this time, discussing how to deal with this giant zombie.

With an attack like the previous one, they couldn't defeat each other at all.

"Otherwise, we'll figure out a way to put some missiles in his mouth"

Tony suggested: "This guy has that kind of...hard armor protection on the outside of his body, but he can't have armor on the inside as well."

"That's a good idea!"

Steve nodded and said, "But our problem now is, how do we get the missile into his mouth?"

"Doesn't he like to eat? We can hide the missile in the food and lure him to eat it."

Patton came up with a solution.

"I found out before that these... Zombies don't seem to be interested in our human corpses, but they are extremely interested in those... Chitauri corpses."

Natasha said, "If we can get a bunch of Chitauri corpses and hide some explosives directly in those corpses, maybe we can kill him."

"Not bad! That's a good idea!"

Tony nodded in agreement.

A few people discussed that they were going to find some Chitarui corpses and return them, and then let S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Bring some explosives over there.

at this time. . . . . .Tapping. . . . . .A burst of footsteps suddenly appeared on this empty street.

Several people couldn't help but look over there.

In sight, a man in a black shirt and slacks came from the other side of the street.

"Something's wrong!"

Steve frowned.

Natasha nodded.

"Indeed, he's so clean that he doesn't look like a refugee at all, and..."

"Too calm."

Patton took over and said.

"That's right, it's just...too calm, it's not normal."

Natasha said, walked a few steps forward and shouted: "Hi! The gentleman over there, it is very dangerous here, please leave quickly!"

Clark, who walked over, glanced at her.

He pointed to the giant zombie over there.

"This big guy is not with you"

Natasha shook her head even though she didn't understand why she should ask that.

"That's good."

With that said, Clark has turned and walked towards the giant zombie, with his hands in his pockets, as if he was shopping in a relaxed manner.

"What does he want to do"

Sol looked puzzled.

"Are you going to die?"

At this time, no one answered him, and everyone looked over there with solemn expressions.

tread!Clark stopped.

He raised his head and looked at the giant zombie that was already very close.

"You have destroyed enough, these... but they are all my destruction points."

He muttered to himself softly.

The Avengers, who were some distance away, could not hear what he said at all.

At this time. . . . . .The giant zombie also found Clark, a tiny human being.

He lowered his head and looked at him with that terrifying big face.

Boom! ! !Huge arms waved and grabbed!What would he do? The Avengers looked at Clark, wondering what he was going to do about it.

Just then. . . . . .Swish!Clark took his right hand out of his pocket.

make a fist!Swing arms!next second. . . . . .He directly punched the giant zombie in front of him!Boom! ! !The punches visible to the naked eye blasted out.

Sixty-eight meters high, the giant zombie protected by black armor was directly smashed into pieces!The huge body exploded in an instant and turned into a large blood mist! ! !Rumble rumble. . . . . .The punching power that killed the giant zombies never weakened in the slightest, and it blasted out hundreds of thousands of meters away!A ravine up to [-] meters deep and hundreds of meters wide stretches all the way from Queens to Riverhead, and then blasts the sea through a channel to run through Little Picnic Bay and Gardners Bay, and then The small half of Gardners Island was smashed and smashed all the way to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean! ! !the Avengers:. . . . . .SHIELD.

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