. . . . .

. . . . :. . . . . .U.S. high-level: . . . . . .Everyone who saw this scene seemed to have lost the ability to speak for a moment.

All of them maintained an expression as they stared at the scene in front of them with astonishment. . . . .Until a minute or two has passed.

Clark turned to leave.

Only then did the Avengers come back to their senses, and they all looked at Clark, who was turning away, with a look of horror.

They didn't even dare to stop him!Wait until Clark's figure disappears at the end of the street.

They are looking at each other. . . . . . "Am I dreaming"

Sol patted his cheek.

Um. . . . .hurts a little!It doesn't seem to be dreaming.

The Hulk was so frightened that the green on his body continued to fade, and in an instant he returned to the state of Bruce Banner.

He rubbed his cheeks, smiled dryly and said, "Hehe...that's really...that's too exaggerated!!!"

Tony smacked his lips and smiled bitterly: "Guess how far his punch spreads"

The crowd looked at him.

"how far"

Steve asked.

Tony felt that his throat was a little dry, and said in a slightly jerky voice: "A full [-] meters!!!"

"And everything along the way was destroyed!!!"

"Gardenas Island has been wiped out in half, this... This is actually caused by the shock wave generated by his punch!!!"

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Chapter [-]: Absorb the energy of the universe Rubik's cube, a terrifying improvement of a Hulk in one second!

[Destroy a large city, cause a large number of casualties, and destroy 100 points.

! 】 Clark, who had already walked away, nodded with satisfaction when he heard the prompt sound in his mind.

"System, add all the points to the Kryptonian template."

21 points are instantly deducted!Clark opened his character panel and checked [Name: Clark. .Kent] [Gender: Male] [Age 70 Wolverine's self-healing ability improved plus Kryptonian template improvement] [Already owned template: Kryptonian template [-].

%] [Has the ability: Rule resistance intermediate passive resurrection passive absorption evolution passive kryptonite swallowing active kryptonite immunity passive Phoenix force 3 active incomplete element control passive super star energy passive energy absorption active telepathy 4 active from teleporter. . . . . . ] [Owned item: Quantum Shuttle Bracelet. . . . . . ] [Destruction points: 0 points increase the unlocking degree by [-]%%, so that the unlock degree of Clark's Kryptonian template has finally exceeded [-]%%.

In fact, Clark was able to break through [-]% of the template unlock rate a few months earlier.

But because Clark was curious before, he tapped the Phoenix Force twice.

As a result, a large amount of damage points was deducted, so it was only a few months late.

However, the power of the phoenix that was upgraded to level 3 did not let Clark waste the destruction points. If the initial power of the phoenix was used by Clark with an efficiency of 1, then the power of the phoenix reached 3. Use The efficiency has reached 10!That's a full tenfold improvement! ! !This is not only reflected in the power of the Phoenix Force, but also in Clark's diverse use of the Phoenix Force.

He can even use the power of the phoenix to save people!This was something Clark couldn't do before.

In addition, when the unlock rate of the Kryptonian template exceeded [-]% and [-]%, two new features were also unlocked.

They are super star energy and element control.

Both traits are passive traits.

Among them, the super star energy replaced the original star energy. This feature comes from the legendary golden superman, who has far more power than ordinary superman. .The absorption efficiency of stellar energy.

Let's say that.

If the absorption efficiency of ordinary stellar energy is 1.

Then the absorption efficiency of superstar energy is . . . 50, a full fifty-fold increase! ! !This means that the lifting effect of Clark's sun exposure for one day now can reach the past fifty days!And another element controls.

It's from Magic Superman.

Clark had also acquired the characteristics of a magical superman before this.

This is already the second feature associated with Magic Superman.

This feature gave Clark an unparalleled affinity for the elements, and even reached the level of control.

He tried.

Even if you haven't learned any magic knowledge.

But it can still easily mobilize all kinds of elements between heaven and earth.

For example, Clark can create fire, water, mud, thunder, etc. out of thin air in his hands. . .These. . . . . .

Just because I haven't learned about it. .knowledge of magic.

Although these can be made. . . . .Natural elements come, but in terms of power, they are very ordinary.

In the mutants, that is, the fourth level.

too weak!Clark also thought about whether he should go to Kama Taj and learn some magic from the ancient master.

But because it's not so urgent.

Therefore, it has not been put into action for a long time.

. . . . .Finally, it is. . .The unlocking degree just exceeded [-]%%, a newly unlocked feature.

Energy Absorption!This is an active type of feature.

Clark looked at some systems for . .This Tessau.

It is found that it can be mainly used to absorb various energy sources, and through this method, to improve one's own strength.

how to say. . . . . .It feels like super star energy.

Moreover, the super star energy is still a passive ability, and Clark does not need to actively use it at all. It is running automatically all the time. It is much more convenient than this energy absorption. . . . . .Clark quickly realized that he seemed to be thinking wrong.

Superstar energy can only absorb the energy of a star and has little effect on red giant stars.

But the newly acquired energy absorption properties are different.

It seems to absorb any kind of energy!This is awesome! ! ! "and many more...!"

"Any kind of energy can be absorbed!"

Clark suddenly widened his eyes and thought of something. He quickly turned his hand and took out the universe Rubik's Cube he had just obtained from the system space.

The cosmic Rubik's Cube with a faint blue glow appeared in Clark's hand, and the amazing energy contained in it, even if it was simply seen with the naked eye, made Clark unable to help but feel a little scared.

It is indeed a cosmic cube!Even if it is only used as a container for holding space gems, it has extremely strong energy in itself.

"Since the energy absorption ability can absorb any kind of energy, can I directly absorb the energy of the universe Rubik's cube or even the space gem?"

Before Clark thought about bringing the Infinity Stones of this world to the main world where he was originally.

But he can't guarantee whether there can be two Infinity Stones with the same properties in a world, if not. . . . . .Does it mean that there will be any changes in one of them, such as. . . . . . .turned into a hard rock but now!If Clark can really absorb the energy of the Infinity Stones directly.

Then he doesn't have to worry about these issues anymore.

He can completely absorb the energy in the Infinity Stone directly in this world, like this. . . . . .in spite of. . . .

Whether a single world allows two Infinity Stones with the same attributes, Clark doesn't need to care! "Try it!"

Clark held the Cosmic Cube in one hand and tried to use the energy absorption ability to absorb the energy inside the Cosmic Cube.

next moment. . . . . .A wisp of faint blue energy escaped from the universe Rubik's Cube and kept pouring towards Clark's palm.


Clark looked surprised.

next second. . . . . .Clark directly increased the absorption of the cosmic cube energy.

More secluded blue energy escaped out and continuously merged into Clark's palm.

He could clearly feel it. . . . . .You are getting stronger!The speed of this strengthening is even more violent than the sunlight shining on him at the moment. . . . . .If you really want to make a comparison. . . . . .The gap between the two is afraid that it can reach more than a hundred times! ! !You must know that Clark's super star energy characteristics have made him [-] times more efficient at absorbing star energy!And now. . . . . .He uses energy to absorb this ability, and the efficiency of absorbing the energy of the universe Rubik's cube is actually more than a hundred times higher than this basis!See how exaggerated it is! ! !During this time, Clark's strength was rapidly improving every day.

Although he did not specifically test.

Um. . . . .In fact, there is no such high-end instrument that allows him to complete the test!However, Clark estimated that the strength of his single arm is about [-] trillion tons!This is just the power of one arm!It can be lifted, the weight of heavy objects!If it's boxing. . . . . .Feel sorry!Clark hadn't calculated it, the number was probably too big, and he didn't bother to calculate it in detail.

After all, his speed can exceed [-] times the speed of sound!The speed at which a punch is thrown, coupled with this terrifying power. . . . .In fact, Clark was not serious at all when he punched the giant zombie before.

That's it. . . . . .The punch of a punch smashed everything within hundreds of thousands of meters along the way!And before that.

Clark basking in the sun for a day can almost increase the strength of one arm of [-] billion tons.

Um. . . . .This is when the unlocking degree is at [-]%%.

Now that it has exceeded [-]%, it should be improved a lot.

And now. . . . . .Clark absorbed the energy in the universe Rubik's Cube, and felt that the power he increased every second exceeded [-] million tons!Pretty much. .The power of a Hulk!With the power of one Hulk per second, this speed of improvement is simply terrifying to the extreme! ! !Just a minute or two.

Clark felt that his power had increased by another ten billion tons.

"Scary! It's terrifying! I'm a little afraid of myself!"

Clark, who was smiling all over his face, looked like he was being sold at a cheap price.

at this time. . . . . .Click!The surrounding world suddenly became a shattered mirror!Clark looked around, and the whole world turned into a mirror space.

"Oh! Did it come so soon, because I took two Infinity Stones?"

Clark muttered to himself.

Then he looked at the road [-] meters away, and a circular fire ring appeared.

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Chapter [-]: Gu Yi: "I don't care!"

Master Gu Yi, wearing a bright yellow robe, walked out from the other side of the portal.

"Visitor from another dimension, you took something that doesn't belong to you, please return it"

Clark shook the cosmic cube in his hand.

"you mean it"

he asked knowingly.

Master Gu Yi nodded with an indifferent expression.

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