"Mage, it doesn't seem to belong to you, so what right do you have for me to hand it over?"

Clark asked with a smile.

He is in a good mood now, so he doesn't mind chatting with Master Gu Yi.

Hearing this, Master Gu Yi shook his head unexpectedly.

"I don't have this power, but I will reason with you..."

"Use my magic"

Swish!A circular magic circle appeared in the hands of the ancient master.

Clark: . . . . . .You are really reasonable. "The character of the Master is very similar to me."

Clark smiled and said, "I also like to reason with others, um... with my fists."

The atmosphere became a little tense for a while, and got up.

At this time, Clark turned over and put the universe cube into the system space.

Lest Gu Yi use some weird means to steal it from him.

Absorb energy anytime.

Not in a hurry to see Clark put away the universe cube, a strange color flashed in Gu Yi's eyes.

"I sensed the fluctuations in space from you, but why can't I sense that different space?"

Hearing this, Clark smiled.

You need to be able to sense the system space.

You really want to be so stupid. . . . . .Clark turned around and ran away, "Mage, please punch me first."

next moment. . . . . .Clark's figure disappeared instantly.

Appearing again, the person has already arrived in front of the ancient master.

Bang Lung threw a heavy punch.

A magic shield in front of him burst open in an instant, and the remaining punches slammed into the ancient master himself who was hiding behind the magic shield.

Swish!Space is suddenly infinitely elongated.

Although the punch of Clark's punch is still there: it is raging, but no matter what, it can't hit the ancient one who seems to be close at hand.

After a while. . . . . .The fist dissipated.

"A terrifying force!"

Gu Yi said with a solemn expression.

She has encountered many enemies in her life, but in terms of pure power, Clark in front of her is definitely the strongest among them, and she is the kind of "stronger" who can shake off the second place and countless streets. , it's not useless if you can't hit someone."

Clark said with a smile.

It seems that he doesn't care that his punch didn't hurt Master Gu Yi at all.

And in fact. . . . . . .Clark really never thought that he could hurt this... the famous Supreme Mage with a pure physical attack.

Even if his physical attack is terrifying enough to shatter the continental shelf and blast the core of a planet, "I have already experienced your methods, and now it's your turn to see mine."

Master Gu Yi spoke lightly.

As she pinched out a seal in her hand. . . . . .There are countless ancient masters in an instant. . .Appears in this mirror space.

"Cut is an old trick again."

Clark pouted, completely disregarding the magic of the ancient master.

The person in front of me... Mage Gu Yi may not know that this is not the first time the two of them have fought each other.

And the last time they played against each other, Clary was far from what it is now.

Even so.

What did the Ancient One Mage do back then?

Not to mention now, Clark, whose strength has become stronger than that time.

. . . . .After a few minutes, in the mirror space. . . . . . "Master, this is it"

Clark stood proudly in the air. There were countless figures of the Ancient One Mage a few minutes ago, and now there is only the last one left, which is also the body of the Ancient One Mage.

"Your strength is very strong, but what surprised me is that you have a particularly keen perception of the elements of the universe. If you were from this world, I believe I would be willing to accept you as a disciple and teach you more Magical knowledge."

Master Gu Yi shook his head gently, looking a little regretful.

immediately. . . . . . "Then...you try this trick again"

"The Mirror Turns the World"

Boom!The world of the entire mirrored space is spinning, upside down and left and right upside down. Immediately following the space, there is a phenomenon of folding, and the space of an area is smashed directly towards Clark.

He quickly avoided it.

Then I watched the space in that area folded again and again, and finally turned into a black dot the size of a sesame seed.


Clark couldn't help but exclaim.

Just relying on the control of the mirror space with this hand, the ancient master is worthy of the absolute heavenly father-level strength of the supreme mage. . . . . .Clark isn't bad either. .In terms of space perception, he is no worse than Master Gu Yi.

The difference is just the means used!Clark's figure kept flashing in the mirror space.

He avoided the folded space area again and again, and the entire mirrored space was also shrinking sharply with the continuous folding of the space for only a moment. Clark could even see the boundary of this mirrored space! "Does the mage want to use this method to force me to nowhere to hide?"

Clarke said with a laugh.

next moment. . . . . .His figure disappeared into the mirror space with a swipe.


Master Gu Yi was taken aback for a moment, his perception ability was released, and he did not perceive Clark's existence in the mirror space.

With a wave of her hand, she removed the mirrored space and appeared on the real street.

Not far in front of her, Clark, who just disappeared from the mirror space, was looking at her with a smile.

"Well, I have a showdown. In fact, Master, your mirror space can't trap me at all."

Clark spread his hands and said with a smile.

Rao was a recuperation from Master Gu Yi for hundreds of years, and at this moment, he felt a little embarrassed.

Co-authored. . . . . .You've been on this before: Make fun of me!Master Gu Yi, who was embarrassed in his heart, did not speak for a long time.

It's been a long time. . . . . .She sighed helplessly and said, "Forget it, I can't take back the two Infinity Stones from your hands. What you want to do is up to you."

The ancient wizard gave up the idea of ​​getting the Infinity Stones back from Clark's hands.

It's not that she didn't try.

She has tried, but the reality is. . .Can't do it.

Then there is nothing she can do.

Even if Clark is exiled to a different dimension, she still can't get the two Infinity Gems back, and Clark, who holds the Space Gem, will be able to come back sooner or later.

so. . . . . .Gu Yi also figured it out.

Anyway. . .Their world is just that. . .It's just a parallel world split from the main timeline, and it will be erased sooner or later.

All this has been doomed as early as the beginning of their world's birth.

Gu Yi also looked at it.

You can toss as much as you like, anyway. . .She doesn't care!With a wave of his hand, a portal sputtering with sparks opened.

Master Gu Yi was about to step into it.

At this moment. . . . . .Clark stopped her.

"Mage, don't the Mage plan to take care of these zombie viruses?"

Clark asked.

Master Gu Yi looked at him, shook his head and said, "This is something that humans have made themselves, and any result will be borne by them."

After speaking, Master Gu Yi stepped directly into the portal and disappeared.

Seeing that the portal was closed, Clark also reached out and touched his chin, thinking.

"It seems that the ancient master of this world seems to be a little different from the one in my world in character."

how to say. . . . . .Better yet, it is. . .More free and easy.

She can do it if she can, pull it if she can't, and she doesn't care about her own affairs. Even if all human beings are wiped out, she doesn't care.

And at worst, it's a little bit. . . . . .Do nothing!That's what it means to be passive and not poop in a dungeon anyway.

As the Supreme Mage, her job is just that. . .Protect the earth from invasion by foreign enemies.

But the current one... Gu Yi Mage. . . . . .It seems that he is not very enthusiastic about his work.

Kind of: the feeling of messing around.

As for the reason. . . . . .Clark felt that she probably knew too much because she knew that the world she was in was just a parallel world split from the main timeline, so she started to become indifferent to many things.

Anyway. .When the plot of the main timeline reaches the end of Avengers IV, that's all. . . . .Parallel worlds are to be erased.

Others don't know, Mage Gu Yi won't know since it will be erased sooner or later.

So whether this world developed well or not well before it was erased, yes. .For Master Gu Yi, it doesn't really mean much.

unless. . . . . .Like the one in the main world where Clark is located, like the Ancient One Mage, she found an anomaly like Clark, which directly led to fluctuations in the primary and secondary timelines.

Because there is hope, there will naturally be more motivation. . . . . . : The Internet is disconnected, and the code on the mobile phone is at least slower than that of the computer. . . . .More than twice, so today's update will be relatively late, hope for understanding!To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty: Avengers Internal Meeting

It was precisely because he saw hope in Clark that the Ancient One Mage would allow Clark to do anything wrong!Of course that was before.

Now, except for Master Gu Yi. . . . . . . .The last hole card, that time gem.

All other means have failed Clark.

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