. . . . .SHIELD.

. . . . .

. . . . , on the air carrier.

The Avengers are all sitting here at this time, and all their faces are not very good-looking.

At this time, Nick Fury walked in with Hill.

When Steve saw the two, he immediately got up and asked, "How is the situation?"

Nick Fury sat down with Hill and then motioned Hill to hand them the documents in his hand.

"Look at it all."

Hill said.

Steve took the file and handed the other one to the others.

After a while, everyone had the same document in their hands.

After half a sound. . . . . . "So, the zombie virus this time is really not those... spread by the Qitarui people."

Nick Fury shook his head and said, "Because the hidden dangers of zombies on New York's side have almost been cleared, our people also entered and launched some investigations."

"Then the results of the investigation showed that the source of the virus came from a private research laboratory."

Hearing this, Tony on the side sneered.

"You are sure of a private research laboratory"

Nick Fury glanced at him, his face equally ugly.

"At least that's what the registration materials say."

Tony sneered.

He was all too familiar with this routine.

What a shitty private research lab!obviously it is. . .With the support of the military behind it, the reason why they put up a private label is just to make it easier to throw the blame after an accident.

Just like this time. . . . . .If such a big thing happened, if it was a military sign directly hanging.

So now at least a large number of military bosses will be ousted.

And now it's because it's a private label.

Even if everyone knows what's going on in their hearts, the civilians underneath don't know.

As long as the people don't make trouble, the big bosses at the top will turn big things into small ones, and small things into small ones!This kind of routine, Tony sees a lot.

It's no longer strange.

But even so. . . . . .This time it was still disgusting to him.

"I just saw that this document says that this zombie virus is airborne"

Steve didn't pay too much attention to the question of who was held accountable. What he cared more about was the spread of the virus itself.

"If it is spread through the air, then this country, and even the whole world, may not be saved."

Dr. Banner pushed up his glasses with a solemn expression on his face.

"is it so serious"

Sol didn't quite understand the seriousness of the problem.

In his opinion, although the monster created by the zombie virus is powerful, that...isn't that a rare case? Most of the others. .Zombies are not easy to deal with. Why does Dr. Banner say that this virus is enough to cause a global extinction disaster? Is it too exaggerated! "It's no exaggeration at all."

Tony frowned and said: "This virus is something we have never seen before, so even if it is the fastest, it will take at least half a year to develop an antidote to the virus."

"Before the antidote is researched, this zombie virus will spread all over the world. With the description of this zombie virus in this document, it will not take a month... worldwide. If you point at least [-]% of human beings, you will be infected with this virus and turn into zombies."

"That's not ten percent left"

Sol still didn't understand.

"With the reproduction speed of your humans, it shouldn't take hundreds of years to reproduce to the current number."

"That's true, but the reality is not like that."

Dr Banner explained: "First of all, the death of a large number of people will cause a large number of countries to become defunct in name, so that the survivors within these countries basically do not survive very long."

"And even some developed countries with complete disaster emergency measures will have an extremely difficult life in the face of a large number of zombies that are far stronger than humans!"


"If the situation is really that bad, for us humans, it is... a catastrophe that could wipe out an entire race!"

One of Dr. Banner's family members can be said to have put the final result in front of everyone's eyes.

In the entire command room, everyone was silent, and everyone was thinking about the future depicted by Dr. Banner. . . . . .A deep breath of despair permeated the entire command room.

After a while. . . . . . "So, how bad is the situation really there is no way to stop it?"

Steve is now more serious than ever, looking at Nick Fury sitting over there.

At this time, Nick Fury sighed and said, "Fortunately, the situation is not as bad as Dr. Banner you said."

Hearing this, the people who were almost in despair at first, suddenly had a ray of hope in their eyes.

"Although this zombie virus is transmitted through the air, their survival time in the air is not too long."

Nick Fury handed a document in his hand to Dr. Banner.

After Dr. Banner took it, he immediately opened it to check.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, it seems that this virus can only survive in the air for at most 6 hours."

"In this case, it will infect the entire United States at most, and maybe two neighboring countries will also be affected, but the scope will not be too broad."

Hearing this, the others were also relieved.

"Moreover, this zombie virus doesn't seem to be able to survive at high altitudes, and as long as the altitude exceeds 500 meters above sea level, there is no risk of being infected."

Speaking of this, Dr. Banner stretched out his hand and pushed his glasses, and said, "No wonder, no one in the entire aerospace carrier was infected."

The aircraft carrier, which has been maintained at an altitude of more than [-] meters, obviously does not have an environment for viruses to survive.

It's not the inside of the mothership, but the high-altitude environment outside, where the virus can't spread at all.

The Avengers who came up behind have also undergone strict disinfection tests before boarding the mothership to ensure that the virus will not be brought to the mothership by them.

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Chapter [-]: Clark: "I'm a good guy!"

Helicarrier, in the command room.

The Avengers are still discussing how to deal with this virus crisis.

Although it has been determined that this will not turn into a global crisis.

But I have to say that even superheroes have national boundaries.

The global crisis is terrifying!But a national crisis, for. .For most of the people present, the difference from the former doesn't seem to be that big.

Even if it doesn't show on the bright side, in the bottom of my heart, I still feel a little unhappy.

Among the Avengers present, except. . . . . . . .Except for Sol, they are all American.

Even if you weren't born in the US.

But the current nationality is also the United States, more or less, they will think from the perspective of the United States.

Now the country is in trouble, one is bad, maybe it is. . .A disaster that destroys the country.

How could they not be in a hurry! . . . . .Just as the Avengers were nervously discussing how to deal with those. .When an apparently evolved zombie appears after being infected.

Clark on the other side had come to a remote town at this time.

The entire town is not large, with only a few thousand households and a population of less than [-].

After Clark came here, he found a hotel in the town, which was actually the only hotel, and stayed after opening a room.

the following few days.

Clark stayed in this small town. He was in the sun during the day. He walked around the town and met some residents of the town.

Then spend the evening soaking up the cosmic cube energy in the room, or head to one of the town's bars for a drink.

For the first three days, the town was peaceful.

Although through the TV news, it can be seen that the outside world has been completely chaotic.

The zombie virus spread to almost every corner of the United States within 6 hours of the first day.

Only a very few, like this small town, escaped the catastrophe because they were too remote.

Most cities and towns in the United States have been ravaged by zombie viruses.

Even the one farther south... the country that has always been looked down upon by the United States has been affected to a certain extent.

The residents of the town also pass through these. . . . .TV news, learned that the outside world has become so terrifying.

Some people are beginning to appreciate that they live in such a remote town.

And some parents whose children work in cities outside the city are rushing to contact their children outside the home.

Some are connected, but many are not connected at all.

Gradually, the atmosphere in the town became depressed because of the external situation.

And outsiders like Clark were rejected by the vast majority of people.

Not to mention, Clark is still yellow-skinned.

In many parts of the United States, yellow skin is more unpopular than dark skin.

Perhaps in times of peace, people ostensibly do some camouflage.

But in this special time. . . . . .They obviously don't even bother to pretend!On several occasions, Clark was greeted with disgusted glances when he went out.

Some would even speak ill of him directly.

This made Clark sigh involuntarily that the United States is indeed a 'free' country! "You think so too"

Clark looked down at the two teenagers who covered their faces with their hands in front of them.

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